Category: Confession

Subject: Confession

Sermon: The Many Factors in Man’s Salvation

This sermon is an overview of God’s great scheme of redemption.


Powerpoint Slides

The Patternists: The Five Steps to Salvation

patternist-2.pngThe question is as old as the Kingdom itself, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (cf. Acts 2:37). When confronted with the reality of sin, those convicted of their guilt desire to know what they must do to be saved from condemnation.

An examination of God’s word reveals five things to be done for a person to be saved. So, Christians have often referred to the five steps to salvation. This phrase has been ridiculed as simplistic, legalistic, PATTERNISTIC. What it is, is scriptural.

  1. HEAR. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
  2. BELIEVE. “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness…” (Romans 10:10).
  3. REPENT. “Repent…for the remission of sins…” (Acts 2:38).
  4. CONFESS. (That “Jesus Christ is the Son of God” Acts 8:37) “…with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10).
  5. BE BAPTIZED. “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

The process of passing from death to life begins when an alien sinner hears the good news of Jesus Christ, and is completed when he arises from the waters of baptism to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

For those who object to such a listing of steps to salvation, we ask two simple questions. Are any of the listed steps unnecessary? Did we leave any steps out? In reality, this teaching approach has led to the salvation of multitudes. The gospel is sublime, but simple.

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In the News: Criticizing the Five Step Plan

num5I recently was sent an article titled, “Do We Have A Catechism?”, written by Ken Green. The form the article took, and the comments following, indicate that brother Green had posted it to his Facebook page.

Though brother Green gave no specifics in the article, it was critical of the preaching and attitudes of Christians in the past. Notice the following two quotes:

We do not have catechism classes that insist on the rote learning of the proper responses to various questions about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the church, faith, baptism, worship, and other doctrines. But, by and large, our people have done quite well in memmorizing (sic) things they can recite on a moment’s notice, while, too often, having little understanding of the material and never really growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

But there was a stretch of many years when at least a couple of generations grew up in our churches without hearing much about love, grace and forgiveness and how we’re supposed to treat each other, and it had some devastating effects.

Brother Green took issue with the call made for “distinctive preaching” and said that what was meant is that we should be “reciting the catechism.” It is becoming fairly common to hear a rather dismissive attitude towards the faith and practice of earlier generations of Christians. This is unfortunate.

Continue reading “In the News: Criticizing the Five Step Plan”

10 – With the Mouth Confession

Sermon: Five Steps to Salvation

Stan here preaches a straitforward first principle lesson on the conditions God has placed upon man. In other words, the five steps any man must complete to be saved by God. As simple as this is, it is often misunderstood or denied by the religious world.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Belief and Confession

This sermon is a discussion of the text of Romans 10:1-13. It includes a discussion of the difference between the two covenants; the necessity of faith and confession unto salvation; and a definition of the phrase, “calls upon the name of the Lord.”

Sermon Audio: Click Here .