Category: God

Subject: God

Sermon: Another Sermon on the Fear of God

Matthew 10 describes the limited commission given by Jesus to his disciples, and the persecution they could expect in their preaching. Our Lord indicated in the text that the fear of God should trump any fear of man, and motivate them to fulfill their duty.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: The Awareness of God

God is omnipresent, and intimately aware of the lives and conduct of His children. He cares for us, but His approval is conditioned upon our faithfulness. Each day we should live our lives as if Jesus is right there beside us, because in reality, He is.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Podcast: God Is Love!


Podcast Number 24

The apostle John penned a wonderful treatise on love, found in 1 John 4, which establishes the importance of love, based on on the fact that God Is Love!

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Sermon: The Almighty God VS Idols

A comparison between the Almighty God of heaven, and dumb idols shows the absurdity of idol worship. Though worship of idols is absurd, it was common among pagan peoples, was present among the Jews, and is practiced today.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Alpha & Omega

We commonly use the phrase “A to Z” to identify the sum total of any particular thing. If a person is knowledgeable on a subject, we say he knows it from “A to Z.” If a person is accomplished in a particular area, we say that he has done it all, from “A to Z.”

In the Bible, similar phrases are used.

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God Is Fair!

I recently read the comments of a referee who said that if at the end of the game both sides were angry with him it was probably an indication that he had done a good job. As my kids are athletes, I can attest to the fact that we parents often have a difficult time being unbiased in our assessment of such efforts.

Perception often colors reality. What we believe to be true may not be. The only way to be sure of a matter is by removing the “filters” or biases that may color our perception. This is especially true and important in spiritual matters. For example, some see the inequity and unfairness that exists in the world, and claim that it is as a result of God. “God is unfair!” is the claim, and, (repeated time and again), becomes the common perception of our day.

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Sermon: The Fear of God

The text of Luke 12:4-7 teaches two great lessons. That man should fear God; and, that the soul of man is of great value. This sermon deals with those two major points.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Artificial Intelligence: Arguement for Design

ipodThe difficulty scientists are having developing artificial intelligence with computers is a strong argument for the design of humans, and thus a designer. If scientists can not design AI, how did chance come about with the real thing?

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Comet Mission Returns Home

Faster than a speeding bullet — actually, more than 10 times faster than a speeding bullet, Stardust will conclude its 7-year, 4.63 billion kilometer (2.88 billion mile) round-trip journey to comet Wild 2 Sunday, January 15, Pacific Standard Time (PST), making an historic re-entry in the wee morning hours to drop its precious comet cargo in the Utah desert well before dawn…

…”We are star stuff.”

Carl Sagan liked to remind people of that. Now, just a little more than a decade after the passing of The Planetary Society co-founder, Stardust is coming home with a bona fide sample of star stuff and the concept is being revisited in a very real way.

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The Divine Watchmaker

In our previous article, we noted that the existence of the universe indicates either “self-existence”, or a divine first cause. Since the universe is finite with regard to time, with energy which remains usable (The Law of Entropy), the evidence suggests that a self-existent being created it at some point in the past.

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The Existence of God

We accept that God exists. We can not see God, or touch him, yet we believe that He exists. This is faith. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Those who do not believe that God exists argue that since God can’t be seen or touched, our belief in His existence is irrational.

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Tsunami Worse Than War


BANDA ACEH, JANUARY 5: US Secretary of State Colin Powell flew over the worst scenes of devastation from Asia’s tsunami on Wednesday and said it was more horrifying than wars he had witnessed during decades as a soldier…

…”I have been in war and I have been through a number of hurricanes, tornados and other relief operations, but I have never seen anything like this,” said America’s former top soldier.

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The Attributes of God

Pagan mythology paints a very unflattering picture of “the gods.” The pagans viewed deity through the filter of their own humanity. In fact, this is a non-technical, but powerful argument showing the difference between the inspired record of Jehovah, and the imaginations of men which led to the pagan superstitions of antiquity. For the pagan, the gods were jealous, petty, capricious, and flawed. Though they had superhuman powers, they were limited, and behaved like corrupt men. War, treachery, infidelity, immaturity and envy are common themes in pagan mythology.

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Was God MIA on 9-11?

The above title was the headline of a Fort Worth Star Telegram commentary by Pop Culture critic Miki Turner.  The first line of the article reads, “Where was God on Sept. 11, 2001?”

The commentary was a reaction to the author’s advance viewing of a special, set to air Tuesday, Sept. 3 on Public Television, entitled Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero.  Turner writes that the special, “does a fine job of soliciting myriad responses from theologians, clergy, educators, authors, survivors of victims — even an opera singer.  Some of these have lost faith in someone or something they cannot see.” Continue reading “Was God MIA on 9-11?”