Category: Conviction

Subject: Conviction

Sermon: Two Cons

Sermon 4 of 9
Gospel Meeting May 5-10, 2012
Speaker: Chip Foster

Two concepts are examined, using Jeroboam as an example (1 Kings 12:25-30). The first, CONvenience. The second, CONviction. Good application is made to Christians in our time.


Powerpoint Slides

In the News: Pragmatism VS Idealism

ImageI am not particularly fond of politics, but I have been casually following the debates and campaigns of the Republican candidates for the Presidency. Many are aware that for a time Newt Gingrich had enjoyed a lead in the polls, as the Iowa Caucuses neared. However, political analysts believe that a series of attack ads by a political group that is backing Mitt Romney led to a change of sentiment by voters, and a disappointing 4th place finish for Gingrich in Iowa.

Gingrich has been very civil toward other candidates during debates and campaigning, taking the high road, and eschewing negative campaigning to this point. He has called for other candidates to do the same. However, indications are that things have changed. After his disappointing finish, Gingrich has made clear that he will begin to be more pointed in his criticism of Romney’s policies and history as governor of Massachusetts.

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Invitation: Almost Persuaded is Eternally Lost

Invitation delivered by: Joshua Scroggins

Josh uses the text of Acts 26:28 and the lyrics of the song “Almost Persuaded” to exhort the audience to make the decision to serve Christ acceptably while time and opportunity remains.


Sermon: Lessons from David and Goliath

This lesson describes some wonderful applications we can make from the narrative of David’s battle with Goliath (1 Samuel 17).

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Keith Greer Meeting Sermons (November 7-12, 2009)

I am going to include in this post all of the sermons preached by brother Keith Greer in our recent meeting, November 7-12, 2009.

The Perils of Postponement (Saturday)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Rise Above Minimal Service (Sunday Class)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Prayerlessness (Sunday AM)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Uncompromising Faith (Sunday PM)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Will God Bless America? (Monday)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Sorry, did not record.

Same Principles in Every Age (Tuesday)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Keys to Joy (Wednesday AM)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Gratitude (Wednesday PM)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

God Said, But… (Thursday)
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Brother Greer did a fine job this past week, and I commend each of these lessons to you!

Sermon: Practical Suggestions for Young People

The sermon discusses a number of practical suggestions regarding prayer, study and personal conviction that will benefit any Christian, but especially those who are young, and young in the faith.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

In The News: Can A Christian Be President

inthenewsThe question of our title is similar to other questions that have been asked. Can a Christian be a lawyer? Or, can a Christian tend bar?

Those questions speak of the morality of the two occupations. While I believe that a Christian could certainly practice law, there are certain types of lawyers who seem, if they do their job successfully, to violate Christian morality.

However, when I ask the question, “Can a Christian be President?” I am not so concerned with the ethics of the job; rather, I am referring to the electability of a Christian. I am convinced that one who truly holds to the teachings of Jesus Christ would be considered an extremist, and would have no chance of being elected to the highest office in America.

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AOTS: Daniel’s Bout with the Lions

AOTS Number 71

Daniel’s courageous stand for God even in the face of persecution is a wonderful example for us as Christians.


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Working Out Your Own Salvation

WrenchIn Philippians 2:12-13, the Apostle Paul exhorted Christians to “…as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” The text clearly shows that man has an obligation regarding his own standing before God. Though we are saved by grace, this does not excuse us from honest and diligent effort to obey God. He saves us, but we are sadly mistaken if we believe that He will save us without any effort on our part. Those who are unrepentant sinners will only suffer loss.

In the New Testament, there are two instances where a disciple is referred to as one who is “full of faith.” Stephen (Acts 6:5,8) and Barnabas (Acts 11:24) are the two men mentioned. The Holy Spirit chose two men who personify the apostle’s admonition to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Stephen suffered martyrdom because of his unflinching proclamation of the gospel of our Lord. In Acts 11, we are told that as a result of Barnabas’ preaching “a great many people were added to the Lord” (vs. 24). Barnabas continued steadfastly in his work, and was a great help and companion to Paul in his ministry.

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AOTS: Are You Really Listening?

AOTS Number 33

How is it that two can both hear the same sermons week after week, and one is faithful and strong while the other is weak and worldly? Could it be that only one of the two is really listening?


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AOTS: The Old Paths

AOTS Number 11

A poem praising the virtues of past days where the Bible and God were respected, and there was less evil in the world.


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AOTS: How Do You Define Yourself?

AOTS Number 4

First and foremost, we should define ourselves as Christians.

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Sermon: The Tents of the Righteous

A tent was the common dwelling for the nomadic people of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Psalm 118:15 speaks of the “tents of the righteous”, and establishes a picture that is very instructive to the child of God.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Enduring Sound Doctrine

The term “endure” normally intimates a negative, such as eduring temptation or trial. However, in 2 Timothy 4:3, the apostle refers to those who are unwilling to “endure” sound doctrine. The truth of God is a positive thing, and it is a rather peculiar statement that it is something that must be endured. The concept is examined in this sermon.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

“I Press Toward the Goal”

In his epistle to the Philippians, the apostle Paul expressed his attitude toward his service to Christ. Simply put, he wasn’t about to “count his chickens before they hatched.” In his own words, “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).

The reason for this single-minded approach in his service to the Lord is stated in the preceding verses, “that I may gain Christ, and be found in him” (vs. 8b-9a). Further, he longed for the result of such a fellowship with his Lord, “if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection of the dead” (vs. 11).

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