Category: v) 2 Peter
Commentary on 2 Peter
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 2:15-17
Peter continues his description of the character and actions of the false teachers troubling the church by noting their actions as being like Balaam.
Balaam was a prophet during the days of Moses as the children of Israel were in the wilderness of Judea. Balaam’s greed and desire for glory led him to initially disobey God, as the King of Moab wanted him to curse God’s people (Numbers 22). On the way, a dumb donkey kept him from such an evil task (cf. 22:22-34).
The false teachers addressed by Peter have the same motivation, leaving truth for personal gain. In verse 3, “By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words…” Such actions can rightly be described as “madness” – they go against God!
Just as a well or storm clouds promise water, but disappoint us when they are dry or pass by without rain, these false teacher’s disappoint. Their words are useless and corrupt.
They are condemned and will be punished by God in eternity.
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 2:12-14

Here Peter begins describing the false teachers about which he is warning his readers. First, Peter expresses disdain about their nature, comparing them to wild (and irrational) animals whose purpose is only to be caught and destroyed. Second, their actions are based on ignorance, criticizing and demeaning when they have no real knowledge of a matter. He argues that such actions will eventually be the cause of their own ruin, “will utterly perish in their own corruption” (12).
Third, their evil actions will receive “the wages of unrighteousness” (13). As Paul noted, the “wages of sin” is spiritual death (cf. Romans 6:23). Fourth, they are stains, “spots and blemishes” that sully what otherwise should be pure and white “with you” (13).
Fifth, they are unfaithful, here described as having “eyes of adultery.” They not only continually sin, but are guilty of “enticing” others. Sixth, and finally, they are covetous (greedy desire).
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 2:4-11
This section of Peter’s epistle uses several examples from scripture to note God’s judgment. First is the angels who sinned, of which we know little beyond speculation. However, this judgment seems to be the first meted out by God. We are familiar with the flood, and the judgment of the ancient world. Next are Sodom and Gomorrah, who God destroyed with fire and brimstone. He states these two cities serve as an “example to those who afterward would live ungodly” (6).
In the midst of such judgment of evil stood righteous men like Moses and Lot, who were oppressed by the evil which surrounded them. But, they were spared by God.
This is to let us know today that “the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment” (9).
As always, your standing before God and treatment by Him depends upon your own obedience or disobedience. God treats us all fairly because God is just!
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 2:1-3
There were false prophets in Israel, and Peter promised that false teachers would exist in the church. What is the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher? In reality, nothing at all. A prophet is one inspired of God. A false prophet may claim to be inspired, but his message is his own. A preacher of truth is not inspired, but speaks in accord with inspiration. A false teacher claims to preach truth, but his message is his own. Such men may evidence characteristics that are worldly and evil, but they are known by their fruit (their doctrine, cf. Matthew 7:15-20), which does not accord with righteousness.
Peter warns about such men because some would follow their teaching, contradicting truth. They would exploit Christians, convincing some that their message was from God when it was not.
It is obvious that such men will come into judgment. However, their doctrines destroy those who follow them as well. This is why Peter warns of them, and why we must as well.
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:19-21
Peter here affirms (beginning with verse 16) that the gospel concerning the Christ was confirmed by God Himself. Though such confirmations came on multiple occasions, Peter here directly refers to the transfiguration of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 17:1-9. Peter was an eyewitness of that event, and affirms that it is a confirmation of the fact that the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament are realized in Jesus of Nazareth.
At this point he makes a greater application. All scripture is derived from God. The Bible does not have its origin with men. It is not a product of any man’s will, but has its genesis with God (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16-17). As such, no man has the right to ignore it, nor can he alter it with impunity. Instead, “you do well to heed” (vs. 19). It is described as our illumination in darkness. As the great prophet Jeremiah proclaimed, “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:16-18
The apostle Peter here establishes the legitimacy of his desire to share with them the gospel message, by pointing out the veracity of the message itself. This was not mere hearsay he was repeating, not myth, but eyewitness testimony! Peter had himself witnessed the things of which he wrote.
How did Peter know that his Master was “our Lord Jesus Christ”? Among other events, he was present on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured before their very eyes (cf. Matthew 17:1-9). Peter heard with his own voice the words of the Father in heaven, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (vs. 5).
Peter was a witness of other events affirming the Lordship of Jesus. He was an eyewitness of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:5). In fact, he proclaimed to the Jews on Pentecost this very proof, “This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses” (Acts 2:32).
It doesn’t matter that much of Peter’s epistle is taken up in an exposé of false teachers and scoffers rather than a retelling of the simple gospel of our Lord. He was defending the faith, and equipping his readers to make their “call and election sure” (1:10).
Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:12-15
Peter intimates that his reason for writing this short epistle was the certainty he would soon die, “knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me” (vs. 14). So, he desired to remind them of certain important things. Things such as the need for maturity and growth, the hope of heaven, the trustworthiness of revelation, the danger of false teachers, and the faithfulness of the Lord’s promise of coming judgment.
These are things his readers already knew, “you know and are established in the present truth” (vs. 12). Yet, three times in this short passage he refers to the importance of reminding them of these truths. He said, 1) He was writing to remind them; 2) He would continue to remind them as long as he lived; and 3) He would ensure they would have a reminder of these things after he died.
This points out an important part of the work of preaching. Preaching is not only done to teach brethren what they do not know about God’s will; it is also done to remind them of what they do know, lest they be guilty of forgetfulness or neglect.
Mining The Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:5-11
2 Peter 1:5-11
Here the apostle Peter calls Christians to add to themselves various righteous characteristics. The list includes: virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.
Peter indicates they are to do this for “this very reason”, referring back to the previous verses where eternal promises are alluded to as being given by God’s divine power. In effect, the promise of redemption and hope of heaven are our motivation to living a godly life. Considering what God has done for us in sending Jesus leads us to diligence, that we might mature into the disciples God would have us to be.
Verses 8-11 indicate that these promises are conditional, but sure. If we add these characteristics to the foundation, faith; there is no doubt as to what we will receive. “For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom…” (vs. 11).
It is our choice. Will we choose apathy, leading to spiritual blindness and apostasy? Or, will we choose zeal, leading to a sure standing with God, and an eternal abode with our “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”?
Mining The Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:1-4
2 Peter 1:1-4
The apostle Peter opens his second epistle by pronouncing a blessing upon those “who have obtained like precious faith with us.”
The key to this passage is the realization that all such blessings are found through Christ. The faith mentioned above is accomplished “by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
In the following verses, Peter establishes that grace and peace come through a knowledge of Jesus; that the power of Christ has given us “all things that pertain to life and godliness”; and it is by Jesus that we have been given “exceedingly great and precious promises.”
The obvious conclusion is that as Christians, we are fulfilled. We have everything we need, equipped on this earth, and equipped for a future existence with God. All of this is accomplished through the power of Jesus Christ. Through Him, we escape to eternity.