Category: Invitations
Invitations and short talks delivered by the men at the West Side congregation.
Invitation: Wait on the Lord
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The Psalmist, in Psalm 37:30-38, notes that ultimately God will save the righteous. Wait on the Lord.
Invitation: Heirs of God
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Galatians 4:4-7, Paul describes the change that comes once we are redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ. We become heirs of God!
Invitation: Why Do You Boast in Evil?
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The disobedient, no matter their might, will be judged by the Almighty God.
Invitation: Love One Another
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
Paul exhorts the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 4:9 to love one another, increasing more and more.
Invitation: Let Each Please His Neighbor
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
Paul, in Romans 15:2 admonishes each of us to please our neighbor. However, the context indicates that pleasure to be by way of edification, exhortation and even needed admonition.
Invitation: Doctrinal Chastity
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 Paul equates an embracing of religious error with seduction and infidelity to God. We are to be chaste. That means not only morally, but doctrinally.
Invitation: The Rock That is Higher Than I
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
Psalm 61:1-4 reveals in poetic terms the protection afforded us by the Almighty.
Invitation: Who Should You Trust?
Invitation delivered by: Brantley Gallman
What do the scriptures reveal concerning who you should trust with regard to spiritual matters. (God, our brethren, ourselves).
Invitation: Fear God, Not Men
Invitation delivered by: Josh Cox
In Matthew 10:16-26 Jesus taught his disciples of impending persecution. However, he admonished them to remain faithful to God, rather than fear the reprisals of men. A lesson we should learn as well.
Invitation: Be Reconciled to God
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Paul speaks of our being a “new creation” in Christ. This happens because we are reconciled with God.
Invitation: The Pride of Man
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In James 4:13-ff, James admonishes the arrogance of the man who believes that he has control of his life. He does not, and is dependent upon God’s will to continue on the earth. As such, we must recognize that today is the day for our salvation!
Invitation: All Seek Their Own
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Philippians 2:19-23, the apostle Paul gave a great commendation of Timothy for his desire to serve His Lord.
Invitation: Only a Form of Godliness
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
2 Timothy 3:1-5 reveals that some in the last days will have a form of godliness, but are in reality ungodly. May it be that we are not this way!
Invitation: Glory in the Cross of Christ
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Galatians 6:12-16 Paul reveals that our glorying must be solely in the cross of Christ. This is because our redemption is based solely upon whether we are His!
Invitation: What Is Truth?
Invitation delivered by: Bob Ward
In John 18, Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” While his question may have been an expression of sarcasm or flippancy, the question itself is valid and needed.