Category: Mining the Scriptures

Mining the Scriptures: Short commentaries on NT Verses

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:3-5


Because of who God is, He deserves every expression of good will and praise we can offer. He is our Creator, and is a caring and just Being.

There is no better reason for our devotion and praise than His efforts to secure our Redemption. As our text shows, His mercy led Him to bring us to reconciliation through His Son, Jesus.

Specifically, we have hope through Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. This hope is living and sure. Jesus is a forerunner. His victory over death assures us that we too one day will transformed to eternal life (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

That eternal life is a wondrous thing, here described as “incorruptible and undefiled”, and “reserved in heaven.”

As always, however, the Holy Spirit reveals the conditional nature of that hope. It is not reserved for all men. It comes only for those, “who are kept by the power of God through faith” (vs. 5).

He has chosen to save, through Jesus, all who believe (cf. John 3:16). One day Christ will come again, and that hope will be realized. Will you be among the elect, ready to claim your reward?

Mining the Scriptures: James 1:5-8


James here explains that wisdom is obtained through prayer. Therefore, a distinction must be made between mere knowledge, derived through study, and wisdom, which can be expressed as the proper application of that knowledge. The world is full of men and women who have knowledge, and yet lack the perspective and ability to use it properly.

Wisdom is also gained through experience and maturity, but here we are given the promise that a petition to God will be effective in garnering this gift directly from Him.

But, we must act in faith. When we petition God, we are placing our trust in His willingness and ability to grant our petitions. Doubting casts aspersion upon either His integrity or sovereignty. Neither is acceptable to God.

God answers prayer. But, he only answers the prayer that is offered effectively, and by the righteous (cf. James 5:16). Otherwise, “let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the Lord.”

Do you want wisdom? Ask God, without doubting, and you will receive the bounty you desire.

Mining the Scriptures: Hebrews 2:5-9


The Hebrew writer here shows the place of preeminence given to Jesus as God’s Son. In so doing, he establishes an order with God being first, angels second and man third.

In the beginning, the Word was God (cf. John 1:1). The Word then became flesh (cf. John 1:14), and this event is referred to by Paul as an experience where the Son of God was humbled, “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8).

Paul continued in that passage, “Therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name” (vs. 9). This passage in Hebrews agrees with that assessment.

Because of Jesus’ death, the payment for sin was paid. God ordained Jesus as Savior, and the proof of this choosing is found in the resurrection (cf. Acts 2:32-36). God has exalted Him. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, ruling in the kingdom. He is above every name, both human and angelic. He is the Son of God. He has been crowned, and we are subject to Him alone.

Mining the Scriptures: Philemon 12-17


The appropriate response of Philemon to Paul’s petition on behalf of the slave Onesimus would be to receive him back, and treat him as a brother in Christ. Paul encouraged him to receive him, “that is, my own heart” (12); and “as you would me” (17).

Further, Paul’s purpose was to have Philemon act out of good will rather than necessity. This is a common theme in scripture. God does not want his children to act appropriately merely out of necessity. He wants his children to do so out of a sense of right, and willingly.

Finally, Paul appealed to the possibility of divine providence in the actions of Onesimus. Paul didn’t deny that the slave was wrong in running away, but believed that God has used that as an opportunity for the man to be taught the truth: “perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever” (15).

The relationship of Onesimus to Philemon had now changed. They were brothers in Christ. Such a relationship demands fraternal devotion and a recognition of common heritage and equality (cf. Galatians 3:28).

Mining the Scriptures: Titus 1:5-9


This passage is one of only two in the New Testament that list the qualifications for elders. The other passage is 1 Timothy 3:1-8.

The importance of elders is intimated here, as Paul tells Titus to “set in order the things that are lacking” (5). A congregation that does not have elders needs them to be in accord with God’s design. While it would be wrong to appoint men to the task who are unqualified, every congregation should develop men for this important work.

Note also the phrase, “must be” in verse 7. These are qualifications, not suggestions. As indicated, only men who are married with children who are faithful can scripturally serve. They are to be blameless, and in control both of their emotions and their desires. They are to be hospitable, and sober-minded. They must be familiar with scripture and willing to take a stand for the truth of God’s word, when it is attacked by evil men.

In every generation there are men who oppose the truth of God. In His wisdom, He has equipped the church to deal with and defeat those in opposition. Among other things, this is the elder’s work.

Mining the Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:3-7


Paul’s second and final letter to his “son in the faith” Timothy gives evidence of the tender feelings the aging apostle had for the young man. The letter was the last Paul wrote, and was penned shortly before his death.

He noted Timothy’s tears on his behalf, and expressed his desire to see him. It is believed that Paul wrote this letter from prison, perhaps only a few months before he died.

Despite Paul’s circumstances, he expressed joy because of the genuine faith of Timothy. That faith had its genesis in the instruction Timothy received from his mother and grandmother. (This shows the wisdom of Paul’s exhortation for fathers to bring up their children in the “training and admonition of the Lord” – Eph. 6:4).

After this well deserved compliment, Paul encouraged Timothy in the use of the spiritual “gift of God” given him through Paul’s hands. Timothy was not to be timid in utilizing this gift, despite the potential of persecution amply demonstrated by Paul’s own chains.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (vs. 7).

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:5-7


In verse 7, Paul states again a common claim, that his appointment as a preacher and apostle was from God. Paul was not a usurper, God had chosen him to be a vessel to the Gentiles, to teach them His precious gospel (cf. Acts 9:15-16).

Verses 5 and 6 reveal an important fact about Jesus Christ. He alone is the Mediator between God and man. This mediation is a function of His person, and His redemptive work. Jesus is here affirmed to be a man — “the Man Christ Jesus.” He is also the One through which redemption comes, “who gave Himself a ransom for all.”

When Jesus came to earth as a man, he was tempted as we are, (cf. Hebrews 4:15), “yet without sin.” In His death, payment is made for our sin, and reconciliation with God is possible. It is because of this that the Hebrew writer wrote, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (4:16).

Why do we pray, “In Jesus name”? Because it is through Jesus we have access to the Father! He is our Mediator.

Mining the Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2


Paul’s introductory words in his second letter to the Thessalonians is typical of his letters in that it contains an invocation to God on their behalf, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1).

There are two things to note in these first two verses. First, the inclusion of Silvanus in the salutation. The name is found only here, in his first letter to the Thessalonians, 2 Corinthians 1:19 and 1 Peter 5:12. However, the man is readily identified by the Greek variation of the name, Silas, one of Paul’s travel companions.

The more interesting phrase is “the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” It clearly indicates that such phrases are not proper names, but descriptions of a group. This group lived in Thessalonica, and were “in” God and Jesus. This means they had a relationship with the Father and the Son. This was a congregation of Christians.

This is the biblical use of the term church, and does not in any way coincide with the denominational use of the term in our time.

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16


The apostle Paul had worked tirelessly for the conversion and edification of the Thessalonians. For this reason he was thankful to God that these faithful brethren responded to his preaching with fervor.

He was especially thankful that they had received his words, not as the words of mere men, but “as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectively works in you who believe” (13).

In this, three things are understood. 1) Paul spoke by inspiration. The Apostle Peter agreed with this assessment, categorizing the teaching of Paul as scripture (cf. 2 Peter 3:16). 2) His words were effective to their salvation. What Paul preached was “the gospel of Christ”, “the power of God unto salvation” (cf. Romans 1:16). 3) They had proven themselves worthy by their response to the gospel. Specifically, Paul referred to their perseverance in the face of persecution at the hands of the Jews (vs. 14-16).

This serves as an example to all Christians. As the word of God works salvation in those who persist in obedience, we do well to be steadfast in our profession.

Mining the Scriptures: Colossians 1:3-8


The apostle Paul was thankful to God for the Colossians. He prayed on their behalf out of a sense of appreciation for their faith, and the expressions of their love for other Christians. He had heard of this faith and love from their brother Epaphras, who declared it while visiting with him (vs. 7-8).

It is interesting that Paul’s expression of thanks came in the form of supplication to God. By expressing his thanks to God, he prayed God’s blessings on their behalf. This is a wonderful practice, and should be emulated by all Christians.

Paul also described their motivation for such faith and love — the hope of heaven! This hope was made known to them in the preaching of the gospel, and it was this hope that led them to bear fruit for Christ.

John wrote that God showed His love for us by sending “His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” He continued, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:10-11). Christ’s death and resurrection secures for us the hope of heaven. In return, we are obligated to faith, and love for one another.

Mining the Scriptures: Philippians 1:1-2


Paul’s salutation in this epistle is similar to other letters he wrote. His letter is addressed to the “saints in Christ Jesus.” The term saint indicates one who has been set apart by God. It denotes those who have been cleansed from sin, and are called to obedience and good works. This is, of course, accomplished through the work of Jesus Christ.

Bishops and deacons are given special note. The term “bishop” is a term used interchangeably with the terms “elder” and “pastor” indicating men who are ordained to the position of oversight in a local congregation. The term deacon indicates a man who is given a special work of service. The term indicates an attendant or servant.

Both of these offices are important, and the men who serve in them are first to be qualified (cf. 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1), and then treated honorably for their work’s sake (cf. 1 Timothy 5:17). It is proper that they were singled out by Paul in his greeting.

Paul, in expressing his desire that they receive grace and peace from God and His Son, relates perhaps the most precious sentiment possible for the Philippians.

Mining the Scriptures: Philippians 1:1-2


In his epistle to the Philippian church, Paul identifies himself and Timothy as “bondservants of Jesus Christ.” The term is from the Greek doulos, and indicates subservience and submission. They were slaves to Christ. On another occasion, Paul wrote, “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10). Their purpose was to please Christ, and Him alone.

In the same text, Paul identified the Philippians as “saints.” The Greek word is hagios, and indicates holiness and consecration. The Philippian brethren had been separated by Christ to live righteously before Him. This call to holy living is a call Jehovah has always made to His people, “For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44).

Every Christian should consider himself a slave to Christ. Emulating Paul’s example, he should consider his standing with God a call to holy living. In so doing we please Him, and secure for ourselves the hope of heaven.

Mining the Scriptures: Ephesians 1:1-2


Paul begins his epistle to the Ephesians with a few long sentences that are challenging to understand because of their complexity. One sentence covers verses 3-6. Another verses 7-10.

The first two verses of the epistle, however are simple.

Paul starts by identifying himself as an apostle of Christ, and affirms that his apostleship was from God rather than usurped. This was a common claim made by the apostle due to attacks levied by Judaizing teachers.

Paul next identifies his readers as saints. The term signifies a special relationship with Christ, as those who are separated to a life of godliness. Paul regarded the Christians in Ephesus to be faithful to God.

To such brethren, Paul pronounces a blessing. Grace and Peace. There is nothing difficult here, but the sentiment is sublime. God’s undeserved favor, extended ultimately through the death of His Son, is the means through which true Peace is obtained. This shows that the ultimate gifts can come only from God, and, that God indeed has granted such gifts to those who proclaim their fidelity to Him.

Mining the Scriptures: Galatians 1:1-5


Paul begins his epistle to the Galatians in a manner typical to him. In the first few verses he defends his apostleship, and asks blessings upon his readers.

His defense of himself is especially appropriate in that the churches of Galatia had been influenced by Judaizing teachers. These false teachers not only advocated false doctrine, they also sought to destroy the reputation of Paul at every opportunity. Their chief tactic was to claim that since Paul was not one of the original apostles, he had usurped the position. In response, Paul declared that his apostleship was “not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father…” (vs. 1). The truth of this is evident in the reading of his conversion (Acts 9).

In praying for Grace and Peace for the Galatians, Paul identified Jesus as the Savior. He expressed the purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice, “that He might deliver us from this present evil age.”

In that Jesus accomplished this wonderful objective, Paul rightly noted that He is solely worthy of “glory forever and ever. Amen” (vs. 5, cf. Revelation 5:1-7).

Mining the Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 1:1-2


A few short truths to take from Paul’s introduction in his second letter to Corinth:

First, Paul’s apostleship was genuine. Here he states as fact what he argued strongly in other places, his apostleship was from God (cf. Galatians 1:1).

Second, the church at Corinth is described as “the church of God.” This is not a denominational name, but a description. It affirms that the church at Corinth belongs to God. It is in this same way (and only in this way) that congregations may identify themselves as churches of Christ (cf. Romans 16:16). The phrase indicates ownership.

Third, the designation “saints” applies to all Christians. It is not limited to a few. All of us, when separated from the world, are called to a holy life. We are sanctified, hence, we are saints. Our lives should demonstrate that calling (cf. Titus 2:11-12).

Fourth, true grace and peace comes from “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” We have a peace “which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

Great things can be learned from every verse in God’s wonderful word.