Psychology and the Bible

Early on during my stint in a state college, I briefly considered majoring in Psychology. I took two courses before changing my mind. The first was introductory. It explained various views (that were very contradictory to scripture) but was enjoyable. The second was a course in Adolescent Psychology, taught by a very arrogant (and idiotic) professor. The man had a very superior air, and dogmatic views on child raising, and used his young son to make his points. Trouble is, in his own description, his young son was completely out of control, to a great extent because of how he was raised! My view of the matter was held by many of the students. By the end of the class I switched my major to control engineering, though that did not last long either.

In my years as a preacher, I have found that there is good that Psychology and Psychiatry can do. While the two are “soft sciences”, they are needed and have helped some who have chemical imbalances, phobias or other abnormal mental issues. Most of the time I can help individuals who suffer guilt from sin, or who demonstrate a definite need for comfort or encouragement from God’s word. But, there have been times when I have had to acknowledge that mental conditions might require skills and help that I as a preacher am not qualified to offer.

However, much reflection and care needs to be taken by anyone who considers seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, for numerous reasons. I would like to write about a few in this short article. While I freely admit that I know little about Psychology, I am sufficiently aware of God’s word as a Christian to note the danger of unquestioningly embracing Psychological therapy.

As I mentioned, these are “soft sciences.”  defines such disciplines as: “any of the specialized fields or disciplines, as psychology, sociology, anthropology, or political science, that interpret human behavior, institutions, society, etc., on the basis of scientific investigations for which it may be difficult to establish strictly measurable criteria” (emp. mine). There are demonstrable laws in physics, chemistry and astronomy for example, that can be measured and do not change. The same cannot be said for the soft sciences. For example, the famous Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud postulated developmental theories where he emphasized that each man had an Id, Ego and Super Ego. While his theories were well received, and still sound good to some, his methods and ultimately his philosophy has been rejected by the majority, and he has been largely discredited. In contrast, Aaron Beck’s theory of cognitive dissonance (the view that psychological stress comes when a person holds to contradictory values [duh!], led him to develop cognitive therapy, which is still widely practiced today.  Remember, we do not ultimately know the mind of man, while the Creator of man does. “I will praise you [God], for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:14).

These “sciences” do not derive their views from God.  Though some of what is believed and practiced might come from observations that are obvious and indeed are revealed clearly in God’s word, often this is not the case. Here we might use a present issue to illustrate our point. In the past, a child born as one sex, but with feelings that they would more appropriately feel comfortable being a different sex were considered to have a mental issue called gender dysphoria. Why? Hard science! Women  have an XX chromosome, where men have an XY chromosome. Anything different than that (genetically) is an abnormality (for example, the rare Klinefelter syndrome, where a male has an extra X chromosome. It is a genetic illness, like Down’s Syndrome, though it evidences itself differently. Even advocates for transsexualism, and those who themselves make the claim, generally acknowledge that Klinefelter syndrome has no part to play in the issue. The Bible is unambiguous on the matter, men are men and women are women (cf. Genesis 1:26-31; 2:18-25). This ultimately is the basis of heterosexual marriage (Genesis 2:18-25), and the different duties that are given to the man and woman in the home (Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:4; Titus 2:4-5). But, secular men have no desire either to submit to, or turn to the Bible for their insight and wisdom on the matter. So, gender dysphoria is now only diagnosed in those who feel confused, but desire not to change. If one feels confused or conflicted about his sex, typically  he is now considered an example of having a different gender identity. Now the physical attributes are changed, rather than dealing with the psychological problems associate with being one sex, but having mental confusion. It is now called gender choice, and what once did not exist, and does not exist when you look at hard science, has been accepted by men who reject God.

Here is the problem. Men and God differ. If one has guilt from sin, God says repent, and gives the promise of grace. Men however point to guilt as the problem, and as a solution seek to change one’s mind about sin. It is not sin, or it is not your fault, or it is not your reality. Therapy often involves techniques and teaching that is completely at odds with what God has revealed. Remember this, a psychologist typically is not interested in the salvation of your soul, he only wants you to feel better about yourself. But it does no good to feel better about yourself if it leads you to eternal condemnation! Read Colossians 2:1-10, and understand that what God says is what matters, not the views of men.

Author: Stan Cox

Minister, West Side church of Christ since August of 1989 ........ Editor of Watchman Magazine (1999-2018 Archives available online @ ........ Writer, The Patternists: