Category: Family

Subject: Family

Invitation: Our Christian Family

Invitation delivered by: Ben Schmidt

Matthew 12:46-50. One of the most precious families we have is our Christian family. Acts 4:32-37. They are of one heart and one soul, helping one another.


Invitation: An Invitation From Family

Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell

Justin points out that when the invitation is offered, it is offered by a family to any member of that family who has a need, or to anyone future family member who desires to obey the Lord. It is an invitation offered from love.


Sermon: Gospel Meeting (Mo Hafley) November 6-11, 2010

This post contains short summaries and links to both audio and Powerpoint presentations of all the sermons Mo Hafley preached for the West Side congregation in the Fall 2010 meeting, November 6-11.

Lesson 1: Looking Unto Jesus

In this sermon, Mo Hafley of Paden City, WV uses the text of Hebrews 12:1-7, to establish the nature of the Christian’s race on earth, and the motivation behind it as we look to Jesus, our Savior.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 2: How We Worship

This sermon by Mo Hafley is a discussion on proper worship to God, with an emphasis on focus and proper spirituality when we sing, pray, commune around the Lord’s table, give of our means, and listen to the preaching of the Word of God.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 3: A Few Days with Paul

This sermon by Mo Hafley is a discussion of Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica and Berea, as recorded by Luke in Acts 17:1-13. Paul and the first century disciples showed great courage in the preaching of the gospel of Christ.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 4: Parents and Children

This sermon by Mo Hafley is a wonderful treatment of God’s word on the topic of Parenting. In it, Mo shows what God expects of Christian parents, and even has some words of admonition for children.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 5: Preaching Properly

In this sermon, Mo Hafley discusses the proper tone we are to take in preaching. Emphasis is placed upon militance in preaching, as too often in our day and time people heap up for themselves teachers having itching ears. Soft preaching is not God’s way.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 6: Holy Living in an Unholy World

This sermon by Mo Hafley documents the moral evil that is present in our world, and especially our nation. Biblical advice is given to Christians, explaining how we are to navigate in such troublesome waters.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Lesson 7: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego

This lesson is an expository treatment of Daniel 3, showing the courage of these great servants of God. Regardless of consequence, Christians must emulate them.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Lesson 8: Evidences

This lesson by Mo Hafley is a concise detailing of various internal and external evidences, given to prove God’s existence, and the validity of the Bible as God’s revelation.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Lesson 9: Homesick for Heaven

This lesson was an appropriate ending to our gospel meeting with Mo Hafley. He used homesickness (an emotion we have all felt) to explain the type of desire and expectation we as Christians should have regarding our heavenly home.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Sermon Series, Micky Galloway

After some delay, all eight sermons preached by Micky Galloway during his April 2010 meeting are now available online. These can be accessed in this post, or by going to the 2010 Sermons Archive page.

Sunday Morning Class: My People Love to Have it So

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sunday AM: The Soundness of God’s People

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sunday PM: The Promise

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Monday PM: Committment to Family

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Tuesday PM: A Marriage That Will Not Fail

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Wednesday AM: Jesus, The Master Teacher

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Wednesday PM: What God Expects of Us as a Family

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Thursday PM: Victory in Jesus

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

The Importance of Family

In the beginning, God created man. As recorded in the Genesis account, there was not a single animal in creation that would serve as an acceptable companion for man. So, God created woman. The text reads, “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.’ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:21-24).

There is a great significance to the phrase, “they shall become one flesh.” When a man and woman wed, they establish a lasting and intimate relationship. It is this relationship alone that God intends the sexual appetite to be satiated, and it serves the purpose of birthing and raising children. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (Genesis 1:28). “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).

Continue reading “The Importance of Family”

Sermon: Marriage Roles and Authority

The divine wisdom of God has established the roles of men and women in the home. The husband is the head, and must be deferential and loving in his treatment of his wife. The wife is submit to the leadership of her husband in the home (Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-7).

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

AOTS: Are Children Really to Blame?

AOTS Number 46

We talk about the younger generation, asking, “Where will it end?” But, often the problems with youth come because the adults have failed to raise them properly!


To listen to this Podcast, click here .

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AOTS: Who Will I Marry?

AOTS Number 40

The greatest impact upon your life here on earth (and maybe eternity) will be found in the decision made as to who you will marry.


To listen to this Podcast, click here .

To subscribe to the AOTS feed, click here .

AOTS: Extreme Appeals for Attention!

AOTS Number 36

Children will go to extremes to get their parent’s attention. Why not give them your attention and instruction and guidance easily, to avoid the extremes?!


To listen to this Podcast, click here .

To subscribe to the AOTS feed, click here .

Sermon: Husbands and the Family

The institution of marriage carries with it obligations and responsibilities to both the husband and wife. In this sermon the institution is discussed with special emphasis on the responsibilities of the husband in the relationship.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .