Category: Gospel
Subject: Gospel
Invitation: How Many Apples in a Seed?
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Justin uses the song to illustrate the importance of sharing the Word of God with others. Who knows how much fruit will be born in the planting of a single seed?
Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: Characteristics of Christ’s Gospel
The importance of the gospel in the salvation of man’s souls can not be overstated. The gospel of our Lord is Persuasive, Pervasive (as it impacts all aspects of our lives), Demonstrative (in the lives of faithful Christians), Declarative and Redemptive.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: Characterizing the Gospel
The sermon discusses the gospel (the foolishness of God), and expresses why, even as simple people, we can trust in our understanding of the meaning of, and the dependability of, His word. (Lesson based from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Mining the Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
The apostle Paul had worked tirelessly for the conversion and edification of the Thessalonians. For this reason he was thankful to God that these faithful brethren responded to his preaching with fervor.
He was especially thankful that they had received his words, not as the words of mere men, but “as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectively works in you who believe” (13).
In this, three things are understood. 1) Paul spoke by inspiration. The Apostle Peter agreed with this assessment, categorizing the teaching of Paul as scripture (cf. 2 Peter 3:16). 2) His words were effective to their salvation. What Paul preached was “the gospel of Christ”, “the power of God unto salvation” (cf. Romans 1:16). 3) They had proven themselves worthy by their response to the gospel. Specifically, Paul referred to their perseverance in the face of persecution at the hands of the Jews (vs. 14-16).
This serves as an example to all Christians. As the word of God works salvation in those who persist in obedience, we do well to be steadfast in our profession.
Sermon: Five Steps to Salvation
Stan here preaches a straitforward first principle lesson on the conditions God has placed upon man. In other words, the five steps any man must complete to be saved by God. As simple as this is, it is often misunderstood or denied by the religious world.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: The Gospel – Veiled or Shining?
An expository sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. Paul was a minister of the gospel. A ministry of Spirit and Righteousness. With the veil removed, shining with the face of Jesus to the righteous. Veiled only to those deceived by the evil one.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: The Mystery Revealed
This sermon is expository, based on the text of Ephesians 3. The mystery surrounding the redemption of man has been revealed by God.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
From the Preacher’s Pen: Beautiful Feet
In Romans 10:15, the apostle Paul quoted the prophet Isaiah (52:7), writing, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
I am not sure how beautiful Mo Hafley’s feet are, speaking literally. However, they certainly are precious to us, as they have brought him to us for the purpose of proclaiming that wonderful gospel.
In store for us is a week of edification and spiritual feasting. I want to personally encourage every member here at West Side to take full advantage of the preparations made by brother Hafley. Attend each preaching service, listen intently, and invite others to come as well.
Welcome, Mo! We are so pleased that you have come to preach to us the gospel of Christ!
Mining the Scriptures: Acts 1:1-5
Acts 1:1-5
The books of Acts is the second volume written by Luke to his friend Theophilus. Luke was a companion of Paul in his missionary journeys and a physician (cf. Colossians 4:14).
He describes himself in his first work (the gospel of Luke) as one who had a “perfect understanding of all things from the very first” regarding the teaching and actions of Jesus. He gave that as the motivation for his first missive to his friend.
Luke finished his gospel with an account of Jesus’ ascension, and takes up the narrative at that exact place in the book of Acts. He relates again the promise of Jesus that his disciples would be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and preach first the gospel of the kingdom in Jerusalem.
Later in the book we read of the fulfillment of this promise (cf. chapter 2), one of the most important events in the history of God’s dealings with mankind.
The book of Acts is a book of history. It recounts the first gospel sermon, the establishment of the Lord’s church, and the spread of the Christian faith in the first century. It is a message all men should read avidly.
Mining the Scriptures: Luke 1:1-4
Luke 1:1-4
In Luke’s introductory comments to Theophilus, he acknowledges that others had written accounts of Jesus’ life and accomplishments. Matthew, Mark and John are the three we have included in the New Testament in addition to this effort by Luke.
His desire was to share these things with Theophilus, putting them in order, so that his friend could “know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed” (vs. 4)
There are two reasons we can trust in Luke’s account of Jesus’ life. The first is that he was an eyewitness, “having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first” (vs. 3).
The second is that Luke’s account is inspired of God. Paul wrote, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16).
The name Theophilus means, “lover of God.” In fact, all who love God can look to Luke’s gospel, and in it find accurate records of Jesus’ life, teaching, works, death and resurrection. In so doing, we can have confidence in the validity of that Gospel. We can know, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!” (cf. 23:47).
Sermon: Four Lessons About the Gospel
The sermon uses the text of Galatians to establish that the gospel is singular, divine, united and life-regulating.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: The Importance of Gospel Meetings
In preparation for the meeting beginning the next week with brother Micky Galloway, this sermon emphasizes the importance and benefits of the preaching done in these special efforts.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: Galatians 1
First of six lessons in a series on Galatians.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .