Category: Reflections Articles

Articles printed in the weekly bulletin of the West Side church of Christ

What Constitutes a STRONG Church

A look at the New Testament reveals that even early in the history of the Lord’s church, some congregations were not as strong as the Lord desired. While Paul’s epistle to the church in Philippi indicated that congregation to be strong and faithful, his first letter to the Corinthians revealed a congregation inundated with spiritual problems, division and worldliness. A quick reading of our Lord’s letters to the seven churches of Asia (in Revelation 2 and 3) shows criticism and a call to repent for all of them, save Smyrna (2:8-11) and Philadelphia (3:7-13).  Note the Lord’s praise for the church in Philadelphia. “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” (10-11).

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Keys to a Successful and Happy Marriage

For years the divorce rate in America has been at the 50% mark. While the rate is lower among members of the Lord’s church, it is still common to see marriages fail. There are a number of reasons why it happens. In the case of each failed marriage there is sin. The husband, or wife, or both, are living in a rebellious state before God. Such unfaithfulness leads to the dissolution of the marriage bond. The problem may be marital infidelity, pride, selfishness or dishonesty, but sin is present.

The simplest answer when seeking a cure for marital discord is to live faithfully before God. If a husband and wife are living righteously, their marriage will be successful and happy. However, it is necessary to explain what is righteous living in regard to domestic responsibilities. Above and beyond putting God first in our lives, here are a few “needs” that should be considered to ensure a strong and lasting marriage.

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Using New Muscles


Some of you may be aware that when Kyle Chamblee was younger, he used to be a competitive gymnast. He and I were talking the other day, and since he knew I played golf, asked me if playing golf ever left my muscles sore.

I told him, no, that it didn’t. Golf after all, is not the most intense form of physical activity. It is one of those lifetime activities that can be enjoyed at any age, and just about any fitness level.

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A Transformed Individual

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:1-2)

The apostle’s exhortation impacts every aspect of our lives. We are to be transformed by our faith. As our mind’s are renewed through our acceptance of God’s perfect will, we become better citizens, parents, children, friends, husbands and wives. In the context of the chapter, there are several indications of the character of such a transformed life:

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Trademarking “Tebowing”

The New York Jets backup quarterback has been a bit of a public relations sensation since entering the NFL. Most agree that the hype surrounding him is probably greater than his actual talent. But, that being said, he is extremely popular, in part because he is a very religious individual and is very forthcoming about his faith.

After touchdowns and on other occasions each game, Tebow drops down to a knee, and in front of tens of thousands of fans, and millions of viewers on television, says a short prayer. Some wag coined his practice “Tebowing” (the name is pronounced with a long ‘o’, like an archer’s bow).

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Painful Consequences


One of the many reasons why sin is so popular in our society is that people have been able to convince themselves that such activity can be enjoyed with few consequences.

While certain sins in the past carried with their commission a certain stigma, such is not the case today. Pregnancy outside of marriage, sexual promiscuity, drug use, homosexuality — all are accepted by society, or at the most are looked upon as a mild indiscretion. We witness the famous engaging in bizarre and destructive behavior, and they are continually enabled and excused in their lawbreaking and infidelities. Authority figures in our country, including policemen and educators, often have their hands tied when trying to deal with crime and delinquency. We are a society that defends, rationalizes and enables. Sin is seldom dealt with as God intends — even in the church.

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Examine Yourselves – Are You Saved?

It is an unfortunate truth that many are deceived in their belief that they are saved. While they may sincerely believe such to be true, their view is based upon their own subjective feelings in the matter, rather than the objective reality that they have satisfied the requirements given by the Holy Spirit in scripture.

Others may be unsure of their standing before God. This can be beneficial if it brings a careful examination of their faith before Him. However, constant questioning can undermine the faith, bring anxiety and unhappiness, and have a negative affect on the spiritual growth of the Christian. With this in mind, we ask the following questions as a means to “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith” (2 Corinthians 13:5).

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Angry Words

Angry words! O let them never,
From the tongue unbridled slip,
May the heart’s best impulse ever,
Check them ere they soil the lip.

Love one another thus saith the Savior,
Children obey the Father’s blest command,
Love each other, love each other,
‘Tis the Father’s blest command.

The above song, here containing the first verse and refrain, was written by one known only by the initials D.K.P. The song has a beautiful melody arranged by H.R. Palmer, but the words of the anonymous poet are even more beautiful in their sentiment.

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Frail Bodies

I want to start this article with an admission, I am not a young man anymore. I have always viewed myself as a young man, even as two decades have passed since the day I came as a 28 year old preacher to work with this congregation.

Twenty years, and I am rapidly approaching my 48th birthday. Now, I know that “young” is a relative term. There are many in the congregation that would still consider me a “whippersnapper”. Actually that term means an insignificant person, according to Webster, but I have always heard it combined with the term “young.”

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ImageA couple of years ago I sought to admonish a brother in Christ for mistreating another brother. The man thought his brother was teaching error, and in his interaction with the man, acted in an inappropriate manner. When I pointed out the mistreatment, this brother was very cavalier in his treatment of his fellow Christian. Here is an exact quote from his pen:

“When the apostles dealt with error, they did not consider what the errorists felt about fairness. … I try to act in such a way to ensure fairness to truth, whether those who oppose me deem that as fair or not.”

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Andra VS Elohim

ImageRecently I have been listening to Dr. Donald Kagan’s lectures on Ancient Greek history. Kagan is a professor at Yale University, and his university course is available both in audio and video on the internet.

In his lectures, he often references the similarities and differences between ancient Greek culture, and the Judeo/Christian ethic, both of which have been extremely influential to modern western culture.

From the Greeks we received democracy as a viable form of government. As a culture, their contributions to the world in the realms of philosophy, literature, language and literature are well documented. The Greek culture, though pervaded by their mythology, was nevertheless a very secular society. In other words, while they recognized and worshiped the gods of their mythology, they considered those gods to be only tangentially involved in their lives. As such, they trumpeted the potential and accomplishments of man. The gods were not the center of Greek culture; man was.

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The West Side Fishing Club

(Editor’s Note: The following article was the first article written by me, that appeared in the local bulletin here 20 years ago. I hope you enjoy it).

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(Article excerpted from the well-known fishing magazine, The Catfish Chronicle)

The West Side Fishing Club, a member of the Fishing Clubs of Texas, has had its charter revoked. Although the members are still meeting regularly, they are no longer recognized by their Parent Organization.

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The Problem with Emotions

ImageDo you feel good about yourself? Your relationship with God? Do you feel good about those with whom you have spiritual fellowship? Do you have joy without measure? A peace which passes understanding? Does a smile invariably crease your face when you contemplate your eternal welfare? It does? Good!…Now for the most important question. Upon what do you base all of these positive emotions?

Hopefully, you have a ready answer to this last question. The proper answer would be, “From a study of God’s word, I recognize that I have been obedient to His will, and am a partaker of the blessings that are reserved for His children.” Now, you might not word it in exactly the same way, but the point is that your good feelings, your emotions, are based upon an intellectual recognition. You know you have been obedient to God. You know that God has promised blessings to those who are obedient. You know that God keeps His promises. Therefore you are happy. However, many experience that same happiness without that intellectual foundation.

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Loyalty: An Inner Beauty

One of the most beautiful passages in all of scripture, illustrating the exalted virtue of loyalty, is found in Ruth’s statement of love for her mother-in-law Naomi.

“But Ruth said: ‘Entreat me not to leave you, {or to} turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people {shall be} my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if {anything but} death parts you and me.'” Ruth 1:16-17

Certain aspects of this relationship between a woman and her daughter-in-law strike me as especially notable.

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Twisted Liberty (Short Article)


Liberty, standing proudly on a small island in the New York harbor, has long been an important emblem to our nation. We have long believed as Americans that God has granted us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How sad it is that this pursuit of liberty and happiness has become so twisted in our present day. Our founding fathers recognized that liberty comes with a price. That price is personal responsibility.

Today so many are interested in only themselves. Their pursuit of pleasure is first and foremost in their lives. They talk about their “rights”. But, their right to drink has cost thousands of lives in automobile accidents. Their right to an abortion has led to the murder of countless unborn children. The rights of “two consenting adults” has led to broken homes, a lowering of societal values, and the scourge of disease.

Truly, there needs to be a change of emphasis. May we begin (or continue) to proclaim accountability. May we emphasize not our rights, but the rights of others. May we recognize that true happiness and liberty come in making ourselves slaves to our Lord. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the {life} which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).