Category: Defense/Truth
Subject: Defense of Truth
Mining The Scriptures: Jude 3-4
Jude 3-4
The concept of contending for the faith, while well documented scripturally as a requirement of God, is not practiced with regularity in our time. Rather, the call today is for compromise and tolerance.
It is interesting that Jude indicates in this text his desire to write “concerning our common salvation.” It is certainly a pleasant thing to relate the privileges and rewards that are ours if we are found faithful in Christ. However, Jude “found it necessary” to write instead about false teachers and their influence, to warn his readers.
Why did Jude feel compelled to do this? Because of the dangers such men present! They are deceitful in their practices, and Jude reveals that they will stand condemned for their message (cf. vs. 14-15).
Jude warns his readers to “keep yourselves” (vss. 20-21). False teachers are dangerous, and we must contend with them!
AOTS: Balderdash
AOTS Number 74
False teachers use their sophist abilities to make their error seem palatable. The standard for truth is the Word of God. All the errorists have to offer is balderdash!
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Sermon: Shining As Lights in the World (Joshua Cox)
Sermon by Guest Speaker Joshua Cox. Christians are to shine as lights in the world. This indicates that the Christian’s influence, shown in various aspects of his life as lived for God, should serve to give glory to God and influence others for good.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
AOTS:The Indestructible Word
AOTS Number 57
The Bible is loved by many, but it is also the most attacked book and teaching in the history of mankind. However, those who attack the word are always defeated in their attempts.
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Sermon: The Bible is Unique
The Bible is the most unique book in the world. This is because it is, in truth, a divine product. It is the inspired word of God.
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Podcast: Exposing False Teachers
Podcast Number 55
The apostle Paul describes the work of an evangelist in 2 Timothy 4:2-4 to be, in part, exposing those who teach error. The evangelist must do so readily, and with longsuffering. But, it must be done!
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AOTS: You Expect Me to Believe That?
AOTS Number 48
Evolutionists claim that Creationists take by blind faith what amounts to fairy tales. Well, the Evolutionist’s claims seem to stretch credulity themselves!
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AOTS: The Architect of Our Universe
AOTS Number 43
The heavens and earth declare that God exists. Only a fool would denly it. Don’t be that fool!
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Podcast: Archeological Evidences
Podcast Number 53
Archeology continually corroborates the Bible, giving evidence as to its inspiration.
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Same Facts … Different Interpretations
I recently came across a very interesting and informative article written by Ken Ham on the Answers In Genesis website. The title of the article is, Creation: ‘where’s the proof”, and it can be found in its entirety at the following URL:
Consider the following quote from the article:
Creationists and evolutionists, Christians and non-Christians all have the same evidence—the same facts. Think about it: we all have the same earth, the same fossil layers, the same animals and plants, the same stars—the facts are all the same.
The difference is in the way we all interpret the facts. And why do we interpret facts differently? Because we start with different presuppositions. These are things that are assumed to be true, without being able to prove them. These then become the basis for other conclusions. All reasoning is based on presuppositions (also called axioms). This becomes especially relevant when dealing with past events.
The premise of the article is interesting. The writer notes that in arguing whether man was created or evolved, many want to “leave the Bible out of it.” In other words, they would be willing to listen to the claims of Christianity, but first they need to see real proof regarding God’s existence.
Militance & Aggressiveness
Definition: Militant (Wikipedia) “The word militant has come to refer to any individual or party engaged in aggressive physical or verbal combat, normally for a cause…”
“…The word militant comes from the 15th Century Latin “militare” meaning “to serve as a soldier”. The related modern concept of the militia as a defensive organization against invaders grew out of the Anglo-Saxon “fyrd”. In times of crisis, the militiaman left his civilian duties and became a soldier until the emergency was over, when he returned to his civilian status.”
The term militant initially had a positive connotation. As seen by the etymology cited above, the idea of a militant centered in the defense of a cause, and referenced a man pressed into military service in defense of country.
However, in recent years the word militant has often been used as a pejorative.
Sermon: “Mistakes” in Stephen’s Sermon
Bill Crews’ sermon answers skeptics claims that Stephen, in his sermon in Acts 7, made some mistakes in relating Jewish history.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
A Titanic and Unsubstantiated Claim
On Sunday, March 4th, the Discovery Channel aired what was claimed to be a “documentary” entitled The Lost Tomb of Jesus. The filmmakers included producer John Cameron (Director and Producer of the film Titanic), and director Simcha Jacobovici.
The program makes some very disturbing claims. It asserts that the 10 ossuaries (bone boxes) found in an ancient tomb in a suburb of Jerusalem at one time contained the remains of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and an individual known as “Judah, son of Jesus.” The program claims that the odds overwhelmingly point to this being the tomb of Jesus Christ, and that DNA tests done on some remains found in the ossuaries indicate that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married.
The tomb and ossuaries were discovered about 25 years ago, and are well known to archaeologists. It is striking that those who initially examined the find never entertained the view that the tomb was the significant find now being claimed by the filmmakers.
Proceed With Caution
Several years ago I signed up for a email discussion forum called “marslist.” I believe the name of the list referenced the text of Acts 17, where the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers are recorded as gathering daily at the Areopagus on “Mars” hill to discuss philosphies and doctrines.
While the intent of the individual who named the list was to indicate it would be a place for discussion of Biblical topics (as Paul did on that occasion), I find it a bit ironic that the sentiment Luke recorded about that place came to characterize the list as well. Luke wrote, “For all the Athenians and the foreigners who were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing” (vs. 21).
In The News: Water on Mars! So What?
NASA recently reported photographic evidence indicating that water may occasionally rise to the surface on Mars. Of course, the excitement among scientists centers on the possibility of what water allows, the possibility of past life on the planet.
Pictures originally taken in 1999 have been compared to new images taken in September of 2005, showing a definite change. Though it is possible the changes in the image can be attributed to frost, or even movement of soil, the explanation that most intrigues scientists is that the deposits are the result of water bursting to the surface, and momentarily running down the hill either before freezing, or evaporating to leave mineral deposits behind.