Category: Reflections Articles
Articles printed in the weekly bulletin of the West Side church of Christ
In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul succinctly stated the means by which man is saved:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Though a simple passage, these words of Paul have been twisted by many to say something Paul never intended to say about the grace of God.
April Fool
April 1st came and went, and I managed to get through the entire day without being made a fool. Maybe it was because I spent the entire day in my office, working to get Watchman Magazine posted for April, and didn’t see anyone all day.
Of course, the day is a favorite of children and pranksters, as they try to play practical jokes on others.
Holiness by Isolation
While reading Unger’s Bible Handbook, concerning the rise and history of the Catholic church, I came across this short quote on page 904.
Rise of Monasticism. It began in Egypt with Paul of Thebes and Anthony about A.D. 250, and spread throughout the empire. Their aim was holiness by isolation from the world. In Europe monks lived in monasteries and in the Middle Ages developed education, learning, literature and farming.
This philosophy of obtaining holiness by isolating yourself from the world is an understandable, if misguided reaction to such exhortations as James’ “…keep oneself unspotted from the world” (cf. James 1:27), and John’s “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (cf. 1 John 2:15).
It has been said that the theme of Redemption runs as a scarlet thread throughout the Bible. The red color of the thread is, of course, indicative of the consummation of that redemption for man, as Christ shed his crimson blood upon the cross for our sins.
The purpose of scripture is to reveal that redemptive scheme, that man may know what God has done, and what he must do to obtain salvation.
The Dangers and Consequences of Envy
The Bible records for us an amazing feat, performed by a young man of faith. I refer to the slaying of Goliath by young David. The great victory of David over Goliath was a victory which made all of Israel grateful. This included Saul, who took David into his house where he was befriended by Saul’s son Jonathan (cf. I Sam. 18:1-5).
However, the friendship of Saul and David was not destined to last. It was destroyed by one of the most insidious weapons Satan has in his arsenal, the sin of envy. David performed in battle so well that the people began to talk of his prowess. The women of Israel sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7).
Notice Saul’s response to all of this. “Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him; and he said, “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed {but} thousands. Now {what} more can he have but the kingdom?” So Saul eyed David from that day forward” (1 Samuel 18:8-9).
So many emotions resulted from the envy of Saul. Anger, jealousy, paranoia, all led to murderous intent. On a number of occasions Saul tried to have David killed:
- Threw a spear at him while David was playing music (1 Sam. 18:11).
- Duplicitously plotted his fall at the hands of the Philistines (1 Sam. 18:25). Note after the Lord delivered David, we read in verse 29, “And Saul was still more afraid of David. So Saul became David’s enemy continually.”
- Instructed Jonathan and his servants to kill David (1 Sam. 19:1).
- Threw another spear at him (1 Sam. 19:10).
- David fled, and Saul pursued him until his own death at Mount Gilboa (1 Sam. 31).
The Lord was not with Israel during the battle against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa. Saul and his three sons were killed, including Jonathan, and the Philistines overran the cities of the Israelites.
It can be said that the envy of Saul ruined the rest of his life. His realization that David was the anointed, future king disturbed Saul so much that he became obsessed with his attempt to have David killed. This is a striking example of the terrible power envy can have. It is the first step in a progression of sins which can end in such tangibly damaging sins as slander, gossip, violence, and even murder.
Other examples of envy and its consequences:
- Jews delivered Jesus out of envy (Mt. 27:18).
- Jews expelled Paul and Barnabas from Antioch of Pisidia because of envy (Acts 13:45,50).
- The Corinthians divided in part from envy (I Cor. 3:1-4).
- Some preached Christ from envy, supposing to add affliction to Paul’s chains (Phil. 1:15-16).
At one time, we all were guilty of envy. But, brethren, that should not now be. We ought all to examine ourselves, and purge envy from us. It is not proper for children of God (cf. Titus 3:3-7).
The Apocrypha
The Apocrypha is the name given to 14 books which were written between the close of the Old Testament canon, and the writing of the New Testament. The books have been called by some “the lost books of the Bible”, and some claim that they should be included in our Bibles.
Listen to Your Conscience
There is much to say on the subject of the conscience. I would like to share with you a quote from Robertson L. Whiteside’s commentary on Romans. The quote contains the best explanation I have read as to what the conscience is. I will follow the quote with a few comments of my own. Note: The comments are in the context of an explanation of Romans 2:15, which reads, “who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves {their} thoughts accusing or else excusing {them}).”
Following is Whiteside’s entire comment on Romans 2:15.
The construction of the Greek shows plainly that it was the work of the law, and not the law itself, that was written on the hearts of the Gentiles. This, of course, referred to the moral requirements of the law. The moral requirements of the law are just such things as any decent set of people would recognize as proper and right, even if they never had a revelation. Their conscience, like the conscience of those who had a revealed law, would accuse them when they failed to live up to their standard of right, and approve them when they did right as they saw it. That is the office of conscience.
But what is conscience? It is frequently referred to as a guide. But conscience is not a guide at all; that is not its office. Also, it is said that conscience is a creature of education; but I see not how any one would go about educating his conscience. It is also defined as the moral judgment, but that definition does not fit. Your moral judgment may tell you that a certain person did very wrong, but his act does not affect your conscience in any way, unless you feel responsible for his action. Liddell and Scott define the Greek word that is translated “conscience” thus: “(1) A knowing with one’s self, consciousness; (2) conscience.” Where we have two words – “consciousness” and “conscience” – the Greeks had one word, and the connection determined its meaning, or, perhaps speaking more accurately, the connection determined its application. “Consciousness” has a broader application than “conscience.” A person is conscious of his own bodily sensations, whether pleasurable or painful; he is also conscious of his own thoughts and emotions. We are getting at conscience when we think of it as that feeling of pleasure when we do what we think is right, and of pain when we do what we think is wrong. It is that which backs up our moral judgment. Saul of Tarsus always did what he thought was right, and therefore always had a good conscience. But his information was wrong, and therefore his moral judgment was wrong. Our judgment may be wrong because the ideas upon which we base our judgment may be wrong. But no matter how we have been taught, we can expect our conscience to urge us to do what we have judged to be right, unless it has been deadened by long indulgence in things we know to be wrong. It seems to me that a live, tender conscience is infallible. But as to moral judgment, no man can safely say that he is right on everything. Gain all the information you can so that you can form correct judgments, and give heed to the urge of conscience.
Robertson L. Whiteside A New Commentary On Paul’s Letter To The Saints At Rome, pages 58-59
Two thoughts to consider, with Whiteside’s excellent explanation in mind. In order to obtain “purity in conscience” it is necessary to:
- Make sure your moral judgment is well informed. In effect, study diligently to determine what God accepts and what God condemns. That way, you can heed your conscience with confidence.
- Make sure you heed your conscience at all times. Do not allow your heart to be hardened. If you get a feeling that you have done wrong, don’t ignore it, but rather give it place. We should never sublimate the shame we feel when we do wrong, rather we should confess our sin, and ask God’s forgiveness. Continually ignoring our feelings of shame eventually will lead to the point where we feel no shame at all. Our heart will be hardened, and the voice of conscience will cease.
The Canon & The Apocrypha
The phrase “canon of scripture” refers to the books of the Bible commonly accepted as inspired of God, and thereby authoritative as expressions of His will. As Neil Lightfoot put it, in his book How We Got the Bible…
“The English word canon goes back to the Greek word kanon and then to the Hebrew qaneh. Its basic meaning is reed, our English word cane being derived from it. Since a reed was sometimes used as a measuring rod, the word kanon came to mean a standard or rule. It was also used to refer to a list or index, and when so applied to the bible denotes the list of books which are received as Holy Scripture. thus if one speaks of the canonical writings, he is speaking of those books which are regarded as having divine authority and which comprise our Bible. (pg. 81)”
Most people do not understand how the canon of scripture was set. Let it be understood that the books of the Bible are received as canonical based upon the authority inherent within them as inspired messages from God. They do not receive their canonicity by the decree of the Catholic church, as is erroneously believed by many.
An illustration helps here. A child confidently identifies his mother by recognizing certain characteristics that set her apart. However, this identification does not make her his mother. If he were to mistakenly identify another, or fail to identify her, it does not invalidate the fact that she is his mother. The same is true with our Bible.
God set the canon of scripture. Old Testament Scripture was recognized in the time of Jesus to consist of the same 39 books we have in our Old Testaments. The historian Josephus records in his writings that the books Jews received as “Scripture” were the same as we have in our Bibles today. Additionally, the Gospels, and writings of the apostles were received as having divine authority. As Paul instructed in I Corinthians 14:37, “If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.” It was a gradual process, but as the New Testament writings were shared and spread among the churches, they became universally recognized as inspired and authoritative. As Lightfoot states, “The books of the bible possess their own authority and indeed had this authority long before there were any councils of the church. The teachings of the Roman Catholic Church completely ignore this important point” (pg. 82).
There are certain other writings, called the Apocrypha, that the Catholic church regards as canonical as well. The greek word apocrypha literally means secretive or concealed, and originally referred to a book whose origin was doubtful or unknown. In April of 1546, the Catholic church decreed that 12 of these apocryphal books were canonical, and authoritative.
The list of apocryphal books accepted as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church:
- Tobit
- Judith
- The Additions to the Book of Esther
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- Ecclesiasticus
- Baruch
- The Letter of Jeremiah
- The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men
- Susanna
- Bel and the Dragon
- 1 Maccabees
- 2 Maccabees
These twelve books were written in the period between the close of the Old Testament (Malachi), and the earliest New Testament writings. They are vastly inferior works, and save for 1 Maccabees, which is a fairly accurate historical work covering Jewish history in the second century B.C., they have little value. It must be understood that a dictatorial decree by an Apostate church does not confer upon these books any canonicity, and that they were universally rejected from the canon by early Jewish and Christian writers. Additionally, although Jesus and his disciples liberally quoted from Old Testament books, and referred to events which were recorded in them, they nowhere quote from the Apocrypha as scripture.
Again, as we place our confidence in the Bible we have received as the inspired Word of God, we call upon logic to bolster our faith. As Christians we are confident that the same God who has determined to reveal Himself to us will providentially guide the hands of men to keep that will pure and complete. The Bible is whole, unadulterated, and the authoritative Word of God!
Narrow Minded?
Recently I was reading through a book titled, Doctrinal Discourses, consisting of the writings of Robertson L. Whiteside. The following pithy saying appeared under the heading Anvil Sparks.
Narrow-minded? Well, a person’s mind should be narrow enough to shut out everything but truth, and broad enough to accept all truth. (pg. 221).
It is common for faithful Christians to be criticized as “narrow-minded.”
We Have the Word of God!
Some are willing to concede the inspiration of the original manuscripts of scripture. They will say, “I believe that God inspired the writing of Paul when he penned his letters, BUT we don’t have the original manuscripts! Therefore there is no way we could have the actual, original message in an unadulterated state!” Is this true? I believe it is not.
First, logic demands the intervening hand of God’s providence. It stands to reason that if God revealed Himself to man, He would have a hand in the preservation of that will. We have touched on this in past articles.
Second, Jesus and his disciples labored under the same type of circumstances as we do with regard to copies and translations of the scriptures. And yet on numerous occasions our Lord quoted Old Testament, Hebrew scripture from a Greek translation, the Septuagint. And did so authoritatively, thus affirming that these were the words of God. One example is found in Matthew 15:7-9, where Jesus said to the Pharisees and Scribes, “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ “
Finally, to say that because there are no known existing original letters there can be no surety of the inspired message is to ignore the abundance of copies of these manuscripts that exist. Any student of textual criticism knows that the Bible is the most well documented of all ancient books. There are literally thousands of copies, some complete, some partial, of scripture. There are quotations that can be gleaned from the “church fathers”. Some of these copies of the scripture are very ancient. And, any mistakes that might have been made by a particular copyist on any particular copy can be winnowed out with very little difficulty by the volume, as well as the quality, of the remainder of witnesses.
As new discoveries are made, they bear out the accuracy of the text we have received. One example of such a discovery I relay to you in a quote from Neil Lightfoot’s book, How We Got the Bible:
5. John Rylands Fragment (P52). This is only a fragment (3.5 X 2.5 inches) and would hardly deserve mention except for the fact that it is the oldest known manuscript of any part of the New Testament. Written on both sides, it contains a few verses of the Gospel of John (John 18:31-33, 37, 38). It was originally obtained in 1920 by the famous papyrologist Dr. B. P. Grenfell, but it was sometime later before Mr. C.H. Roberts made positive identification of it. Acquired for the John Rylands Library of Manchester, England, it remains there today. As to its date, it is confidently assigned to the first half of the second century. How it could be wished that we had more than a fragment; yet it gives undeniable evidence on the circulation of John’s Gospel in Egypt, where it was found, only a few years after it was written. It forevermore answers the view once held that John’s Gospel was not written until the middle of the second century. Also, it is important to note that although this papyrus piece contains only a few verses, these verses from the second century are precisely like our text 1800 years later.
This is just one small, but telling example of many that could be offered. It is not our intention in this short article to explain the intricacies of textual criticism. However, the three points made are sufficient to give us confidence in the Bible text as we have it today. What we have, in truth, is the Word of God!
Outward Evidences of Inspiration
The Bible claims inspiration for itself. Paul proclaimed in his second letter to Timothy, “All Scripture {is} given by inspiration of God, and {is} profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (3:16-17).
One of the reasons we can have confidence in this assertion is that the Bible is continually validated both historically and geographically by archaeological discoveries. I thought it would be interesting to share a few of these with you. All quotations will be taken from a book entitled The New Testament Documents – Are They Reliable? by F.F. Bruce.
The Middle Wall of Division
Scripture reveals that Gentiles were not allowed to enter beyond the outer court of the temple, as they were considered unclean. You may recall that Luke records a near riot which ensued when the Jews were under the impression that Paul had taken Gentiles into the inner areas of the temple, (Acts 21:27-ff). Apparently, the Roman authorities, in an attempt to curry the favor of the Jews in Jerusalem, had warnings posted in both Greek and Latin, warning the Gentiles not to pass beyond the outer court. As Bruce states, “One of these Greek inscriptions, found at Jerusalem in 1871 by C.S. Clermont-Ganneau, is now housed in Istanbul, and reads as follows: ‘No foreigner may enter within the barricade which surrounds the temple and enclosure. Anyone who is caught doing so will have himself to thank for his ensuing death'” (pg. 93). This helps to shine a light of understanding upon Paul’s statement, penned in Ephesians 2:14, “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of division {between us}.”
The Pool of Bethesda
The pool of Bethesda is mentioned in an account of one of Jesus’ healings, in John 5. Take the time to read verses 2 and following, and compare closely with this passage from Bruce’s book:
“The pool of Bethesda, described in John 5:2, has been located in the north-east quarter of the old city of Jerusalem, the quarter which was called Bezetha, or ‘New Town’ in the first century AD. In 1888 excavations near St. Anne’s Church, in that quarter, revealed the remains of an ancient church building. Beneath this lay a crypt, with its north wall divided into five compartments in imitation of arches; on this wall there could also be distinguished traces of an old fresco representing the angel troubling the water. Clearly those who built this structure believed that it marked the site of the pool of Bethesda. And subsequent excavations below the crypt showed that they were right; a flight of steps was uncovered leading down to a pool with five shallow porticoes on its north side, directly underneath the five imitation arches on the north wall of the crypt. There are few sites in Jerusalem, mentioned in the Gospels, which can be identified so confidently” (pg. 94).
Zeus and Hermes
In Acts 14:11-12, Luke records, “Now when the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying in the Lycaonian {language}, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” And Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker.” Interestingly, archaeological discoveries have lent credence to this account, revealing that the Lystra area commonly worshiped these two pagan deities. The following Bruce quote is revealing: “But more precise evidence of the joint worship of these two deities in the vicinity of Lystra was found in 1910, when Sir William Calder discovered an inscription of c. AD 250 at Sedasa near Lystra, recording the dedication to Zeus of a statue of Hermes along with a sundial by men with Lycaonian names, and again in 1926, when the same scholar, along with Professor W.H. Buckler, discovered a stone altar near Lystra dedicated to the ‘Hearer of Prayer’ (presumably Zeus) and Hermes.”
These are just a few, relatively minor examples of archaeological discoveries which confirm the veracity of God’s word. Many others could be cited, but these suffice to show that the New Testament is an accurate historical and geographical document. There is no documented inconsistency or mistake to be found anywhere in the New Testament. There are many today who assault the word of God, claiming it to be the work of fallible men. Their feeble attempts fall uselessly upon the anvil of truth. Our faith is based upon unassailable evidence. The Bible is the inspired word of God!
Religion in a Box
It seems today that people don’t take any offense when the words of the Bible are manipulated, just as along as they change for the better. Wait a minute. Change for the better? Could the Bible be any better? Is there any way that we could modify the text, somehow, someway, and give birth to a grander, better, more efficient way to salvation? The answer, hopefully obvious, is a big, resounding NO!
The concept of obedience to law is rather controversial among the religious today. Because of the Holy Spirit’s teaching regarding the Law of Moses, as contrasted with salvation by Grace through Faith, some equate the idea of obedience to God’s law with the concept of meriting salvation. This is not so.
Uplifted By Inspiration
As we continue our study of our Bible, I would again assert that there are many compelling arguments which contend it was given us by inspiration. In effect, the words are from God, not men.
One very interesting line of reasoning deals with the influence of the Bible over world culture. Though it may not be the most technical of arguments, it is nevertheless strong, and compelling.
Batsell Barrett Baxter, in his book I Believe Because…, states this argument very clearly. Note this paragraph from page 175 of his book.
“Henry Rogers wrote a book, The Eclipse of Faith, in which he imagined that some powerful hand had wiped the influence of Christ out of civilization, as a hand might wipe the chalk writing from a chalkboard in a schoolroom. He dreamed that he went into his library and found many of his law books with blank paragraphs, that he went into his picture gallery and found many of his finest pictures with blank canvases in their frames, and that he examined many of the great anthologies of poetry only to find blank pages where some of the world’s finest poetry had been before. He dreamed that in driving downtown he found great gaping holes where buildings had vanished. There had been on these locations such institutions as schools, hospitals, orphanages, old peoples’ homes and the like. But now, with the influence of Christ removed from the world, all were gone. Then, this lawyer cried out, “I would not want to live at all in world where Christ were not.” We think that Henry Rogers had a very forceful way of conveying an idea which is absolutely true. We would borrow his idea and say that the same can be said for the Bible. Without its great influence for good, our world would be a tragic place in which to live.”
We are living in a time of great unrest, despair, and ungodliness. Men have truly forgotten God, and rejected his missives. If they would only begin to apply the principles of love for God and neighbor, the decay of our civilization would reverse.
When God’s principles, as revealed in Scripture are followed, society always prospers. Now, I realize that much harm has been done “in the name of religion”. Wars, the abuses of the Catholic church, and the sectarian divisions that exist are good examples of this. More recently, the abuse of women, and the bombing of abortion clinics have been in the news as well. But all of these evil things have come from a distortion of what is true, not from the will of God as revealed in the Bible text.
James asked the question, “Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh” (James 3:12). The point is simple. Whenever the principles of morality and law as found in the Bible are followed, society is uplifted. The fruits borne by an application of the Word reveal its origin. As Jesus said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:16). The Bible is known as the Word of God because of the influence it has on humankind. In fact, its influence shows it could only have come from God Himself.
As Baxter states on pages 175-176 of his book, “…the influence of the Scriptures is of such a nature that it can indicate only that the source from which this influence came was good. If the Bible had been a great hoax or deception, it could not have had the influence toward the uplifting of civilization that it has had…(this is why) I believe the Bible to be a book uniquely given by God.”
The Bible: Product of Providence
In the article Attacks on the Bible, you will recall our mention of the prevalent modern day attacks on the Word of God. Many individuals who claim to be followers of Christ have rejected the Bible as inspired Scripture. It is fashionable in our day to claim this great work as merely the words of men.
The article ended with Paul’s proclamation in Romans 3, “For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar…” It should not surprise us that many would serve as minions of Satan and attack the inspiration of God’s word. It also should not overly concern us! Their lack of faith does not change the fact that God revealed Himself to us!
The Bible claims inspiration for itself. Both Old Testament scripture and the New Testament writings are included in this claim. For example, Paul in referring to the Old Testament canon, said, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). In recognizing the inspiration of Old Testament writings, Paul claimed the same for his own writings. He told the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 14:37, “If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.” A careful study of the New Testament reveals that the letters written by the Apostles were received by the first century Christians as inspired. “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe” (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
This last scripture is, I believe, very significant. Paul very clearly ties our final salvation in with faith in God’s word. The fashionable rejection of Bible inspiration is not without consequence. It “effectively works” only in those who are willing to accept that it is, in truth, “the word of God.” It is easy to set aside the Bible’s condemnation of Homosexuality, adultery and drunkenness; to disregard the Book’s instructions regarding the place of the woman in the home, the raising of children, and the benevolence due one another; to reject as outdated it’s instructions regarding church work, worship and structure; when one looks at the writings of Paul, Peter, John and the others are merely the words of men.
When it is the Holy Spirit that says those who practice sin “will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (cf. Gal. 5:21); or that “…I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” (cf. 1 Tim. 2:12); or that we are to “speak (-ing) to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart ot the Lord.” (cf. Eph. 5:19); it is much more difficult to disregard the instructions.
Another article will deal with outward evidences of inspiration. However, these modern day enemies of the Bible show their hypocrisy in claiming their adoration of men such as Peter, Paul and John and at the same time rejecting their claims of inspiration. As Neil Lightfoot put it in his fine volume, How We Got the Bible, “It is assumed, however, that the men who wrote the Bible were honest men and were of a sound mind. If they were sane and sound-minded, they would not be susceptible to fanciful visions and hallucinations; if they were honest, they would not intentionally deceive” (pg. 119).
To receive Christ necessitates a belief and acceptance of the Bible as “it is in truth, the word of God.”