Mining the Scriptures: John 1:19-23

In our text, the apostle John refers to John the Baptist’s “testimony.” The term is a general one and can be used in a judicial sense, as in many other contexts.  Here it is stating the truth that John said about himself as the forerunner of Jesus Christ.

John the Baptist was a charismatic and compelling figure. A rough hewn man, coming out of the wilderness, preaching a message of repentance to the people.  As Herod knew, the people thought him to be a prophet (Matthew 14:5). From John’s own testimony we know the following:

  • He was not the Christ.  In fact, he freely admitted that “One mightier that I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose” (Luke 3:16).
  • He was not literally Elijah, or the Prophet, though Jesus later said that John did fulfill the prophecy of Malachi 4:5-ff.
  • He was, however, the one to herald the coming of the Messiah, in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 40:3).

We are grateful for his ministry, he did his work powerfully, willingly and well.


Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: