Category: zz) Revelation

Commentary on Revelation

Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 1:17-20

The text refers to John’s reaction seeing Jesus, “I fell to his feet as dead” (17). It must have been an awesome and overwhelming vision.

But, Jesus quickly assured Him, identifying Himself in this first vision, not as a foe, but as God the Son. The eternal being who had directed this, and subsequent visions, for John to record through the written word. The visions had reference to the past, present and future and were designed to give Christians faith and confidence despite their present trials.

Christ also began to explain what it was that John was seeing.  The seven stars were the seven angels (or messengers) for the seven churches of Asia, to which Christ wrote letters in the next two chapters.  The context makes it difficult to know whether these angels were divine or men associated with those churches.  The seven lampstands were the churches themselves, the number seven indicating a full representation of such congregations.


Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 1:12-16

In Revelation 1, John saw a vision while “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day”, on Patmos, while in exile. Jesus spoke to him in the vision, first in verse 11, then in verse 17-20.

John describes the one (the Lord) who spoke to him in verses 12-16.  He saw seven golden lampstands, and in their midst was the Lord, with fine garments, a head and hair white like wool, eyes like a flame of fire, feet like fine brass, a voice as the sound of many waters, and holding in His right hand seven stars. A sharp two-edged sword proceeded out of His mouth, and His countenance was shining like the son.

This picture indicates the perfection of Jesus (the number seven), His purity (the color white, the eyes like a flame of fire, the fine brass purged from impurities ),  His message (His voice as the sound of many waters), and His place (the One who influences and convicts, seen in the stars and the two-edged sword).

Truly, Jesus is the great Redeemer of all mankind!


Mining the Scripture: Revelation 1:9-11

It is believed that all of the apostles other than John were martyred for Christ.  They were given a great responsibility in the early church, and great authority, delegated to them by the Lord. But this made them obvious targets of persecution.  While John kept his life, he was exiled to the small island of Patmos “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (1:9), off the western coast of Asia Minor. This is where he wrote the book of Revelation, which is dated either prior to the destruction of Jerusalem (69 AD) or late in the first century during the reign of Domitian (96 AD). If the latter date is accepted, this makes John a very old man at the time of writing.

The book, as indicated by the text, is a record of visions he received while “in the Spirit.”  The “Lord’s Day” in the text probably refers to the first day of the week, when Christian worship is offered (cf. Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

He was instructed by the Lord (described in verses 12-20), to write and share with the Asian churches the things he saw and heard.

Mining the Scripture: Revelation 1:4-8

In our text we have the identification of the author, John.  It is almost unanimous that this refers the the apostle.  This depending upon the writing, would make John and old man.  One of the prevalent views is that the book of Revelation was written at the end of the century, about 96 AD.

Also identified are the ones to whom the book was written, the 7 churches of Asia. The number 7 is a complete or holy number in Jewish literature, and would signify the same in this letter. This is not to say that their were only 7, but the 7 mentioned in chapters 2 and 3 are representative.

Jesus is identified here as the one who washed us from our sins with His own blood, and made us kinds and priests before God. His return is predicted, a time of judgment for all (cf. 2 Peter 3:11-13).

Jesus is the “Beginning and the End” and His Deity and eternal nature is established as true.  He is the Almighty, which foreshadows the conflict and end of the entire book.



Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 4:1-8


In his salutation to the seven churches of Asia, identified by name in chapters 2 & 3, he pronounces blessings upon them from the Father “Him who is and who was and who is to come”, the Holy Spirit “the seven Spirits who are before His throne”, and the Son “the firstborn from the dead.”

(Note: some believe the phrase “seven Spirits” refers to the spirits of the seven churches, but it seems the context is referring to each person of the Godhead, in turn. As such, the number seven would have symbolic significance as a reference to the Holy Spirit).

Regardless, John affirms Jesus as our Lord and Savior (6), and promises His second coming (7). The central theme of the book is our victory through the power of God. He is the “Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End… who is and was and who is to come, the Almighty” (8).

Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 1:1-3


First, a pet peeve. The book is not titled Revelations (plural), it is Revelation, as in “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (vs. 1). The term “revelation” is taken from the Greek “apokalypsis”, and literally means an unveiling.

What is contained in this book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, sent to the apostle John by way of a vision. John asserts that what he writes in the book is a faithful testimony of “all things that he saw” (vs. 2).

As John pronounces a benediction upon “he who reads and those who hear”, and “keep those things that are written” in this Revelation, he indicates that the vision in the book concerns events that would soon occur. Note the two phrases: “things which must shortly take place” (vs. 1), and “the time is near” (vs. 3).

The book of Revelation contains many symbols. The style of writing has been referred to as “apocalyptic language,” and requires careful interpretation. It is important to note that the method of interpretation used to successfully divine the meaning of Revelation takes into consideration that the book was written to Christians in that day concerning events which would “shortly take place.”

Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 2:1-7


This letter the Lord wrote to the church at Ephesus was the first of seven written to churches in Asia. At the time of this writing, Ephesus was a large city — the most important seaport in Asia Minor.

Each of these letters follow the same pattern, and are found in chapters 2 and 3.

The Lord first commended the church at Ephesus for its work. The church was apparently diligent, steadfast, fruitful, and contended earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). They “hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans” as did the Lord.

However, something was missing. He admonished them for having “left your first love.” Though there was still the form of faithfulness in Ephesus, some zeal or vigor was missing. That lack of passion for Jesus was the reason for this censure.

The Lord called them to repentance, and here as elsewhere indicated that their salvation hung in the balance. This clearly indicates the fallacy of those who hold the doctrine of “once saved always saved.”

Here, those who “overcome” and receive the tree of life are the faithful and zealous. This is a wonderful lesson for us today!

Mining the Scriptures: Revelation 3:14-22



Revelation 3:14-22

Our Lord’s final letter to the seven churches in Asia was addressed to the Laodiceans. Laodicea was about 100 miles inland of Ephesus, just northwest of Colosse.

The city was a wealthy one, and apparently the church was as well. This letter is unique among the twelve, in that there is nothing positive said about the congregation.

Though rich materially, Jesus said that the church was, “wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.”

The sin of the Laodiceans was apathy, colorfully described as being “lukewarm.” Equally colorful is the response of the Lord, “because you are lukewarm … I will vomit you out of my mouth” (vs. 16).

The Lord rebuked the Laodiceans because He loved them. He loves us as well. Remember, apathy is unpalatable to Him. If we are going to stand acceptable in His sight, we must give ourselves wholly to His service. Nothing less will suffice.

Mining The Scriptures: Revelation 3:1-6



Revelation 3:1-6

The Lord’s fifth letter to the seven churches, written to the church in Sardis, identifies a local congregation that was “dead.”

Sardis was the capital city of ancient Lydia, a province of Asia Minor. The Lord noted that the congregation there had “a name that you are alive.”

It must be noted that God does not see things the way man does (cf. Isaiah 55:8). That the church in Sardis was seen to be alive (perhaps by others, perhaps by themselves), held no sway with the Lord. He reserved his strongest condemnation for this congregation, and called them to repentance.

Note that their “works” were not “perfect before God.” God judges us by the things we do, whether good or bad (cf. 2 Cor. 5:10). He demands righteous and steadfast obedience to His will. This is a serious consideration as any congregation examines her standing before God.