Category: Christ
Subject: Christ
Sermon: Teach Me, O Lord
The 25th Psalm introduces the lesson. Three major points are made:
- Show me your ways (Jesus did!)
- Teach me your paths (Jesus does)
- Lead me in your truth (Jesus does)
Sermon: Remember the Death of Christ
The sermon is an admonition to remember the Death of Christ as the sacrifice for our sins, and as the only means of obtaining said remission of sins. The Lord’s Supper is identified as one God ordained part of our worship that draws our minds to that event.
Sermon: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
This lesson describes the gospel. Its focus, which is Jesus Christ; the fact that it is God’s sword to the converting of man; its purpose which is to save; and it power to do so.
Sermon: The Incarnate Word
Lesson 8 of 8 in a series on Awesome Texts.
In John 1, the apostle affirms that Jesus is the Eternal God, Who created the universe and everything in it, Who came to earth as a man, and Who became the Light of the world, declaring the Father, as the Savior of Mankind.
Invitation: Christ Our Sacrifice
Invitation delivered by: Kyle Chamblee
Kyle reads the text of Hebrews 9 as a means of offering the invitation.
Mining the Scriptures: Hebrews 1:5-14
The book of Hebrews contains a series of contrasts designed to establish the supremacy of Jesus Christ, and His covenant with mankind. The first of these contrasts consists of a comparison between Christ and angels.
- Verse 4 indicates that Jesus is superior to the angels because His Father granted an inheritance to Him as a Son.
- Jesus is superior to the angels because He is, in fact, God’s only begotten Son (5)
- Jesus is seen to be superior in that God declares we are to worship Him, where angels are not to be worshipped. Rather they serve as ministering servants (6-7). Jesus is, in fact, God, reigning on His throne in righteousness (8-9).
- Jesus is superior because He is the Creator of the universe. While the universe is temporal, and will one day cease to exist, its Creator is eternal and incorruptible. (10-12).
The angels are ministering spirits, appointed by God to serve us. In contrast God has exalted the Christ, and appointing for Him a place at His right hand, reigning in Heaven. He is not a servant, He is our Lord! (13-14).
Sermon: The Throne Room of God
Lesson 1 of 8 in a series on Awesome Texts.
Revelation 4 and 5 reveals a vision of John, where he describes the throne room of God. The text reveals a most important point. God is the center of the universe, and all of creation exists to offer up praise to Him, and the Lamb of God.
Sermon: After the Trial of Christ
In this sermon, preached by Chad Gallman, the events that followed the trial of Jesus Christ are discussed.
Sermon: The Triumphal Entry
John 12 records the beginning of the final days of our Lord’s life. It also records the fickle nature of men. Men who initially received Him as the Son of David, worshipping Him upon his entry into Jerusalem – then later clamoring to kill Him on the cross.
Sermon: The Preeminent Christ
In his epistle to the Colossians, the apostle Paul establishes the Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and calls for Christians to avoid human philosophies, traditions and worldliness, and place their trust in Him.
Sermon: The Importance of Christ’s Church
Many New Testament verses clearly teach the value that Jesus Christ put on the church He purchased with His own blood. As we learn of that importance, the question remains – How much do we value that church?
Sermon: You. Sir. A Prophet. The Messiah! (John 4)
The sermon examines the conversation between Jesus and the woman of Samaria, recorded in John 4. The woman, who conceivably began the interlude with animosity toward Jesus, a Jew, eventually believed Him to be the Messiah.
Sermon: The Facts About Jesus
The fundamental facts about Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Savior of mankind. These facts make up what is referred to in scripture as the Gospel. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation (cf. Romans 1:16).
Sermon: Five Great Bible Questions
The sermon, based on a sermon chart by Steve Hudgins, seeks to answer the following questions that appear in the Bible: 1) “Where Art Thou”; 2) “To Whom Shall We Go?”; 3) “Lord What Will You Have Me to Do?”; 4) “What Must I Do to be Saved”; and 5) “What Doth Hinder Me?”
Note: In addition to the audio link, there is a link to a zip file which extracts to a self-contained Prezi presentation. Also, there is a link to a handout that was included in the sermon as a hardcopy reminder of the material.
“I who speak to you am He”
John 4:25-26
At the end of Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4, the woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (who is called Christ). When He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus’ response was His most direct self-affirmation to date in His early ministry, as He said, “I who speak to you am He.”
Other words and phrases had earlier been used, by Jesus and others, that intimated His position. The first example, of course, was the angel’s words to the virgin Mary, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:31-33).