Category: Reflections Articles
Articles printed in the weekly bulletin of the West Side church of Christ
The Call to Holiness
- (Note: This article was written in reference to a sermon on Sanctification which had as its application the necessity of a child of God, who has been sanctified by God, to live a life of consecration and holiness. SC)
My sermon last Sunday morning, on Sanctification, was very well received. I appreciate so much the willingness of all to listen carefully, and receive the words spoken. There are many places where such a lesson would not have been well received. The brethren here are to be commended when they hear the truth, and respond so well.
What I speak of is initial response. No doubt the principles established from God’s word touched a cord in many hearts. Continue reading “The Call to Holiness” →
Some Facts About Hell
There will come a day ~ the day of Judgment ~ when every responsible person will give an account for himself before the Almighty God of heaven. Beyond that day of Judgment lies a never ending existence ~ an eternity. There are only two eternal abodes. One offers peace, the other offers eternal agony. This article is intended to note several facts about the place of eternal punishment, Hell. Continue reading “Some Facts About Hell” →
Gehenna (Hell)
A study of the derivation of the greek word (gehenna) which is translated in our New Testaments as “hell” is very helpful toward understanding the abominable nature of that eternal torment. Jesus said, “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell” (Matthew 5:29-30). Continue reading “Gehenna (Hell)” →
An Interesting Exchange
Note: The following email exchange is in response to an article posted on the Soundteaching website. The lady, who we will call “Alice” (not her real name) continues to respond. We will continue to try to teach her. This exchange serves to establish that our web presence is helping to spread the gospel.
Hi Stan,
I just read your message on belonging to a church to be saved. I must in all consciousness tell you that you are wrong. The ONLY requirement to being saved is calling and believing on the name of Jesus. The body of Christ is the church weather you are in a physical church or not. The disabled lady who cannot go to church…is she condemned? The Pharisees went to church but were condemned for their legalism. The thief on the cross didn’t go to church but he called upon Christ and Christ said He would be with him in paradise. At that moment he was part of the body weather he was in a physical church or not. I love church and I love going to church but going is not a prerequisite to be saved…ONLY believing on Jesus. With your message you condemn so many people to the sin of guilt or of not being good enough to go to heaven because they don’t go to church. I agree that the church is great for keeping people accountable to the rest of the body…it is important but NOT a requirement for salvation.
Thank you for your time,
I truly appreciate your reading messages from our site, and would encourage you to go and read the article you refer to again, as you seem to misunderstand what I have written.
A Principle of Fellowship
J.W. McGarvey once made a statement to Jesse Sewell, on the subject of Fellowship, which is very interesting.
“You are on the right road, and whatever you do, don’t ever let anybody persuade you that you can successfully combat error by fellowshipping it and going along with it. I have tried. I believed at the start that was the only way to do it. I’ve never held membership in a congregation that used instrumental music. I have, however, accepted invitations to preach without distinction between churches that used it and churches that didn’t. I’ve gone along with papers and magazines and things of that sort. During these years I have taught the truth as the New Testament teaches it to every young preacher who has passed through the College of the Bible. Yet, I do not know of more than six of those men who are preaching the truth today. It won’t work.”
As told to Jesse Sewell in 1902 or 1903.
1950 Harding College Lectures
In the late 1800’s, as the dispute over the instrument and Missionary Societies raged, many sought to maintain that fellowship as McGarvey did. Continue reading “A Principle of Fellowship” →
Decline and Fall
Gibbons, in his well respected work entitled, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, lists 7 reasons he contends were the major culprits resulting in the fall of the greatest of the ancient empires. The seven reasons listed are:
- The divorce rate rose.
- Taxes got higher
- More public money was spent for welfare.
- The craving for greater pleasure and leisure increased.
- Sports appeared to get more exciting, more brutal.
- The building of gigantic armaments continued.
- Religion was thought by many to be on the decay.
Now, it doesn’t take a genius to see the parallels of the ancient society with our day and time. And this is a pretty strong indicator of the present state of our society as well. Continue reading “Decline and Fall” →
Curse and Effect
“When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.” ~ Mark Twain
“But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.” ~Colossians 3:8
In the Monday, January 12, 1998 edition of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram, an article on the subject of Cursing appeared in the Life & Arts section. The article is a good example of unbiased reporting, as it just reports the societal trend of increased cursing and swearing, while not commenting on the appropriateness of the trend. I do not intend to be unbiased however, in commenting on the trend. Continue reading “Curse and Effect” →
The Pharisees of Jesus’ time were guilty of many sins. They bound man-made tradition upon the Jewish people (cf. Matthew 15:1-6). They were often guilty of hypocrisy, putting on a great show of religion, while falling far short of God’s requirements of righteousness and love (cf. Matthew 15:1-9). They desired the praise of men, and designed their worship to be ostentatious displays of false piety (cf. Matthew 23). One of the common sins of the Pharisees’ was the prominent self-righteous attitude that characterized many in the party. Continue reading “Self-Righteousness” →
The Spread of Gambling
The September 18, 1996 edition of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram ran an article on the subject of gambling. It was found on the opinion page, and authored by the nationally syndicated columnist, William Safire. In his article, he gives two quotes from Senator Richard Lugar, as he was addressing a group called the Christian Coalition. I would like for you to consider the two quotes: Continue reading “The Spread of Gambling” →
The Samaritans: A Despised People
While the Son of God walked on earth, he expressed his love for all men. Jesus even loved the “unlovable.” A wonderful example of this compassion is seen in John’s record of Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in John 4. Despite a national disdain the Jew felt toward Samaritans, Jesus started a conversation with the woman by requesting of her a drink of water. The woman recognized the singular nature of this and said, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans” (vs. 9). Jesus was the Christ, and his saving work went beyond national boundaries and prejudices to include all men. “The woman said to Him, ‘I know that Messiah is coming’ (who is called Christ). ‘When He comes, He will tell us all things.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I who speak to you am He'” (vs. 25-26). The grace of God was extended even to the despised Samaritans, indeed to all men, (cf. Acts 11:18). Continue reading “The Samaritans: A Despised People” →
Must One Be A Member of the Church to be Saved?
The question under consideration, “Must one be a member of the church to be saved?”, is commonly asked, and easily answered. Scripture clearly reveals that fellowship in the church, as defined by God, is essential to the redemption of man. Simply put: Yes, one must be a member of the church to be saved. This assertion being made, it must be sustained and explained. Continue reading “Must One Be A Member of the Church to be Saved?” →
A Disturbing Trend
A few days ago our church received in the mail an invitation to a beach party for area college students, hosted by the Altamesa Church of Christ, College Ministry. The brochure read:
Activities include: 3 Beach Volleyball courts (bring your own team of 6 people), Tug-of-War, Frisbee Throw, Bocce Ball, and more! Come for fellowship, Devotional, Burgers and Roast Pig! Excellent opportunity to meet new friends for the summer!
The brochure went on to mention that the singing group “The Light” from ACU would be performing, asked for an R.S.V.P. to the Church office, and informed that the church would be charging $8 per person for the event.
Most of us are familiar with such examples of the “social gospel” being propagated by such liberal churches. Continue reading “A Disturbing Trend” →
Translation Review: The Contemporary English Version of the Bible
Several months ago, I found a package on the front stoop of the church building, from the American Bible Society. It contained two copies of their new Contemporary English Version of the Bible.
This version purports to be a TRANSLATION. Following are a few excerpts from the statement page: Continue reading “Translation Review: The Contemporary English Version of the Bible” →
Brethren Beware!
Paul warned Timothy, In 2 Timothy 4:3-5, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
Since that time the need for such warnings has been shown time and again. Judaizing teachers sought to destroy the faith of the Galatians and others (cf. Galatians 1). The apostle John fought the damnable error of the gnostics. Other examples could be given from scripture showing the danger of the chosen of God going astray. Continue reading “Brethren Beware!” →
Murder and Human Experimentation
A few mornings ago I was listening to a radio talk show, where a discussion was being held regarding the ethics of fetal research. A man had written a book, apparently defending the use of fetal tissue harvested from aborted fetuses, for research and medicinal purposes. It is believed that the injection of certain cells of a fetus can be beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Continue reading “Murder and Human Experimentation” →