From the Preacher’s Pen: 22 Years and Counting…


On September 3, 1989 a 27 year old preacher from Odessa, TX preached his first sermon for the West Side congregation in Fort Worth, TX. He had a beautiful young wife, a 4 year old son, and a little girl just two months shy of her 3rd birthday.

Today marks the 22nd anniversary of that first sermon. In the intervening years there have been two more children, a lot of laughter and tears, the appearance of not a few grey hairs… and hopefully the seasoning and maturity of a preacher.

As we begin our 23rd year together, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my love for each of you. I appreciate the confidence you have shown in me, and the stand for truth you have taken through the years. During conflict and tribulation you have consistently shown a willingness to do what is right. You have never chafed at the preaching of God’s word, nor objected to the declaration of the “whole counsel of God” (cf. Acts 20:27). You have been kind to my wife and children, and allowed me to raise them in a stable environment that too few preachers enjoy.

In short, this congregation is in many ways exemplary. That is not to say that we have not had our share of troubles, nor that there is not much improvement that can be made—but in a day where too many have heaped to “themselves teachers, having itching ears” (cf. 2 Timothy 4:3) you are to be commended for your love for truth.

I thank God every day for you, my brethren. I pray I will have many more years and opportunities to share with you my understanding of the treasures of God’s will.

Stan signature

Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: