Category: Reflections Articles
Articles printed in the weekly bulletin of the West Side church of Christ
“Lest We Drift Away”
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). Here Paul warned of the possibility of drifting, or departing from the faith. May we ever be on guard against that possibility, as it ever lingers near. The Hebrew writer stated, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away” (2:1). J.D. Tant often concluded his articles in the old Gospel Guardian by writing, “Brethren, we are drifting.” Continue reading ““Lest We Drift Away”” →
We Need to Inoculate Our Children
Inoculate – 1. to inject a serum, vaccine, etc. into, especially in order to prevent, cure, or experiment with disease, usually so as to make immune. 4. to introduce ideas, etc. into the mind of; imbue; infect.
Imbue – 3. to fill (the mind, etc.); permeate; pervade; inspire (with principles, feelings, emotions, etc.).
“We need to inoculate our children.” You hear this statement often, primarily in the context of protection from physical disease. At this time of the year it is common to get flu shots to protect against the onset of the flu viruses that are common in winter. The interesting thing about flu shots is that they introduce the virus in a controlled fashion to help build up the immune system. In so doing, when the real bug hits, the body is able to fight it off. This method is surprisingly effective, though some are a bit squeamish about allowing any flu bug to enter the body. so, they don’t get the shot, and later do get the flu! And it’s much worse.
A Spiritual Application!
Some Christian parents seem to have the same attitude in the church today. Continue reading “We Need to Inoculate Our Children” →
Masonry in the Church
A recent edition of the River Oaks News revealed that a Christian living in the River Oaks area had received an award for his work in the Masonic Lodge. It used to be rather common to hear of Christian men who held membership in the Masonic Lodge, and who would, when confronted with the sinfulness of such membership, chose the Lodge over the Lord’s church. Continue reading “Masonry in the Church” →
The third in Peter’s list of attributes to be added to our faith, (cf. 2 Peter 1:5-11), is “self-control.”
The term self-control (translated as “temperance” in the KJV), comes from the Greek (egkrateia). This term has as its root the Greek (kratos), denoting strength or power. The term is literally rendered and easily understood as power or strength in regard to self. A person who has self-control has the ability to limit his urges and desires in order to conform to God’s will.
Present Attitudes Toward the Bible
In yesterday’s (8/14/99) Life section of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram, an article appeared entitled Neglecting the Good Book. Several quotes follow, which are revealing as to society’s present day attitude toward the inspired scriptures.
“According to one religious research firm, two-thirds of Americans don’t regularly read the Bible or know the names of the Four Gospels. More than half of Americans surveyed can’t name even five of the Ten Commandments. And the majority say they find the Good Book irrelevant.” Continue reading “Present Attitudes Toward the Bible” →
A Little of a Coquette
(Modesty, Dancing & Behavior)
When I read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving, as a high school assignment, I was struck by a short passage which I have remembered since as the “ankle passage.” At the time, I was struck with how times had changed, regarding the morals of the day. Recently, I read the short story again, and came across the passage. It is a description of a young woman, (a bit of a flirt), who was the object of Ichabod Crane’s attention. Here is an excerpt: Continue reading “A Little of a Coquette” →
Young Ladies, Keep Yourself Pure
A teacher was trying to teach his twelve male students the importance of respecting women. To illustrate his point, he brought 13 roses to class, took one out of the bunch and gave it to the boys to handle each in turn. He asked them to touch it and feel the softness, and admire the beauty of the rose. After all had handled the flower, he returned it to the bunch, and told the boys they each could have one flower. Each in turn came forward, and took a single rose. They each took a rose which had not been handled. No one wanted the rose all had touched, handled, and admired. It had been soiled, and was no longer the pristine, beautiful blossom it had been. The lesson was obvious, and forceful. Continue reading “Young Ladies, Keep Yourself Pure” →
Did Jesus Authorize Situation Ethics?
(Matthew 12)
In this article I intend to explain, in its context, Jesus’ defense of his disciples in Matthew 12. The Pharisees had accused them of unlawful activity on the Sabbath. This is a difficult passage, and in misusing it, some are led to dangerous conclusions regarding what God allows in our response to His laws. I trust you will open your Bible, and read the entire passage, and the immediate context, in conjuction with this writer’s explanation of the text. Continue reading “Did Jesus Authorize Situation Ethics?” →
The Myth of the Money Tree
(A Secular Approach to the Problems of the Lottery)
The following article originally appeared in Christianity Today, July 10, 1987. The article was written by a man by the name of Charles Colson. It addresses the problems with the Illinois lottery from a secular point of view. I thought this article would be a good addition to the other two at this site examining the sinful nature of the lottery. If you have read the other two articles, you know that participating in the lottery is sin, no disputing it, it is fact. Now, read on, and see some reasons why the lottery is dangerous both to your pocketbook, and your soul…
Sobering Thoughts About the Lottery
Author’s Note: I wrote this article around the time that the lottery was established in Texas. The article serves to show the ridiculous nature of such an activity.
The signs are popping up all over town, and presumably, all over the state. TEXAS LOTTERY…Play the Texas Lottery Here! It’s quite a phenomenon. I was in a 7-11 just a few days ago, waiting in a much longer line than usual, to purchase a few groceries. The reason for the long line was the lottery. Almost to a man, the people in front of me bought 1,2,5,6 lottery tickets, all hoping for the possible lucky ticket. It struck me at the time that the behavior of the people could be summed up in one word…GREED! Or to use a biblical term, COVETOUSNESS! Continue reading “Sobering Thoughts About the Lottery” →
Is It A Sin to Play the Lottery?
The state of Texas is one of many states that run a lottery. This rapidly growing phenomenon brings to the forefront questions concerning the morality of gambling. Is gambling a sin? This article will attempt to answer honestly that question by an appeal to scripture.
A quick point as we begin. The amount you gamble is irrelevant. The principles we are about to address show gambling to be wrong. On principle. With no regard to amount. Just gambling a little can no more be justified than telling a “little white lie” or saying a cuss word “only every once in a while”. If it is wrong, IT IS WRONG! Continue reading “Is It A Sin to Play the Lottery?” →
The Pervasiveness of Profanity
Immediately following the Dallas Cowboys victory over the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship Game in December 1995, Michael Irvin, one of the Cowboy’s stars, was interviewed live on the national broadcast. While profanity is common these days on television, one of the words Irvin said caused quite a furor in that it is still considered unacceptable for use on TV.
The same scenario had taken place with a Pittsburgh Steeler’s player a few hours before. Continue reading “The Pervasiveness of Profanity” →
The second in Peter’s list of attributes to be added to our faith, (cf. 2 Peter 1:5-11), is “knowledge.”
The English term knowledge is derived from the Greek (gnosis). It is defined by Vine as “primarily a seeking to know, an enquiry, investigation. Denotes, in the N.T., knowledge, especially of spiritual truth. (Vol. 2, page 301).
The Superbowl, Our Misplaced Priorities
Author’s Note: Yes, I am a fan. Therefore it is not surprising that events such as the Superbowl might be the inspiration for some the articles I write. However, I am very aware of the excesses of society as well. As such, I hope this article, written in January of 1994, will cause you to think about our misplaced priorities.
Just in case you have had your head in the sand for the past two weeks, I wanted to let you know that the Dallas Cowboys are playing in Super Bowl XXVII today at precisely 5:18 pm. It used to be, a long, long time ago, that the game was played during the afternoon. However, someone got the idea that viewership would increase if the game were to be played in “prime time”. That was certainly the case, and since then all Super Bowls have been played at 6:00 or after, Eastern Standard Time. Continue reading “The Superbowl, Our Misplaced Priorities” →
The Superbowl, and the Answer to Society’s Problems
Author’s note: Sometimes my thoughts are inspired by current events. This makes it necessary to explain the context of the remarks when reprinting the article. This article was written following the first of three recent Dallas Cowboy victories in the Superbowl (January, 1993). I believe the message to be even more timely now.
Last week the city of Dallas had a parade and pep rally to celebrate the Super Bowl victory our Cowboys had two weeks ago. I watched the parade on television, and as soon as it was over I turned the television off. You have to understand that I am a big fan, and so when I turned off the television, I was in a very good mood. It was fun to see the fans and the players having such a good time.
Of course, you know what happened after the rally broke up. (A riot ensued). Continue reading “The Superbowl, and the Answer to Society’s Problems” →