Category: Christian Living
Subject: Christian Living
From the Preacher’s Pen: Set Your Mind on Things Above
In Colossians 3:1-2, the apostle Paul wrote, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” In light of the corruption that is present in our own society, such words are certainly needed.
The call is for Christians to comport themselves differently because of their relationship with their Savior. We have been raised with Christ. As Paul put it in Romans 6:4, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” While not explicitly stated in the text, our leaving the waters of baptism, dead to sin and alive to Christ, is a raising that parallels the resurrection of our Lord. It is a new birth, a renewal, a conversion. We should not longer be as the world, but rather “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
The call is accomplished in the mind. We set our minds on things above. Our focus is not on the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, but on our eternal abode and the things of God.
Why do we do this? Back to Colossians 3:4, “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” The old man (the man of sin) is dead. Because of this, the new man is to “put to death [his] members which are on the earth” (vs. 5). This is not optional. It is what it means to belong to Him.
Invitation: Participating in the Gospel
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Paul thanked God for the Philippian’s fellowship, or participation in the gospel of Christ. Whenever we “participate” in the gospel, we cause joy in heaven!
Invitation: All Members of the Body are Important
Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera
Armando used the text of 1 Corinthians 12:12-ff to establish the importance of every Christian as we seek to edify one another as members of the body of Christ.
Invitation: The Road to Salvation
Invitation delivered by: Josh Jackson
Josh uses the Paul’s epistle to the Romans to talk about the road to salvation. He emphasizes the need for salvation, how salvation is obtained, the need to remain on the road, and how that can be done.
Sermon: How to Excel at Life
Sermon preached by Brantley Gallman:
Guest speaker Brantley Gallman used the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 to explain the type of life any human should aspire to. It is the Christian life, described by Paul as a life that is quiet, minding one’s own business, and working with one’s own hands.
A Transformed Individual
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:1-2)
The apostle’s exhortation impacts every aspect of our lives. We are to be transformed by our faith. As our mind’s are renewed through our acceptance of God’s perfect will, we become better citizens, parents, children, friends, husbands and wives. In the context of the chapter, there are several indications of the character of such a transformed life:
Sermon: 7 Things the Lord Loves
Proverbs 6:16-19 identifies 7 things that are an abomination to God. It stands to reason that an approximate opposite of these things would be pleasing to God. The sermon shows that this is true, with practical applications.
Sermon: Abraham – A Friend of God
The Bible identified Abraham as a “friend of God.” The sermon discussed the attributes of Abraham that commended him to God, and makes application for God’s children today.
Invitation: Focus on the Gift, Not the Box!
Invitation delivered by: Roger Paulsel
Roger uses a humorous personal experience to illustrate an important point from Acts 17. All God gives us is for the purpose of our seeking for and finding Him (cf. vs. 27).
Sermon: What Should I Do?
The Lesson discusses questions you should ask yourself before deciding upon any action. These will be helpful in ensuring you are doing what the Lord intends for you.
Invitation: When Enlightenment Really Isn’t
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Justin examines a misguided claim of spiritual enlightenment, showing the fallacy of focusing on the faults of others rather than the challenges of self.
From the Preacher’s Pen: The Path
The following is a poem written by Tracy Gallman. Sister Gallman prepared the children’s curriculum for our recent Family Bible Study Week. The poem appeared in that material. I commend it to you!
The Path
“Walking in Sunlight”
There is a Path we are called to walk on;
By faith and not by sight.
A path where Jesus is
A Path that reveals His light.
His light will guide you and teach you
About His love and care,
The Path will never be lonely
As long as Jesus is there.
The Path may at times become rocky
And full of weeds, but…
Don’t lean on your own understanding –
Look to Jesus – Trust Him –
And with new eyes you will see
The path that Jesus sees.
Jesus calls all who hear
To follow Him along their way,
He promises to guide, guard and Save you
If in His Path you will stay.
Tracy Gallman
Sermon: Doctrine and Manner of Life
In 2 Timothy 3 the apostle Paul encourages the young evangelist Timothy to be faithful in Doctrine and in his manner of living. He shows the key to a faithful life is preparedness by a study and application of the word of God.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: Am I a Friend to Jesus?
Friends stick close to one another, sacrifice for each other, are loyal to, and have faith in one another. Using these things as parameters, this lesson asks the question, “Am I a Friend to Jesus?”
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: Gospel Meeting (Mo Hafley) November 6-11, 2010
This post contains short summaries and links to both audio and Powerpoint presentations of all the sermons Mo Hafley preached for the West Side congregation in the Fall 2010 meeting, November 6-11.
Lesson 1: Looking Unto Jesus
In this sermon, Mo Hafley of Paden City, WV uses the text of Hebrews 12:1-7, to establish the nature of the Christian’s race on earth, and the motivation behind it as we look to Jesus, our Savior.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 2: How We Worship
This sermon by Mo Hafley is a discussion on proper worship to God, with an emphasis on focus and proper spirituality when we sing, pray, commune around the Lord’s table, give of our means, and listen to the preaching of the Word of God.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 3: A Few Days with Paul
This sermon by Mo Hafley is a discussion of Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica and Berea, as recorded by Luke in Acts 17:1-13. Paul and the first century disciples showed great courage in the preaching of the gospel of Christ.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 4: Parents and Children
This sermon by Mo Hafley is a wonderful treatment of God’s word on the topic of Parenting. In it, Mo shows what God expects of Christian parents, and even has some words of admonition for children.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 5: Preaching Properly
In this sermon, Mo Hafley discusses the proper tone we are to take in preaching. Emphasis is placed upon militance in preaching, as too often in our day and time people heap up for themselves teachers having itching ears. Soft preaching is not God’s way.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 6: Holy Living in an Unholy World
This sermon by Mo Hafley documents the moral evil that is present in our world, and especially our nation. Biblical advice is given to Christians, explaining how we are to navigate in such troublesome waters.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Lesson 7: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego
This lesson is an expository treatment of Daniel 3, showing the courage of these great servants of God. Regardless of consequence, Christians must emulate them.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Lesson 8: Evidences
This lesson by Mo Hafley is a concise detailing of various internal and external evidences, given to prove God’s existence, and the validity of the Bible as God’s revelation.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Lesson 9: Homesick for Heaven
This lesson was an appropriate ending to our gospel meeting with Mo Hafley. He used homesickness (an emotion we have all felt) to explain the type of desire and expectation we as Christians should have regarding our heavenly home.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .