Category: Fellowship
Subject: Fellowship
Sermon: Paul’s Love for the Ephesians
The apostle Paul, in his final words to the Ephesian elders, expressed his great love for them. This love was the motivation for the warnings and admonitions he gave in Acts 20:17-38.
FB: Cheapening the Term “Fellowship”
In the New Testament, the term fellowship (from the Greek, koinonia), is consistently used to refer to a joint participation in the spiritual.
- In 1 Corinthians 1:9, Paul uses it to refer to our relationship with Jesus Christ.
- In 2 Corinthians 6:14, he admonishes Christians not to be yoked together with unbelievers and evil.
- In 2 Corinthians 8:4, he attributes the word to the important spiritual work of benevolence to saints who were suffering.
- In Galatians 2:9, he talks of the “right hand of fellowship”, indicating the apostles’ endorsement of his preaching to the Gentiles.
- In Philippians 1:5, he notes that their support of his work in preaching to the lost was “fellowship in the gospel”.
- John speaks of the spiritual relationship we enjoy as children of God, and with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ in 1 John 1:6-7.
Today when religious people use the term they are more likely to be talking about recreation, eating and fun. Putting an (inappropriately) weighty term upon a trivial activity does not make it more credible or important.
Paul wrote, “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17).
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Mining the Scriptures: 1 John 1:4
In John’s opening words, he affirmed himself to be an eyewitness of the resurrected Christ, and that His resurrection is the basis of his readers’ standing with God. As Paul wrote, the gospel is “the power of God to salvation” (Romans 1:16).
In verse 4 he states, “And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” Actually, manuscript authorities differ on whether the word is “our” or “your.”
If “our”, the apostle would have reference either to himself (as he used the editorial “we” to begin the epistle (cf. vs. 1), or to the common joy both he and the readers would experience through the reality of their fellowship in Christ. If “your”, the meaning would be the same, but directed to his readers alone.
Regardless, our contemplation of the redemptive acts of Jesus brings great joy to our lives as Christians. Because we believe in Him, we have fellowship together, and the hope of heaven. There is no greater source of joy available to us!
Invitation: We Are Not Alone!
Invitation delivered by: Ben Schmidt
In 2 Kings 6:12-ff, the prophet Elisha showed his servant that with God, we are never alone. This is a lesson we should learn as well!
Sermon: Miscellaneous Admonitions
In Romans 15:1-13, the apostle delivered a number of concise admonitions to the Roman Christians, including the call to receive each other, be gentle and charitable, edify one another, glorify God, rejoice, Praise the Lord, etc. These admonitions are discussed in the lesson.
Sermon: One Another
A textual examination of a number of verses where the phrase “one another” is found. The lesson emphasizes our need to love our brethren in Christ, with an explanation of ways this love is to be demonstrated.
Progressive VS Conservative
Webster’s Dictionary defines progressive as, (a) of, relating to, or characterized by progress; (b) making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities. In relation to politics and societal trends, a progressive is interested in change. He wants to try new ideas, take advantage of new technologies, and is always trying to make the world a better place by replacing old ideas and ways with new ones.
One antonym of progressive, as supplied by Webster, is the word conservative. Again, speaking politically and societally, the conservative is wary of change. He embraces the way things have been done in the past, declaring them tried and true. He does not believe that change is for the better, and rejects new ideas and technologies as merely novel, fearing unknown consequences should they be adopted.
Mining the Scriptures: 2 John 9-11
Our text is one that is highly controversial in our time, as it clearly shows that some who claim to be Christians are not worthy of fellowship and are to be rejected by the righteous. Such intolerance is not acceptable to many, but is required of us by God.
What differentiates between those who have God (are in fellowship with Him) and those who do not have God? Whether or not they abide in the doctrine of Christ. The term here could be literally rendered the “Messiah’s teaching.” (Very similar to the “apostle’s doctrine” in Acts 2:42). It includes the various doctrines concerning the person and work of Christ, but is not limited to those. Rather, it includes all that Christ taught. Both the teaching which He personally delivered to His disciples, and that promised by Him and delivered by the Holy Spirit (cf. John 16:13).
The Christian is not to associate with those who do not abide (stay, or remain) in the Messiah’s teaching. Unlike association with the world (cf. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13), to associate with false teachers among us is tantamount to fellowship. John says when we eat with them we share (jointly participate) in their evil deeds. No matter our desire for peace, this we must never do!
Invitation: Participating in the Gospel
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Paul thanked God for the Philippian’s fellowship, or participation in the gospel of Christ. Whenever we “participate” in the gospel, we cause joy in heaven!
Invitation: All Members of the Body are Important
Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera
Armando used the text of 1 Corinthians 12:12-ff to establish the importance of every Christian as we seek to edify one another as members of the body of Christ.
From the Preacher’s Pen: Aspire to an Idyllic Life!
The second chapter of the book of Acts records the activities of Christians at the dawn of the church’s existence. “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (vs. 44-47).
The text reveals an idyllic state among the people of God — one to which we today should aspire. Luke quickly begins to recount sin among the brethren (Acts 5), cultural conflicts (Acts 6) as well as persecution from without (Acts 7). But, early on there was only joy and encouragement as brethren showed hospitality toward each other, and came together in praise and worship to God.
No doubt such joy is available to Christians today. It is possible for righteous people of God to have the same mind, to endure opposition, and maintain the peace and joy that comes from our common heritage. It must be fostered and maintained, but it is possible, and it is a state God desires for his people.
If you want that joy, then do as they did in Acts 2. Assemble with the saints to worship God. Show love to your brethren through benevolence and hospitality. Thank God for the wonderful blessings you receive. Be glad for who you are, and the hope of heaven you enjoy. It is wonderful to be a child of God, and to rejoice in the hope of heaven!
Sermon: One Mind and One Mouth
An expository lesson covering the text of Romans 15:1-6. God calls us to unity, to be of one mind, and one mouth as we receive one another.
Sermon: Associating with the Worldly
The sermon explains the proper relationship the Christian should sustain with those who have not accepted Christ as their Savior.
Mining the Scriptures: Philippians 1:3-8
The apostle Paul truly had a great love for his brethren in Philippi. He said as much when he wrote, “I have you in my heart,” (7) and “how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ” (8). This love stemmed equally from his “deep concern for all the churches” (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:28), and from their fellowship “in the gospel from the first day until now” (5).
For Paul, the expression of love went far beyond mere platitudes. It was shown in the continual petitions he made on their behalf before God. He thanked his God “upon every remembrance of you” (3). His opportunity to pray on their behalf was described by the apostle as a joy because of their assistance, and his affection.
His commendation was deserved. Because of their ministration to him, he described the Philippians as “both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel … partakers with me of grace” (7). Not all of us are capable of such active defense of the faith as the great apostle. However, it is within the capabilities of all Christians to have fellowship in grace by helping those who do!
Sermon: Walking in the Light
Walking in the light of God’s will reaps great benefits, including: Fellowship with other Christians, access to the cleansing blood of Christ, joy and exaltation and the assurance we will never stumble (cf. 1 John 1:7).