Category: Homosexuality

Subject: Homosexuality

In the News: The State of the Gay

inthenewsLast week some anonymous former and present homosexual students at Harding University released a “manifesto” on a website, and passed out hard copies at certain locations on campus. The University responded by blocking the website from the University network, and releasing a statement from school President David B. Burks, who said:

“Harding University holds to the biblical principle that sexual relationships are unacceptable to God outside the context of marriage. Sexual immorality in any form will result in suspension from the university.”

The statement accurately reflects what the Bible teaches on the subject of sexuality. The Hebrew writer wrote, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).

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In The News: Ungodly Leaders

inthenewsOn Tuesday, November 3, the state of Maine voted on a referendum regarding a state law that would have allowed homosexual couples to marry.

According to an Associated Press article, the pro-homosexual lobby had a tremendous advantage:

The stars seemed aligned for supporters of gay marriage. They had Maine’s governor, legislative leaders and major newspapers on their side, plus a huge edge in campaign funding. (David Crary, AP National Writer)

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In The News: Maine 5th State to Allow Same Sex Marriage

inthenewsMaine’s governor signed a freshly passed bill Wednesday approving gay marriage, making it the fifth state to approve the practice and moving New England closer to allowing it throughout the region.

New Hampshire legislators were also poised to send a gay marriage bill to their governor, who hasn’t indicated whether he’ll sign it. If he does, Rhode Island would be the region’s sole holdout.

The Maine Senate voted 21-13, with one absent, for a bill that authorizes marriage between any two people rather than between one man and one woman, as state law currently allows. The House had passed the bill Tuesday.

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In The News: Miss California and Marriage

ImageIn the Miss USA beauty pageant last week, Miss California made it to the top five, where each contestant was asked a question by one of the celebrity judges. The judge she drew is a man named Perez Hilton. Hilton is openly homosexual, and is famous as a gossip columnist, though he does not write for any paper. He created a blog (weblog) where he gossips, and “outs” homosexual celebrities. He is a very controversial character, and it is surprising that he was recruited to judge the competition.

Hilton’s question and Miss California’s (Carrie Prejean) answer follow here:

Q: Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?

A: “Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

Continue reading “In The News: Miss California and Marriage”

In The News: The Intolerance of the Tolerant

inthenewsMany are aware of the furor that has erupted over Barack Obama’s decision to have Rick Warren deliver the invocation at his inauguration ceremony. Obama promised during his campaign to bring people who differ together so that our nation might come to embrace common ideals despite strong differences. His choice of Warren, who believes what the Bible teaches on the subject of homosexuality and abortion, is an example of Obama keeping this promise.

Interestingly, though this promise among others constitutes one of the reasons he was embraced by the left in this country, it is also the reason why he is being criticised by those same supporters when said promise is put into practice. It seems that homosexuals and abortionists want us to listen to and accept them, but they are unwilling to listen to and accept us! In effect, they are intolerant of those who are intolerant! Put another way, they have long complained of being “marginalized” by society, and now that one of their own is being put into office, they are seeking to do the same to those who disagree with them!

Continue reading “In The News: The Intolerance of the Tolerant”

Sermon: The Problem with Redefining

When people arbitrarily redefine terms, it allows for all types of sin. If you can redefine life, you can justify abortion. If you can redefine murder, it allows for assisted suicide. If you can redefine marriage, it allows for homosexual unions. If you can redefine adultery, it allows you to to keep a wife after an unlawful divorce. Men may redefine, but it does not change God’s will!

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

In The News: Man Pregnant Again!

inthenewsThis headline seems like it should be on the front page of the National Enquirer, (and it probably was), but it is being reported as legitimate by national news agencies such as ABC News.

Barbara Walters was granted an exclusive interview with Thomas Beatie and “his” wife Nancy on Friday, November 14th, on 20/20 Magazine. It was the first public interview granted since the birth of their daughter Susan. Beatie has since announced that “he” is again pregnant.

You notice the quotations around the words “his” and “he” in the paragraph below. As Matthew Gilbert of the Boston Globe reported:

Of course, it’s a little inflammatory to call Beatie “a pregnant man.” The more accurate description would be “a pregnant female-to-male transgender who identifies as a man but whose female reproductive organs are intact,” but that probably wouldn’t sell as many tabloids or draw as many viewers to “Oprah,” “20/20,” or, tonight at 9, the Discovery Health documentary “Pregnant Man.” When it comes to grabbing eyes, detailed descriptions can be inconvenient.

Continue reading “In The News: Man Pregnant Again!”

The Obvious Homosexual Agenda

wicked gay prideI recently came across an article entitled, Redefinition Revolution—Gay Marriage is about more than Adam and Steve. It was written by Maggie Gallagher, the President of an organization called the National Organization for Marriage. Her organization helped to put a marriage amendment on the ballot in California this November, in an attempt to reverse the California Supreme Court’s decision to allow homosexuals to marry.

Her assertions in the article are illuminating and disturbing. She posits that allowing homosexuals to marry is the progression of an agenda that will have far reaching and severe ramifications for Christians.

It is obvious to anyone who has even a passing familiarity with our society that practicing homosexuals have an active agenda to promote their lifestyle. As society becomes more accepting of the perversion, it gains credibility in the minds of the average American.

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In The News: Dumbledore is a Homosexual

ImageNow she tells us? When I first heard that J.K. Rowling had revealed the homosexuality of Professor Albus Dumbledore, esteemed headmaster of Hogwarts, before a packed congregation of children and adults at Carnegie Hall on Oct. 19, my reaction was half appreciation, half annoyance. Ten years, seven books, 4,000 pages, and it never occurred to her to mention this before? At least she didn’t make the gay character a fairy (or a troll), so we’ll be spared those jokes, I thought. Rowling’s announcement felt almost too strategic, a gotcha! she conveniently withheld until the multibillion-dollar revenue stream had had years to flow. And why bother? The outing of Dumbledore doesn’t seriously reshape any plotline in the Harry Potter novels, nor do the books ever drop the kind of hints that would inspire questions from readers. Also, the saga is over, and Dumbledore’s, you know, dead, so, like that infamous moment on Law & Order when viewers suddenly learned that one of the show’s main characters was a lesbian literally 10 seconds before she left the series, it all seemed a bit easy.

Mark Davis (Entertainment Weekly)


First, there is no such person as Dumbledore. So, he can’t be a homosexual. He is not a person, he is a fictional character in the Harry Potter books.

Continue reading “In The News: Dumbledore is a Homosexual”

A Conversation Regarding Homosexuality

(Note: Following is an email exchange I had last week. This man’s emails are reproduced exactly (with misspellings). Study with this man continues, as he has emailed again with a few quibbles and revealed himself more clearly as one who advocates homosexuality). His main contention is that “Love” is a good thing, and can not be abused. He ignored most of the arguments I made in the following email to him).

Saw your email on a Christian site that talked against homosexuality, so just wondered if you knew where there was anything against same sex romantic love as I can’t find anything on this in my bible.

Name Withheld



I am glad to correspond with you regarding your question. In order to do so, I need some clarification.

Continue reading “A Conversation Regarding Homosexuality”

In The News: Democrats on Gay Issues

inthenewsLOS ANGELES (AP) – Democratic presidential contenders faced pointed questions on gay marriage and the basis for sexual orientation in a forum that forced candidates to confront politically touchy issues that have vexed a nation.

Former Sen. John Edwards found himself discussing whether he is comfortable around gay people – he said he is. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson appeared to struggle with a question about why people become gay or lesbian. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton ended up defending the record of her husband, former President Clinton, on gay rights.

Continue reading “In The News: Democrats on Gay Issues”

In The News: LA Church to Pay $600 Million for Clergy Abuse

inthenewsLOS ANGELES – The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles will settle its clergy abuse cases for at least $600 million, by far the largest payout in the church’s sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press learned Saturday.

Attorneys for the archdiocese and the plaintiffs are expected to announce the deal Monday, the day the first of more than 500 clergy abuse cases was scheduled for jury selection, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity because the settlement had not been made public.

The archdiocese and its insurers will pay between $600 million and $650 million to about 500 plaintiffs — an average of $1.2 million to $1.3 million per person. The settlement also calls for the release of confidential priest personnel files after review by a judge assigned to oversee the litigation, the sources said.

The settlements would push the total amount paid out by the U.S. church since 1950 to more than $2 billion, with about a quarter of that coming from the Los Angeles archdiocese.

By GILLIAN FLACCUS, Associated Press Writer


The Catholic church has been embarrassed by this scandal, as alarmingly large numbers of Catholic priests, (each of which has taken a vow of celibacy), have been exposed as criminally promiscuous. Priests have been convicted of charges of sexual harassment, rape, and pedophilia (with both boys and girls).

Continue reading “In The News: LA Church to Pay $600 Million for Clergy Abuse”

In The News: How Many Homosexuals?

inthenewsAccording to two researchers, the largest random sex survey ever conducted has reported that only 1.4% of adults engaged in homosexual behavior. Analyzing a 2003 Canadian Community Survey of 121,3000 adults, Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron told attendees of the Eastern Psychological Association Convention that 2% of 18-44 year olds, 1% of 50 year olds, and only one third of 1% of subjects 60+ considered themselves homosexual. Thus homosexual activity was much more common among younger adults.

“What happened to the older homosexuals? Some may have ceased to be sexually active,” said Paul Cameron, “or they may have died. Recent reports from Scandinavia indicate that the life expectancy of homosexuals is 20+ years shorter than that of heterosexuals.”

“No one can say that this statistic is ‘the bedrock truth,’” Paul Cameron said, “but even with attempts to increase the percentage of active homosexuals—which Statistics Canada appears to have done by reporting only the results of those under the age of 60—the 1.4% is a figure that has to be taken very seriously.

“The U.S. Government survey of 12,381 adults in 1996, reported that 1.3% of men and 1.1% of women under the age of 60 said they’d had homosexuals sex in the last 12 months. It also found few older homosexuals. So it appears that homosexuality is a young person’s activity — one that may contribute to an early death.”


The 10% figure almost universally quoted as the proper ratio of homosexuals in any population has long been debunked. The figure was arrived at by the 1948 Kinsey survey, which contained an abnormally high percentage of prison inmates and convicted sex offenders. Simply put, the Kinsey methodology was greatly flawed, and the results are incorrect. As reported in Newsweek in February 1993, “Ideology, not sound science, has perpetuated a 1-in-10 myth. In the nearly half century since Kinsey, no survey has come close to duplicating his findings.”

Also interesting is the revelation that more young people practice homosexuality than old people. It is interesting that researchers have difficulty accounting for the differences in percentages. In fact, if homosexuality was a genetic trait, (as commonly claimed), the percentages would be constant. In my view, the explanation that 60 year olds would be no longer active (homosexuals are militant, and would proclaim themselves as such even if they were not actively engaging in the act), or that they have died, is a bit disingenuous. The simplest explanation is that one chooses to be a homosexual. The lifestyle is more acceptable among the young, so there are more who engage in the sin.

Regardless, it is condemned by God. “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…” (Leviticus 20:13).

Sermon: Does God See What He Should See?

Bill Crews’ sermon asks the question, Does God see what He should see when he looks down upon his creation? (cf. Genesis 1:31). More to the point, does God see what He should see when he looks at me?

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Podcast: We Have the Answer!


Podcast Number 33

Our society is presently plagued by many problems: Violence, sexual immorality, disease. Those who seek the answers to the problems are often looking in the wrong place. The Bible has the answers to society’s problems, whether men wish to accept it or not!

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