In this text, the apostle praises God, and gives reason for that praise. He, according to His mercy has “begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
The term “begotten” in verse 3 is the same term in verse 23, where we are told we have been “born again” through the word of God.
The term is found only in these two verses. Interesting, it is a similar term to the one used in John 3:16, where Jesus is said to be the “only begotten” (gk., monogenes). Here all Christians are “begotten” (gk., anagennao).
Where Jesus, in a sense, is the only begotten; in another sense all Christians are begotten of God when we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As stated in the text, when we are begotten, or born again, we are granted great privileges. We have hope, and an undefiled and incorruptible inheritance reserved in heaven.
This is so because we are kept by God’s power. We are protected by Him because we are His children. This is a reason for rejoicing, no matter the present circumstances of our lives. We are the begotten of God!