Category: w) 1 John
Commentary on 1 John
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:15-17
A Christian is not to have affection for anything characterized as worldly. It constitutes a conflict of interest. Worldliness and a love for God are antithetical. Hence John’s statement, “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (15).
The threefold manner in which the Devil entices is through the lust of the flesh (an illicit desire to satisfy physical appetites), the lust of the eye (an illicit desire that reacts to beauty, sensuality, or anything that is alluring to the sight or imagination), and pride (of position, money, influence, race, etc. Whatever pertains to self-glorification).
The question that must be answered is are you interested in the passing pleasures of sin? Or the greater joy of eternity? It seems a simple question to answer, but too many get it wrong. What this life has to offer, no matter how enticing, is but for a moment and then passes away. However, this life should be understood by every child of God as a life lived in preparation for eternity!
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:12-14
There are several ways to explain the text. The most simple is to consider that John is writing to three groups of Christians, little children, young men, and fathers. It is not dogmatic, but Barnes suggests years to approximate 20 & below, 20-40, & above 40.
The little children (note, there are two different words translated in this way in 12a and 13b which may or may not have any significance), are told by John he writing was “because your sins are forgiven you” and “because you have known the Father.” John was certainly writing to young Christians to mature them in faith.
Young men, “because you have overcome the wicked one,” and “because you are strong and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.” This indicates valiant and strong Christians, who receive strength from John’s words.
Fathers, “because you have known Him who is from the beginning.” This is repeated twice, a confirmation of their long held faith, close acquaintance, and trust in God the Father.
1 John 2:9-11
Light contrasted with darkness. This is a concept that John talks about often. A true Christian is “in the light.” This refers to a right relationship with God, who is our illumination. It is the place a Christ is supposed to be. But, any man who claims such a place, and yet shows hatred for others (in this context, another brother in Christ) remains in the darkness rather than the light.
God loves the world (cf. John 3:16). Love must be characteristic of His children, especially love for those in this glorious family. If we love our brother we abide in the light, “and there is no cause for stumbling.” (10) Light illuminates, making the way easy, and directing the paths of the child of God.
However, hatred keeps one from the light. Without light we do not know where we are going. Sightless and yet walking is a dangerous proposition. Physically we can stub an toe. Spiritually we can lose our soul, a far worse possibility.
Love is the answer. Love for one another. Don’t fool yourself!
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:7-8
The idea of walking in Christ is the fundamental premise of the disciple. What is clearly evident is that love is the foundation of that walk. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34). This is how the would be “known” as His disciples.
John’s statement that his commandment is not a new commandment indicates that Jesus’ required it from His disciples from the very beginning. John speaks in great detail about the importance of loving one another. He is known as the “apostle of love.” Perhaps this emphasis was because it was so revelatory to him. He and James were at one time called by Jesus the “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). But John became associated most with the call to love. The command was “old”, or well established.
It was, however, “new” in the sense that Jesus’ call was revolutionary to a world in sin. Never before had “the true light” shined as it was in the hearts and lives of Jesus’ disciples.
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 1:4
In John’s opening words, he affirmed himself to be an eyewitness of the resurrected Christ, and that His resurrection is the basis of his readers’ standing with God. As Paul wrote, the gospel is “the power of God to salvation” (Romans 1:16).
In verse 4 he states, “And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” Actually, manuscript authorities differ on whether the word is “our” or “your.”
If “our”, the apostle would have reference either to himself (as he used the editorial “we” to begin the epistle (cf. vs. 1), or to the common joy both he and the readers would experience through the reality of their fellowship in Christ. If “your”, the meaning would be the same, but directed to his readers alone.
Regardless, our contemplation of the redemptive acts of Jesus brings great joy to our lives as Christians. Because we believe in Him, we have fellowship together, and the hope of heaven. There is no greater source of joy available to us!
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:3-6
To know God is the ultimate attainment of man. The “know”-ing of our text carries with it much more than a casual acquaintance with Him. As Barnes’ states, “‘To know God as he is’ is to know and regard him as a lawgiver, a sovereign, a parent, a friend. It is to yield the whole soul to him, and strive to obey his law.”
We can know God. Such an intimate acquaintance is obtained through our obedience to His will. Conversely, as stated here by John, those who claim to know God, and do not obey Him are liars. This truth is obvious. Can a man truly claim to know God as the sovereign Creator and disregard His instructions to him? The idea is absurd.
It is only in our obedience to the will of the Lord that our love for Him is complete. There are many who claim to love Jesus, but prove themselves to be lacking in their devotion by disregarding His will.
What ought we to do? What is our obligation in light of our relationship to God and His Son? What is our response to His mercy and grace? It is, or at least it ought to be, obedience (vs. 6). We should “walk just as He walked.”
Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 2:1-2
The Apostle John reveals here his purpose in writing his epistle. It serves as an admonition to his readers, “so that you may not sin” (vs. 1).
This is the purpose of God’s revealed will. It serves as the source for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness, and thoroughly equips the man of God (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16-17). If one desires to avoid sin, he must immerse himself in the reading and meditation of God’s word. He then is equipped for the righteous life he craves.
That does not mean that he will live without sin, as John revealed just a few verses previous (1:8,10). When man sins, it is not a reflection upon any inadequacy in the Word — only the failure of man to properly apply it and obey it.
Facing the reality of sin, we are grateful for the payment made for our transgressions. Jesus Christ is the propitiation (atonement, expiation) for sin. Through His blood the price was paid, allowing reconciliation with God. His act of atonement was not for a few, but for “the whole world” (vs. 2). Anyone who desires may be redeemed by God.
Mining The Scriptures: 1 John 1:5-10
1 John 1:5-10
Here John relates to his readers a most important message, “God is light” (vs. 5).
This truth has far reaching implications. For example, if we are tempted and sin, it is not God’s fault. He is not responsible for temptation, and we are solely responsible for our own sinful actions (cf. James 1:13-15).
Second, (and the point of these verses), we can not practice sin and be in fellowship with God. As there is “no darkness” in him, those who “walk in darkness” can have no part with God.
That’s not to say that we never sin. In fact, John here says we are lying to ourselves, and also accusing Christ of lying if we say we are not guilty of sin. The fact that Jesus came to earth to die for our sins indicates that we all are guilty. John here affirms the same.
What this does indicate is that God requires us to seek to live righteously. When we sin, we are required to confess those sins to God, and ask forgiveness. God is gracious and faithful in forgiving us upon our repentance.
Have you sinned? Ask God’s forgiveness! We must walk in the light to have to have fellowship with Him.
Mining The Scriptures: 1 John 1:1-3
1 John 1:1-3
In John’s introduction to his first epistle, he quickly affirms two basic facts. First, that the gospel of Christ was authentic. He states that he was an eyewitness to that which brings eternal life. He heard it, saw it, gazed upon it, and handled it.
An examination of the gospels underscores the truthfulness of this declaration. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. The apostles not only heard of that resurrection, they saw and touched the Lord. They recognized His victory over death. Paul wrote, “…by Man also came the resurrection of the dead” (1 Cor. 15:21).
Second, that the gospel of Christ brings eternal life. He declared it to his readers that they might also “have fellowship with us.” Because it is authentic, it means Jesus truly is the Savior. He died for our sins, and was resurrected from the dead. His victory over death supplies for us the same hope!