Category: Invitations

Invitations and short talks delivered by the men at the West Side congregation.

Invitation: God’s Approval

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

Ultimately it does not matter whether we are approved by others, or even by ourselves. All that matters is that we meet with God’s approval.


Invitation: Perverting the Gospel

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

Both in Galatians 1, and 2 Corinthians 11, Paul warns his readers about “putting up with” a perverted gospel. A perverted gospel can not save! We must contend for and accept the faith as it was once delivered to us!


Invitation: Demolition and Rebuilding

Invitation delivered by: Brad Gallman

In this talk, Brad noted that one must first demolish a building before a new, better building can be erected. The same is so with God’s efforts toward men. The old man is demolished, that a new man may be created by Him.


Invitation: Taking Responsibility for Your Soul

Invitation delivered by: Josh Cox

The Bible teaches that man has a certain amount of responsibility for his own standing before God. Faith working together with obedience is the message of scripture.


Invitation: Living and Dying

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

In 2 Corinthians 4, the apostle Paul contrasts the ultimate resolution of our physical lives (death) with the ultimate resolution of our spiritual lives as Christians (eternal life).


Invitation: You Reap What You Sow

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

In Galatians 6:7-8, Paul warns that we will reap what we sow, and gives the exhortation to do good, to reap God’s approval.


Invitation: For the Love of God and Man

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

In 1 John 5:1-2, the apostle reveals that obedience to the commands of God are necessary for us to properly express our love both for God, and for man.


Invitation: Preaching, the Gospel, Faith and Salvation

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

Romans 1 and Romans 10 show the relationship between the preaching of the gospel, and the formation of the faith that saves men’s souls.


Invitation: Come to the Water’s Source

Invitation delivered by: Josh Jackson

In Jesus’ discourse to the Samaritan woman (John 4) he teaches us the importance of coming to Him, the source of Living water!


Invitation: If then you were raised with Christ

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

In Colossians 3:1, Paul introduces an “if/then” statement which establishes two things. If you were raised with Christ, you have an obligation to serve Him, and you have the hope of reward for such service.


Invitation: Further Clothed

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

In, 2 Corinthians 5, Paul expressed his hope and aim to live for God to be further clothed in immortality.


Invitation: Christian Characteristics Equip Us

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

The Christian attributes listed in such places as Galatians 5, 2 Peter 1 and Ephesians 6 equip us to handle Satan’s onslaughts, and prepare us for an eternity in heaven with God.


Invitation: Christ, Our Perfect High Priest

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

Hebrews 7 describes the superiority of Christ as our High Priest. He is perfect, both as sacrifice and priest. Therefore, He is able to save us to the uttermost.


Invitation: Making Your Call and Election Sure

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

The text of 2 Peter 1 shows that we can impact (either by diligence or neglect) our standing with God.


Invitation: Consider God in All Aspects

Invitation delivered by: Jonathan Hinds

Jonathan uses Romans 11:22 to introduce the thought that we should consider all aspects of God’s nature. To emphasize either His goodness or His severity to the dtriment of the opposite is to develop an incorrect view of Him.
