Category: e) Acts
Commentary on Acts
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 2:5-13
The text of Acts reveals the preaching of Jesus’ completed gospel, with power, for the first time. It was accompanied with power from the Holy Spirit. One sign given as seen in our text is the gift of tongues or languages. The apostles were able to speak to the audience “each in our own language in which we were born” (8) through the power of God.
Some mocked in response, “They are full of new wine” (13). This contention was obviously false. Getting drunk does not make one a polyglot. Setting aside Peter’s objection that it was still early in the day, what they claimed simply was not possible.
The other response was perplexity and amazement (12), as God’s intended. The fact that on that day 3,000 became obedient to that gospel (41) with growth continuing in the days and weeks to come indicates clearly both the power of God, and the significance of Pentecost. It was the establishment of Jesus’ church, as God has in these “last days spoken to us by His Son” (Hebrews 1:2).
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 2:1-4
Acts 2 begins with one of the most significant events in the plan of God to redeem man, the establishment of Christ’s church. As the first verse indicates it was on the day of Pentecost. (The first Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection from the dead). This was in accord with Jesus promise, “..and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
The events of the day were accompanied by signs from God, to establish the legitimacy of the events. As indicated in Peter’s words later in the chapter (cf. vss. 16-21), these events were the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy of Joel 2:28-32.
The sound of a rushing mighty wind filled the place where they sat. Divided tongues, as of fire, sat upon each of them. (Both audible and visual signs of God’s validation of the apostle’s words. Finally, they (the twelve, now including Matthias) were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in languages they didn’t know.
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:21-26
After the death of Judas Iscariot, in response to Psalm 109:8, it became necessary for the others to replace him as an apostle. The two men considered, Matthias and Joseph (Barsabas Justus), were faithful disciples who had witness the entire ministry of Jesus. One of them was to officially become “a witness with us of His resurrection” (22).
This was not a choosing made by the disciples. Instead they left the choosing entirely to God. First, they prayed to God. They asked God to “who which of these two You have chosen” (24).
Second, they cast their lots. Typically, the casting of lots would only choose through chance. But this time the context indicates that God was in control. This was the disciples’ way to accede all will to God Himself.
The lot fell on Matthias. He truly became one of the twelve. His name is not mentioned again, but with the others he had the responsibility of teaching and edifying the church during its infancy.
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:15-20
While the disciples waited in Jerusalem for the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to send the Holy Spirit, Peter addressed the need to appoint another to fill the office of Judas Iscariot.
The reason for the need was to fulfill prophecies found in the book of Psalms (69:25;109:8). The prophecies were general, concerning the enemies of David, but the Holy Spirit intended a special fulfillment in the events surrounding the Christ. There would be a need for someone to the chosen as Judas’ successor.
You may notice that verses 18-19 are parenthetical, supplied by Luke to explain the death of Judas. While Judas did not personally purchase the field where he committed suicide, it was purchased with the money he obtained by betraying the Lord. Thus Luke’s explanation surrounding the gruesome end of Judas Iscariot.
In verse 15, Peter stood among 120 disciples. These were not the only believers in the Lord (see 1 Corinthians 15:6 where we are told that over 500 believers had seen the resurrected Lord). But, these were the disciples present with the apostles as they awaited their promise. In verses 21-26 we will see how the successor was chosen.
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:12-14
These verses immediately follow Jesus’ command to His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem, and wait for the “promise of the Father” (4). He ascended to Heaven, and the disciples returned to the city to wait as instructed.
Consider the difference in their outlook. After Christ’s crucifixion, the disciples were despondent. Their understanding was flawed, and they despaired that their Lord had been killed.
But, after His resurrection from the dead they had a much better idea of what the future held for them. The text names each of the remaining eleven apostles by name, and describes their anticipation as they waited with “the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”
We are told they continued in prayer and supplication. In only a few days, events would unfold on Pentecost that changed forever every man’s relationship with His God.
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:9-11
Immediately following Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples following His resurrection, He ascended into heaven. With His ascension came the angel’s promise that Jesus would return, “in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (11).
There are several truths to note regarding Jesus’ promised second advent. First, note that his coming (as with his ascension) would be a visible event. The apostle Paul affirmed this as true in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Second, this second coming of Jesus will be a coming in judgment upon the world. In 2 Thessalonians 1:3-10, Paul writes that when Jesus comes, it will be to take vengeance upon the disobedient, and to give eternal rest to the faithful.
Third, when Jesus comes a second time, it will mark the end of the physical universe. Peter weighs in on this truth, affirming it in 2 Peter 3:8-13. The immolation of the universe is cause for us to live lives of “holy conduct and godliness.”
The promise of Jesus’ coming is sure. The angel’s words must be heeded. We must prepare for that day, lest we, as the foolish virgins, be shut out when the bridegroom comes! (cf. Matthew 25:1-13).
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:6-8
Prior to his ascension, Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” As was His common practice, our Lord responded by telling them what they needed to hear rather than what they wanted to hear. Though the advent of the kingdom was indeed near, (and accomplished only 10 days later, as recorded in Acts 2), Jesus first informed them that it was not their place to know the time (vs. 7).
Then He told them what they needed to know, giving them a lesson on power. He told the apostles that they would receive power. The Greek word here is dunamis, and indicates power or might. What is evident when the scriptures are examined, is that this might is not military, social or political. The might supplied through the work of the Holy Spirit is bound up in inspiration! “However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would enable them, through truth, to witness for Him. This the apostles did first on Pentecost, and the spiritual Kingdom of God was realized.
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:1-5
Acts 1:1-5
The books of Acts is the second volume written by Luke to his friend Theophilus. Luke was a companion of Paul in his missionary journeys and a physician (cf. Colossians 4:14).
He describes himself in his first work (the gospel of Luke) as one who had a “perfect understanding of all things from the very first” regarding the teaching and actions of Jesus. He gave that as the motivation for his first missive to his friend.
Luke finished his gospel with an account of Jesus’ ascension, and takes up the narrative at that exact place in the book of Acts. He relates again the promise of Jesus that his disciples would be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and preach first the gospel of the kingdom in Jerusalem.
Later in the book we read of the fulfillment of this promise (cf. chapter 2), one of the most important events in the history of God’s dealings with mankind.
The book of Acts is a book of history. It recounts the first gospel sermon, the establishment of the Lord’s church, and the spread of the Christian faith in the first century. It is a message all men should read avidly.
Mining The Scriptures: Acts 13:14-41
Acts 13:14-41
It has been said that the theme of Redemption runs as a scarlet thread throughout the Bible.
Paul, in his sermon to the Jews in the synagogue of Antioch in Pisidia, takes up that thread with the Jews’ sojourn in Egypt. Following the thread through the wilderness into Canaan, he mentions the period of the judges, and the Kings, including Saul and David. He indicated that the Christ of God would come through David’s seed, mentioned John the Baptist as the Christ’s forerunner, and proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth to be that Messiah.
He established the proof of that annointing by saying, “But God raised Him from the dead” (vs. 30). In that resurrection we have hope. As Paul said, “…by Him everyone who believes is justified…” (vs. 39).
Finally, Paul called them to repentance, the first work of preaching. He said, “Beware…” We too must beware sin, and embrace Christ.
Mining The Scriptures: Acts 6:8-14
Acts 6:8-14
Stephen was one of many disciples who fearless preached the word in the face of persecution (cf. Acts 8:1-4). It cost him his life, but gained for him the crown of life (cf. Revelation 2:10).
One of the tactics of the enemies of truth is to supply just enough truth to make their lies seem believable. Satan did this in the garden when he said, “You will not surely die… you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:4-5). Here they took the words of Jesus, twisting them to make it seem that Stephen was preaching a message that was blasphemy “against Moses and God” (vs. 11).
Jesus indeed taught a change of customs and law. However, it was not his intent to destroy, but fulfill! (cf. Matthew 5:17-20).
If we preach truth, we too will suffer the false testimony of the enemies of truth. However, we too are promised that our faithfulness will secure for us a crown of life.