Category: Mining the Scriptures

Mining the Scriptures: Short commentaries on NT Verses

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Paul did not have a dislike for the law of Moses. Though his reputation was often attacked, Paul realized the main purpose of that Law. It is “to bring us to Christ” (cf. Galatians 3:24). It was good. But, it had to be used correctly. It had to be obeyed.  The law of Moses is not where redemption is found, it was given to prepare and lead to redemption.

The law is abused by the disobedient. He includes in this passage a sampling of that.  He references the unholy and profane. Individuals like murderers, fornicators, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, perjurers. These are not exclusive, they are representative of all types of sin.

But, the law is contrasted with what Paul refers to as “the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust” (11). The abuse of the law does teach an important truth, such sins are “contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel” as well, and worthy of judgment, (cf. Romans 1:28-32). The law also is not the end all.  The glorious gospel of God, committed to Paul, is.


Mining the Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12

Our text gives more details concerning the “son of perdition” (3) whose coming predated the final day of judgment. While the passage is a difficult one, the previous teaching that Paul had given to the Thessalonians when he was with them (5) would have made it clearer to them.

For us, it is important to note that the day of the Lord hadn’t come because the “son of perdition” had not yet been revealed.  This individual, whoever he was, was to be defeated before the day of judgment. Up to that point, something (we do not know exactly what) had been holding back the revelation of the “son of perdition.” It has been suggested that some power (maybe God, maybe Satan) has held him back, but when revealed, God would defeat him.

Regardless, he would deceive many before his fall.  This is the reason Paul wrote his letter.  He wanted warn of the danger, and dispossess some of the view that the day of the Lord had come.  He was successful on both counts.

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

Our text brings to mind the common saying, “A picture is worth a 1,000 words.  In verse 8 of the passage, Paul affirms that their example had traveled far and wide, so that “we do not need to say anything.”

It is indeed powerful to note that the Thessalonians had turned away from serving idols, and embraced God due to the preaching they had received from Paul. They had readily received him and the gospel (though not all did, cf. Acts 17). They were content to bear their burden until the coming of the Lord.

This is something we all need to emulate.  A good example is of great importance, as is steadfastness.  God has promised, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12). Remember that the world (and the Lord) are watching.  We have spent enough time living as the Gentiles (1 Peter 4:3). Now we are to glorify God in our life (Matthew 5:16).

Mining the Scriptures: Colossians 1:19-20

It pleased the Father. This truth radiates throughout the scriptures.  God’s intent, and pleasure in redeeming man through Jesus Christ. Paul wrote that it was in His mind since before time began, cf. Ephesians 1:4. So, when it happened, the Father was pleased. He said as much in Matthew 17:5, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!”

It is in Jesus that all “the fullness should dwell” (19). In this context is has reference to the preeminence of Christ. He fulfilled the Father’s intent in redemption. He is the Lord.  He is the Savior. He is the “word” that became flesh (John 1:14) and created all. As verse 20 of our text states, Jesus is the one who reconciles all things to the Father, “whether things on earth or things in heaven.” Jesus accomplished this by shedding His blood on the cross of Calvary.

This is the proper answer to any ecumenical tendency. It is not what we think or wish. It is what pleased God the Father. And it pleased Him to reconcile all things through His Son.

Mining the Scripture: Revelation 1:4-8

In our text we have the identification of the author, John.  It is almost unanimous that this refers the the apostle.  This depending upon the writing, would make John and old man.  One of the prevalent views is that the book of Revelation was written at the end of the century, about 96 AD.

Also identified are the ones to whom the book was written, the 7 churches of Asia. The number 7 is a complete or holy number in Jewish literature, and would signify the same in this letter. This is not to say that their were only 7, but the 7 mentioned in chapters 2 and 3 are representative.

Jesus is identified here as the one who washed us from our sins with His own blood, and made us kinds and priests before God. His return is predicted, a time of judgment for all (cf. 2 Peter 3:11-13).

Jesus is the “Beginning and the End” and His Deity and eternal nature is established as true.  He is the Almighty, which foreshadows the conflict and end of the entire book.



Mining the Scripture: Jude 20-23

Jude finishes his dissertation on the false teachers troubling disciples in the first 19 verses of his letter.

In verse 20 Jude begins to establish what Christians are to do to avoid the fate of those caught in error. To combat error it is necessary to build oneself up via faith.  Since faith derives from the word of God (cf. Romans 10:17), this entails study and application. It also requires prayer, and the obedience which is a prerequisite to any sustained relationship with God.

A proper application of our obedience is seen in our treatment of  those in sin.  It requires knowledge and discernment, allowing one to make a “distinction.” Is an expression of compassion required to save a soul? Or, is it more appropriate to act boldly, lest ungodly influences gain a hold, and lead to the fall of others. The key is “making a distinction” (22). Faithful Christians are to be sympathetic to all men, however, they can’t all be treated the same. Like the false teachers discussed, arrogance and destruction must be dealt with firmly.

Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:7-8

The idea of walking in Christ is the fundamental premise of the disciple. What is clearly evident is that love is the foundation of that walk.  Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34). This is how the would be “known” as His disciples.

John’s statement that his commandment is not a new commandment indicates that Jesus’ required it from His disciples from the very beginning. John speaks in great detail about the importance of loving one another.  He is known as the “apostle of love.” Perhaps this emphasis was because it was so revelatory to him.  He and James were at one time called by Jesus the  “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). But John became associated most with the call to love. The command was “old”, or well established.

It was, however, “new” in the sense that Jesus’ call was revolutionary to a world in sin. Never before had “the true light” shined as it was in the hearts and lives of Jesus’ disciples.


Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 2:1-3

There were false prophets in Israel, and Peter promised that false teachers would exist in the church. What is the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher?  In reality, nothing at all.  A prophet is one inspired of God. A false prophet may claim to be inspired, but his message is his own. A preacher of truth is not inspired, but speaks in accord with inspiration. A false teacher claims to preach truth, but his message is his own. Such men may evidence characteristics that are worldly and evil, but they are known by their fruit (their doctrine, cf. Matthew 7:15-20), which does not accord with righteousness.

Peter warns about such men because some would follow their teaching, contradicting truth. They would exploit Christians, convincing some that their message was from God when it was not.

It is obvious that such men will come into judgment.  However, their doctrines destroy those who follow them as well. This is why Peter warns of them, and why we must as well.

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:6-9

In the previous verses, Peter referred to the inheritance that awaits all the faithful. It is reserved in heaven (4), and is eternal in nature (5). In our text, he notes this is a reason for rejoicing though our lives at present may be difficult.

It is a fact that life here on earth may be difficult for every human. Christians are not excepted. Rain falls on “the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). These trials serve a specific purpose for the child of God.  The establish the genuineness of his faith.

Is your faith in Jesus true? You have never seen Him. Do you truly love Him? The hope that is proclaimed, an eternity in Heaven in the presence of God, is contained in a future promise. Do you believe it? The proof is seen in how you conduct yourself as you live here on this earth. Trials and tribulations on earth serve the same purpose as fire does to the purification of metal. If you prove yourself by the life you live on earth you will receive “the end of your faith — the salvation of your souls” (9).

Mining the Scriptures: James 1:19-20

Our text begins a section that emphasizes the proper response to God’s grace. We are brought forth by the word of truth, How do we respond?

We listen to God’s word, “swift to hear”! Listening rather than talking is a good response in just about every situation. It is especially important when considering the source of information is God Himself. We exercise care in our speech, “slow to speak.” In James 3:1-12, the writer shows the danger to be found in the use of the tongue. This is especially so when words are uttered from anger “slow to wrath.”

Our purpose in life is to express the wisdom we receive from God in our own words and actions. Wrath precludes this. It takes discipline on our part. One who is “slow” is one who has control over his words and actions. It is contrasted with being “swift” to hear God.  Used only here, the word swift shows a man who does not hesitate to listen to and apply God’s word in his life.

Mining the Scriptures: Hebrews 2:10-13

This Jesus, who was crowned with glory following his death (9) is a fitting sacrifice, and a fitting high priest for mankind. The word “fitting” indicates that which is proper or as it should be. In fact, the etymology “to be conspicuous” properly gives the essence, Jesus was the obvious choice to be the “captain of our salvation” (10).

This is shown in His suffering. Remember, the Jews at this time for the most part rejected the idea of a suffering Savior. As Paul wrote, the preaching of the gospel was a “stumbling block to Jews” (1 Corinthians 2:2). They were looking for a triumphant rebellion bringing a restoration of David’s physical throne. What they got was a man who was executed as a criminal.

But, the Hebrew writer says that Jesus was “of one” with those who accepted His redemptive act. “For both He who sanctified and those who are being sanctified are all of one” (11).

Jesus is our elder Brother, and we are so thankful that “He is not ashamed to call [us] brethren” (11).

Mining the Scriptures: Titus 1:15-16

In verses 5-9, Paul instructed Timothy to find qualified men to serve as elders in the churches of Crete. This was especially needed at that time because of false teaches described in verses 10-14.

Our text continues this theme, describing the hypocrisy of these evil men, especially the Jews who were seeking to bind the Law upon the brethren.  First, Paul noted that those who are “pure” have liberty in “all things.”  (Context is important here, as Paul is referring to the limitations regarding diet, etc., that were given to the Jews, but were removed when the law was nailed to the cross, cf. Colossians 2:14-17).

In contrast, these evil men claimed to be religious, “They profess to know God”, but their evil hearts brought defilement to them, even as they imbibed in things that otherwise were pure (cf. Romans 14).  Paul was able to discern their hypocrisy (claiming purity, but being defiled) by their actions.  They deny Him, being characterized by disobedience. Thus, qualified elders were needed to deal with them.


Mining the Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:15-18

In his second letter to Timothy, as Paul neared the end of his life, he was again in prison. The fact that he referred to his “chain” in verse 16 indicates that his circumstances were far worse than the house arrest of his first imprisonment.

During this imprisonment, the apostle had been deserted by some. He mentions individuals in Asia, including Phygellus and Hermogenes. These two are mentioned only here, and we know nothing else about them.

In contrast, we have Onesiphorus.  While others deserted Paul, this man sought to help him. In doing this, Onesiphorus helped not only Paul, but the Lord Himself (cf. Matthew 15:36). We are told he “refreshed” Paul. Consider the relief that comes amidst dark despair when your brethren bring encouragement and help.

When Paul received such encouragement, he was quick to note that such diligence brings benefits to the one offering the gift (cf. Philippians 4:17). Here Paul prayed such for Onesiphorus and his family.

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:5-7


In the fourth verse, Paul noted that “fables and endless genealogies” bring disputes and strife. They are to be avoided. In contrast, the intention of God’s commandments are to promote love.  The two great commandments are to love God and love your neighbor.  God has established this as a primary principle.  All that is required from Him leads to these two things.  A love for God and for man characterizes the true Christian.  So, a keeping of the laws of God leads to love, not strife.

In order to attain the objective of love, out text indicates that our hearts must be pure. The word pure indicates a heart that is clean, free from corruption.  This is especially true with regard to motivation.  Also needed is a good conscience. In effect, a man who consistently does what he thinks is right, and avoids doing what he thinks is wrong.  Finally, it requires a sincere faith. Faith that is genuine.  These are the prerequisites of God’s law bringing about love.

Without these we are ineffective, lacking in understanding.


Mining the Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

This passage is one of the most difficult in the New Testament. The difficulty comes in our not knowing the oral teaching of Paul, who had already spoken to the Thessalonians about the subject (2:5). So, let us instead focus on what we can know.

First, the Thessalonians were challenged in their understanding of Christ’s second coming. Some thought it to be imminent (2:2), though the letter was written at an early date (about 51 AD).

Second, Paul assured them that the day of Christ was not yet present, because two events would have to happen before its occurrence. One, a falling away. (There have been numerous apostasies since the writing of this passage). Second, the revelation of the “man of sin”, the “son of perdition.” (While it is difficult to say who this is, it can again be said that many individuals through the last two centuries can be described in this way). (2:3-4)

So, while it is difficult for us to understand exactly what these two events are, there is no reason to think that the events are still in the future. The Lord has not come, but He could at any time (2 Peter 3:8-13).