Category: Devotion


Sermon: Dare to be a Daniel

Daniel is a man of Purpose, Principle, Purity and Prayer. As such, he serves as a wonderful example to us.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .


(The following article was written by Tommy Davis, one of the members of the West Side congregation. I commend it to you. Stan)

Take a minute to answer this question, do you have dreams for the future? Do you want to be a doctor, make a scientific breakthrough or do you want to be a professional athlete? Some people dream of good health or being wealthy and living in a huge house. People in nearly every culture have dreams for the future. We hear about holding onto our dreams at events like graduations, and when we get married, we feel like a dream just came true. Most of us don’t dream of terrible events like death or destruction.

God has a dream for us too. When God created man, he longed to walk with man on earth and have relationships with us. For a while in the Garden of Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day — Genesis 3:8. I often wonder what those conversations were like! This soon came to an end when sin entered our lives, and now we are separated from God. No longer do men walk with God and talk to him face to face. We are imperfect and impure; not fit to be in the presence of God. The relationship was broken!

Continue reading “Dreams”

Sermon: Your Choices

This eighth sermon preached by Jerry Fite in our gospel meeting May 9-14, 2009 shows that we must be righteous in the choices we make as we seek to serve God.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Sorry, the audio did not come out for this sermon. We have the powerpoint file only.

Sermon: Marks of True Devotion

The Lesson is an exegetical treatment of Romans 12:1-8. There are four marks of devotion evident in the life of any faithful child of God. Self-sacrifice, Self-alteration, Self-examination and Self-involvement. The lesson identifies and discusses these marks.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Keeping the Heart

The Bible uses the term heart metaphorically, to refer variously to: the seat of our understanding, will, devotion and conscience. It is a beautiful figure of speech, that contains many lessons for the Christian.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .