Author: Stan Cox
Sermon: Not Carnality, But Christ
The text of Colossians 3 contrasts the life of the self-indulgent with the better life of a child of God who practices self-denial. Let us choose Christ rather than the fleshly lusts!
Sermon: Diligence
Diligence in serving God, the Brethren, Family and Others. These are the hallmarks of faithful disciples.
Worship Schedule During COVID Pandemic
All services have resumed as normal. Following is our schedule, along with the precautions being followed to protect the congregation and any visitors.
- 9:00 am worship hour
- 10:00 am Bible Classes for all ages
- 11:00 am worship hour (The Lord’s Supper will be served during this hour)
- 7:30 pm Bible Classes
- Social distancing to be practiced at all times. (The auditorium is large enough to allow for sufficient space between families).
- Hand Sanitizer located at each entrance and in common areas.
- Masks to be worn by all attending while in the building (exceptions only for preaching, and those with health issues that require no mask).
- Sanitized, individual containers for the Lord’s Supper emblems, to be taken to seat before worship.
- Contribution baskets in foyer, and overflow areas.
All visitors are welcome. Single use masks are supplied as needed. (Check credenza left of center as you enter the foyer).
Sermon: Using Euphemisms
The use of Euphemisms can be healthy and helpful. In fact, euphemisms are often found in scripture. However, when they are used to mask profane thoughts and ugly words, they are sinful!
Sermon: The Cost and Reward of Righteousness
Joseph, in Genesis 39, shows us that righteousness sometimes comes with consequences. Remember, it may cause conflict on earth, but it guarantees a heavenly reward!
Sermon: They Continued Steadfastly in Prayer
The disciples practice of prayer in the first century, both in frequency and manner, serve as a wonderful example for Christians today to emulate.
Sermon: You Have Not Passed This Way Before
As Moses taught Israel in Joshua 3 as they were preparing to cross the Jordan, it is reckless to launch out on your own, without direction. So long as we trust in God and His word, the untrod paths can be traversed accurately and safely.
Sermon: Wrong is Always Wrong
Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether it is legal, you get caught doing it, you do it for the right reasons, someone else influences you, or the other person is doing even worse. It is wrong even if your conscience is clear or it is an expedient thing to do. It is wrong even if you refuse to admit it is wrong. It is wrong even if it is done in ignorance, or if others are doing it too. Wrong is ALWAYS Wrong!
Sermon: The Righteous King
Psalm 72 is a Messianic Psalm, detailing the Messiah as King, the nature of His kingdom and extent of His reign.
COVID-19 (33) Worshiping the Creature Rather Than the Creator
A couple of days ago I watched a discussion regarding the ongoing protests in America. The premise was the seeming desire of protestors to abolish the institutions and way of life that has characterized America from the beginning.
As a response to the part that racism plays in the conflict, the host of the program (a news anchor) referred to the Declaration of Independence. She said that the declaration clearly states that “nature has created all of us as equals.”
Continue reading “COVID-19 (33) Worshiping the Creature Rather Than the Creator” →
Sermon: How’s Your Relationship with God?
A relationship with God requires contact with Him, time spent in His presence, trust in Him, and an effort to nurture that relationship. How are you doing?
Sermon: The Roles of Joshua, Son of Nun
Joshua serves as a wonderful example of faithfulness in every role he held in his life. Whether as a son, a slave, a servant, soldier, or spy. He saved his people, and is among those set apart by God. May we faithfully serve God as he did.
Sermon: The Good News
The true, final and unique gospel of Jesus Christ is worthy of note.
Sermon: Amon and Josiah
Josiah was as good a man and king as his father Amon was bad. We can learn from both of their examples. Lessons of accountability, priorities, youth and influence are found in the narrative of their lives and reigns.
Sermon: The Lord’s Coming
An exegetical study of the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-19, examining the second coming of Jesus.