Paul had a problem to solve when he wrote his personal appeal to Philemon. Philemon had a slave, the slave had become a Christian and was helpful to Paul, but Paul knew it would be wrong to impose his desire regarding the slave, Onesimus, without Philemon’s permission.
How was the problem solved? By all three men acting selflessly. Paul deferred to Philemon, Philemon deferred to Paul, Onesimus deferred to both men. All showed love, humility, selflessness, and the brotherhood that is seen in Christ. A circumstance that was fraught with potential tension and conflict was resolved because of the Christian attitudes that existed and were acted upon.
No doubt you, (as do I), have a problem with slavery. This article is not about that. It is noting this truth: You can make laws, compel or shame — however, if one is not of a mind to treat others with love and selflessness, problems follow.
Instead, the way of the Lord is love, service and sacrifice. It is selflessness. If that is the way we all act, then God’s desires will be upheld and served.
This is the solution, though many refuse to follow it. This is the way of God, and should be our practice as well. Think about it.