Category: False Teachers

Subject: False Teachers

God Speaks to Me!

It is common for religious people to claim that they have received instructions or confirmation directly from God. They place great trust in the “directions” they have received, and use any coincidence as corroboration that God has spoken to them. When asked what God’s voice sounds like, they are seldom bold enough to describe an actual voice, but remain steadfast in their contention that they have been directed in some nebulous way by Him.

There is no doubt that at times God has spoken directly to man. The Old Testament gives examples of conversations between God and Adam, Abraham and Moses. The apostle Peter stated, “no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

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In the News: Fal$e Teacher$

Image I think I may have found a rap song that I like, kind of…

A “Christian Rap” artist by the name of Shai Linne recently released a song called Fal$e Teacher$, where he contends that those who are what he calls “prosperity preachers” are in fact false teachers. He specifically names twelve such teachers in his song, including such well known names as Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland.

(Note: Click here to listen to the song on Youtube).

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Mining the Scriptures: Jude 12-15


In these verses Jude continues his description of the false teachers, who in their treachery destroy themselves and those they are able to influence. He calls them clouds without water, trees without fruit, raging waves of the sea, and wandering stars. In all of this they are seen to be vain and destructive in the error they propagate, and doomed for eternity.

Two questions arise from the text. First, what are the “love feasts” referred to in verse 12? The word “spot” may be a mistranslation, as the term may instead have reference to hidden rocks rather than a blemish. Regardless, they are destructive. The phrase “love feasts” most probably refer to social meals that brethren eat together, giving them an opportunity to express their devotion to one another. These men use such occasions to promote their evil agenda.

The second question concerns the origin of Enoch’s prophesy in verses 14-15 concerning the judgment of these false teachers. The prophesy quoted is not found elsewhere in scripture. However, as Jude spoke by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can be assured of its legitimacy (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16-17) . He here describes the final judgment when these men will give account of themselves to God.

Sermon: Accepting the Bible at Face Value

Much of the religious error and problems that exist do so because men are not willing to accept the Bible as it is written. The problem can be present among God’s people as well as those caught in denominational error.


Sermon: Some Will Depart from the Faith

In 1 Timothy 4, the apostle Paul identifies and describes for Timothy false teachers who would soon trouble God’s people. He instructs Timothy to instruct the brethren regarding these false doctrines, that they might be protected by the truth of God’s word. In doing so, Paul tells Timothy that he would be a good minister of Jesus Christ.


In the News: October 21, Just Another Day


Back in late May, we noted that radio personality Harold Camping had incorrectly predicted the world would end on May 21st. It was a big story at the time, though I am not sure why. Such predictions have been made since the first century, and have always been bogus. There is a reason for this, as the Bible clearly reveals that man can’t know the day of the Lord’s second coming, “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2).

Camping refused to admit that he was wrong when May 21st came and went. At least, not completely wrong. Instead, he claimed that Jesus had indeed come in judgment upon the world, but had in His mercy allowed the world to continue for five more months. He then proclaimed confidently that the universe would come to an end on October 21st. This tactic of revising predictions after the fact is again not unique. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, among others, have done it on several occasions.

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Sermon: How the Devil Uses Scripture

Wayne Goforth shows in this sermon how the Devil misused scripture to serve his purposes. Those who teach error use the exact same tactics today!


Sermon: The Absurdity of Tolerating Error

The Apostles John (2 John 9-11), Paul (1 Corinthians 1:10-ff, 1 Timothy 6:1-5) and Peter (2 Peter 2:1-2) show that it is absurd to proclaim tolerance for those who teach and practice error. This may be the way of the world, but it is not God’s way.


Mining the Scriptures: Jude 5-11


To illustrate the condemnation reserved for false teachers, Jude used three examples in this text. First, those of the Exodus who exhibited unbelief despite the miraculous intervention of God. He “destroyed those who did not believe.” Second, the rebellious angels. Though little is revealed about this rebellion of higher beings, we know that God placed them under “everlasting chains.” Third, the immoral cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, that suffered by His hand, “the vengeance of eternal fire.”

These serve as an object lesson to the current false teachers that Jude warns his readers about. These evil men are sensuous and rebellious. Because of their evil ways, they are worthy of condemnation.

In verse 9 of the text, a reference is made to a conflict between Michael, the archangel, and the devil, about the body of Moses. We have no knowledge of the nature of the dispute, and it is worthless to speculate. However, the occasion is used to point out the audacity of the false teachers Jude condemns. Their brashness leads them to do things even Michael himself would not.

Mining the Scriptures: 2 John 7-8


In verse 7 John continues his contention that the child of God must “walk according to His commandments” (vs. 6). He notes that false teachers would come, denying the humanity of Jesus, and in so doing lead some to forfeit their faith and standing with God.

He refers to these as deceivers and “an antichrist.” The term antichrist (antichristos) simply refers to one who opposes the Christ, and should not here be construed as referring to any one person, past or future. All those who deny the deity or the humanity of the Christ make themselves opponents of Him. Thus, they are antichrists.

John calls for awareness of this false doctrine, and warns his readers lest they be influenced by the teaching. Why? Because, if such is embraced, they might “lose those things we worked for” (vs 8).

Embracing false doctrine can cause one to lose his soul. Concerning such individuals, Peter wrote that they twist the scriptures “to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).

We must be diligent, “that we may receive a full reward” (vs. 8).

In the News: May 21, 2011 (The Aftermath)


A week ago yesterday, the 89 year old radio evangelist Harold Camping was proven to be a false teacher… again.

His prediction that Christians would be raptured on May 21st, 2011 did not come true. Actually, that was a second false prediction, as he initially had claimed September 6, 1994 as being the date of the rapture. He later claimed a mathematical error to be the problem when it did not happen, but in the weeks leading up to May 21st, declared with 100% certainty that his math was now correct, and his interpretation sure.

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In the News: May 21, 2011 (Yesterday)

Bus bench, Colorado City, CO

According to Premillenialist and radio personality Harold Camping, the rapture was supposed to take place on May 21st, and the final judgment will occur on October 21st of this same year.

Read the following from the first page of the “We Can Know” website:

“This web site serves as an introduction and portal to four faithful ministries which are teaching that WE CAN KNOW from the Bible alone that the date of the rapture of believers will take place on May 21, 2011 and that God will destroy this world on October 21, 2011.”


“Learn about the Biblical Timeline of History, the correct method of Bible interpretation, the End of the Church Age and God’s command to believers that they must depart out of the churches. Study the proofs that God has so graciously given in His Word showing us that these dates are 100% accurate and beyond dispute.”

We have studied our Bible, and are not surprised to be alive and here on May 22nd. The reason we are not surprised is that the Bible does not teach the doctrine of the rapture, and the Bible does not contain a timeline indicating that “we can know” the time our Lord will return in judgment upon the earth.

Continue reading “In the News: May 21, 2011 (Yesterday)”

Sermon: Forbidden to Go Beyond

The sermon is based upon a well known sermon chart, in which it is established that man must not go beyond the doctrine of Christ. Things such as the doctrines of men, perversions or changes of the gospel, acting outside of personal faith, standards of righteousness established by men, and the wisdom that emanates from man are condemned in scripture.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

In The News: “Word of the Lord”

inthenewsOn Tuesday an envelope came in the mail at the church building. The return address from the envelope was:

The WORD of the LORD
P.O. Box 1483
Mesa, AZ 85211-1483

The two pages, printed on front and back had the following heading:

Word of the Lord
His Church in the Wilderness; and to All the Nations of the Gentiles

At the end of the pages, which are apparently a sample of a longer work, was a paragraph stating that “a copy of this book containing the Word of The Lord given by revelation to this generation” could be obtained by mailing a self addressed 7 X 10 envelope with $1.52 in postage to the aforementioned address.

There was no other identification, and a quick internet search turned up nothing. There is nothing in the material to identify who it is who claims to have received a further revelation from Jesus Christ. There is also no evidence to support the contention that these words are the words of Jesus. Unlike the signs and wonders that were performed in the first century to confirm the words of our Lord (cf. John 20:30-31; Hebrews 2:1-4).

Continue reading “In The News: “Word of the Lord””

Sermon: Instruments Opposing the Church

The Lord’s church has many enemies, some without, and more damaging, others within. The lesson details 7 “instruments” opposing the church.

  • Persecution
  • The World
  • Mammon
  • Discord
  • Division
  • False Doctrine
  • Lukewarmness

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .