Category: Christian Living
Subject: Christian Living
Sermon: Spiritual Maturity
A list of five suggestions that will help Christians attain spiritual maturity, and assist in our battle against Satan.
Invitation: Christian Characteristics Equip Us
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
The Christian attributes listed in such places as Galatians 5, 2 Peter 1 and Ephesians 6 equip us to handle Satan’s onslaughts, and prepare us for an eternity in heaven with God.
Sermon: Top Deathbed Regrets
The sermon examines from a Biblical perspective the 5 most commonly stated regrets voiced by individuals who are on their deathbed.
Invitation: Choosing Your Attitude
Invitation delivered by: Josh Jackson
Josh expresses the importance of having and showing a correct attitude in the Christian life. We are to rejoice, even amid tribulation. The point is made that such an attitude is a matter of choice or will.
Sermon: A Good Old Age
Sermon by Bob Ward.
The sermon uses Psalm 90:10-12 to note the life of man, both in its span and its purpose.
Sermon: That Good Part
Sermon by Bob Ward
Bob discusses and applies principles from Jesus’ interaction with Mary and Marth as recorded in Luke 10:38-41.
Invitation: Do Not Grow Weary
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Paul identifies those among them who were walking disorderly, and gives the exhortation to not grow weary in doing good.
Sermon: How to Get What You Want
The lesson mentions spiritual principles that will help you to gain the things you desire, so long as what you desire is that which God wants for you!
Sermon: The Transformed Life
This sermon is an explanation of the Transformed Life alluded to by the apostle Paul in Romans 12:1-2.
Invitation: What It Means to be a Pilgrim
Invitation delivered by: Chad Gallman
1 Peter 2:11-12 is used as a text, as Chad explains what it means to be a pilgrim.
Invitation: Being Known as a Christian
Invitation delivered by: Joshua Jackson
If you have to tell people you are a Christian, then there is something amiss. It should be obvious to all that you are, and will be if you are conducting yourself as a Christian should.
Sermon: The Body of Christ
One of the many metaphors that the Holy Spirit uses to describe the relationship between Jesus Christ and the saved is that of a body. The phrase, “the body of Christ” indicates Jesus’ dominion, and the harmony that should exist when each member of “the body” pulls together in service to the Head.
Sermon: Punctuation
Punctuation marks such as the period, comma, exclamation point, question mark, quotation marks and the asterisk are used to illustrate Biblical precepts.
(Inspiration for the lesson taken from chart created by Ron Adams, which appeared in the December 2013 issue of For Your Consideration).
Sermon: Let Us…
Sermon by Jonathan Hinds
A survey of the book of Hebrews. Jonathan discusses the motivation, confidence, instruction and gratitude of the Christian, as revealed in the text.
Sermon: Stop Waiting in Line!
There is no waiting in line:
- To be heard by God in prayer.
- To receive spiritual blessings.
- To praise and worship God.
- To read and learn more about God.