Paul here (and in chapter 3) seeks to downplay his personal abilities and proclamations, instead showing the Corinthians that the true power for salvation was in God’s word. He said in 3:7 that he was not “anything.” He stated in Romans 1:16 that the power of God to salvation was in the message of the gospel, not in the messenger.
So, here in chapter two he affirmed it wasn’t in his abilities of wisdom that salvation came. Only that in weakness, fear and much trembling he preached only Christ and Him crucified.
This demonstrates and important truth that Paul emphasized in all of his epistles. The power that brings redemption does not come from men, but from God. Not in human wisdom, but “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”
His conclusion here is an important one. We should not consider any success we have in Christ to be because of us! It is because of the power of God!