Category: Authority

Subject: Authority

Sermon: Transporting the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chronicles 13,15)


When David determined to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, he first disregarded the “proper order” but later acknowledged his error as the Ark was brought by the Levites into the city.

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Sermon: Meditations on God’s Laws

A wonderful passage of scripture, Psalm 119:97-104 is discussed, showing the benefits of immersing yourself in God’s law, and proper attitude of the disciple.

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Talking about Covenants

There are some terms that are used in scripture to explain how God’s authority works, and how it affects the Old and New Testaments.

In the NKJV of the bible, there are three primary words that are used to describe what these are.  They are the words testament, covenant and will. Let’s define each.

In Galatians 3:17 Paul wrote, “And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.” The word covenant (diatheke) is a term with legal ramifications, defined by Thayer as “a disposition, arrangement, of any sort, which one wishes to be valid…especially the last disposal which one makes of his earthly possessions after his death, a testament or will.” Continue reading “Talking about Covenants”

Sermon: King, Rod, Priest, Judge (Psalm 110)

A discussion of Psalm 110, the Psalmist identifies the coming Christ as one who would serve as both King and Priest, and rule with a rod (indicating authority and strength).

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Sermon: False Prophets

A study of Jeremiah 23 that seeks to answer two questions: 1) What is a false prophet; 2) How much damage can be done by a false prophet.

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Sermon: The One Question

An exchange by Jesus with the Jews in Mark 11:27-33 supplies for us some very important truths about Bible authority, and the only legitimate source for our faith!

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All in the Name of the Lord Jesus

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17).

Regarding our obligation (rather than our blessings) and our stewardship this is what it is all about.  Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Paul got it, too many religious people today do not.

Two points to make here.  First, our entire purpose in life, “whatever we do in word or deed” is to be done because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Religion is not an avocation, it is our job! “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Second, we have to do it Jesus’ way, not our own.  That is what the phrase “in the name of the Lord” means!  (cf. Matthew 7:20-21). The one accepted by God is the one who “does the will of My Father in heaven.”  This means it is not sufficient to “be sincere.” It means that serving God in a way that suits us, or going to a denomination that fits our lifestyles or preferences, is not legitimate.

We have a responsibility to Jesus to serve Him in His way, to do His bidding!


Sermon: Dan – A History of Idolatry

(Judges 18) Our discussion of Judges 18 shows that the northern city of Dan was founded in idolatrous practices, and remained idolatrous throughout her history. The sins of Idolatry and Anarchy are discussed.

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Seven Sons of Sceva

There are many passages of scripture that tangentially teach principles of authority, even though the primary purpose of the text may concern something entirely different.

In Acts 19, we are told of the miracles that Paul did, powerful miracles that included healings and exorcisms. We are told that even pieces of clothing, aprons or handkerchiefs, that had touched Paul’s body, were brought to the sick and healed them (12). Such power was effective in proving Paul’s authority was from God, and caused many at Ephesus to believe in Jesus. We are told, “So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed” (20). Continue reading “Seven Sons of Sceva”

Sermon: Live from the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14)

In 1 Corinthians 9:14 the apostle indicated God’s intent that the preacher of the gospel should be materially supported while doing his work. The principle is examined here.

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Sermon: Please Inquire for the Word of the Lord

We discuss Jehoshaphat’s inquiry of God’s will in 1 Kings 22 before going to war with his ally, king Ahab of Israel. Applications are made to today, with the proper appeal to God’s authority and will.

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Sermon Minute: How Do You Actually Receive Christ?

Not Tedious, But Safe

How do you feel about gospel preaching? Admonition? Chastisement? The Bible is replete with passages condemning sin, warning about sin, detailing what sin is, and discussing ad naseum the consequences of sin. Do you get tired of it? Do you wish the emphasis was different than it seems to be? Continue reading “Not Tedious, But Safe”

Sermon Minute: Christ’s Authority and the Sinner’s Prayer

Mining the Scriptures: Ephesians 1:22-23

A simple examination of the text. The pronouns regard God in the first instance, and His Son in the last three.

God gave Jesus a place of preeminence in the world. This is best demonstrated in the church, which is figuratively described as His body. As the head is to the body, so is Christ to the church. He is the authority, He is the guide, He is the director.

As the church (His body) does His will on earth, it accomplishes everything God intends. This is our purpose as we live here — do Christ’s will, and accomplish His purpose.

Another truth in the metaphor of the head and the body is that there is one of each. One head and multiple bodies is a monster. There is only one body, on church (cf. Ephesians 4:4).

One body with multiple heads is a monstrosity as well. For any to exalt themselves by taking authority that belongs to Christ is wrong. He has “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18).

Christ fulfills us completely. His power, goodness, might, love & preeminence empower us in all things  (1 Corinthians 15:58).