Category: Hospitality

Subject: Hospitality

Invitation: The Greater Blessing is in Giving

Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox

Stan uses the text of Philippians 4:10-ff, to establish the truthfulness of the adage, it is better to give than receive. Paul was blessed by the gift given by the Philippians, but the church received the greater blessing.


From the Preacher’s Pen: Feeding the Preacher


The practice of hospitality is emphasized as an important part of the Christian walk. Gaius was commended by the apostle John for his expressions of hospitality for “the brethren and for strangers” (3 John 4).

Gaius’ hospitality included the keeping and feeding of preachers of the gospel of Christ. Because of his help to them, John said that Gaius did “well”, and indicated that when we receive these men, “we may become fellow workers for the truth” (vs. 8).

We put up a meal list for brother Micky Galloway, who will be preaching for us in our meeting April 3-8. This is your opportunity to emulate Gaius, and receive the commendation of our Lord.

If you show hospitality to a preacher, he gets a meal, but you get a far greater blessing!

Stan signature

Mining the Scriptures: 3 John 5-8



3 John 5-8

Gaius was a wonderful and hospitable man. This is evident from our text, where the beloved apostle John commends him for the love he showed for “the brethren and for strangers.”

Though hospitality is a physical thing, it is a spiritual work. It is a means of supporting the Christian laborer, as evidenced by the words of our text, “If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well.” One who is doing the Lord’s work should be encouraged and helped in that work. This is something that even the babe in Christ is able to do. To put it simply, you may not be able to eloquently share the word, but you can supply a comfortable bed and warm meal for those who do!

2 John 9-11 also indicates that the work of hospitality is a spiritual endeavor. John there indicates that the offer of your home to a teacher is the equivalent of extending the hand of fellowship. That is why we are not to extend such hospitality to a false teacher, for “he who greets him shares in his evil deeds” (11).

Hospitality is the Lord’s work!

From the Preacher’s Pen: Be Hospitable

sketch6“Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:9-10).

The term “hospitable,” in this text, is easily defined. It means “fond of guests.” The concept of Christian love demands that we not be grudging regarding the keeping and care of guests. Having brethren into your home is an expression of love, care and appreciation for them.

Next week the brethren here have an opportunity to have a preacher of the gospel into their home. Brother Greer is doing us a great service in preaching the truth of God’s word. It is a great gift that we are unable to repay in kind. But, we can be hospitable to him, and we can do it without grumbling! (Spaces remain available on the meal list).

Stan signature