In John 4 we see a casual meeting between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Jesus was tired, and rested at Jacob’s well while his disciples left to by some food in Sychar.
A woman came by to draw water and Jesus asked for a drink. Since Jesus was a Jew, and the woman a Samaritan, it was not a normal request (“for Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans” [9], and so this simple request became a conversation, one that Jesus quickly turned to a spiritual discussion.
This discussion led to Jesus’ declaration (believed by the woman) that He was the Christ! [26] The burgeoning faith of the woman, opened the door to an opportunity for Jesus to share his message with the entire city, bringing faith to many more! [39-42].
Yes, Jesus was a special teacher, but rather than excusing ourselves as being less capable, why can’t we seek to emulate His practice? The next time you have an opportunity to start a conversation, be it with family, friends, or perhaps even a stranger, do it and see where it goes! Can you direct it to spiritual matters? Will this person be convinced and become a believer? Will other opportunities arise because of a simple effort on your part? Yes, all of this is possible!