Category: Invitations
Invitations and short talks delivered by the men at the West Side congregation.
Invitation: Our Sufficiency is in Christ
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The 10th chapter of 2 Corinthians is examined to make the point that our sufficiency is not in ourselves, but in the Lord. Therefore, “he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” (vs. 17)
Invitation: Choosing Your Attitude
Invitation delivered by: Josh Jackson
Josh expresses the importance of having and showing a correct attitude in the Christian life. We are to rejoice, even amid tribulation. The point is made that such an attitude is a matter of choice or will.
Invitation: Our Heart is Wide Open
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Corinthians 6:11 the apostle Paul expresses his love for the Corinthians despite the necessity of admonishing them. We should have a wide open heart for one another, but not for the world!
Invitation: Eternally Relevant
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Colossians 4:16 Paul encouraged the Colossians to share the epistle he had written with the Christians in Laodicea. The words inspired by the Holy Spirit are relevant for all people, for all time.
Invitation: Do Not Grow Weary
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Paul identifies those among them who were walking disorderly, and gives the exhortation to not grow weary in doing good.
Invitation: Baptism in Water
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The texts of 1 Peter 3:21 and Acts 8:36 show clearly that baptism for the remission of sins is baptism in water.
Invitation: Inviting Others
Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera
1 Corinthians 1:18-ff is used as a text to encourage the congregation to invite others to come to the gospel meeting.
Invitation: Putting Up With Error
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 the Apostle Paul discusses the very real danger of going astray, departing from truth.
Invitation: Bearing Burdens
Invitation delivered by: Joshua Jackson
In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus promises us an easy burden and light yoke. We are given instructions (Gal. 6:2) to help bear one another’s burdens.
Invitation: What It Means to be a Pilgrim
Invitation delivered by: Chad Gallman
1 Peter 2:11-12 is used as a text, as Chad explains what it means to be a pilgrim.
Invitation: Being Known as a Christian
Invitation delivered by: Joshua Jackson
If you have to tell people you are a Christian, then there is something amiss. It should be obvious to all that you are, and will be if you are conducting yourself as a Christian should.
Invitation: A Father of Many Nations
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
Paul, in Romans 4:7-ff Paul uses the fact that Abraham was counted as righteous before he was circumcised as proof that all nations have access to salvation in Christ Jesus.
Invitation: Rejecting God
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The text of 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 reveals an admonition of Paul to abound in obedience to the commands of God (especially in the realm of morality). Those who refuse to do so are not rejecting man, they are rejecting God.
Invitation: We Are Not Alone!
Invitation delivered by: Ben Schmidt
In 2 Kings 6:12-ff, the prophet Elisha showed his servant that with God, we are never alone. This is a lesson we should learn as well!
Invitation: The Root Supports the Branches
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
Paul’s use of the Olive Tree metaphor in Romans 11 teaches two important lessons (among others). First, we are saved by Grace. Second, we must remain faithful until death to be saved.