Category: MDR

Subject: Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage

Sermon: MDR: One, and Only One Exception

The sermon establishes what the Bible teaches regarding an aspect of the marriage, divorce and remarriage question. Most often people try to loose where God has not, but recently arguments have been made asserting there is no scriptural exception to God’s law regarding the permanency of the marriage relationship. What does the Bible teach?

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Sermon Series, Micky Galloway

After some delay, all eight sermons preached by Micky Galloway during his April 2010 meeting are now available online. These can be accessed in this post, or by going to the 2010 Sermons Archive page.

Sunday Morning Class: My People Love to Have it So

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sunday AM: The Soundness of God’s People

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sunday PM: The Promise

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Monday PM: Committment to Family

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Tuesday PM: A Marriage That Will Not Fail

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Wednesday AM: Jesus, The Master Teacher

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Wednesday PM: What God Expects of Us as a Family

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Thursday PM: Victory in Jesus

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Simple Truths About Marriage and Divorce

The sermon discusses the truth, and exposes error being taught on the subject of Marriage, divorce and remarriage.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: The Problem with Redefining

When people arbitrarily redefine terms, it allows for all types of sin. If you can redefine life, you can justify abortion. If you can redefine murder, it allows for assisted suicide. If you can redefine marriage, it allows for homosexual unions. If you can redefine adultery, it allows you to to keep a wife after an unlawful divorce. Men may redefine, but it does not change God’s will!

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Is Marriage for Life?

Guest speaker Dennis Scroggins establishes from scripture that God hates divorce, and intends for a marriage to last for a lifetime. One man, one woman, for a lifetime is the teaching of scripture. We need to emphasize this rule in our preaching.

Lesson 8 of 9 in Gospel Meeting Series

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Luke 18 Revisited

“Then Peter said, ‘See, we have left all and followed You.’ 29 So He said to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life’” (Luke 18:28-30).

A few months ago we examined the position that Luke 18 gives a rationale for a person to divorce their mate, “for the sake of the kingdom of God,” without sin. The article dealt not only with the context of the passage, but also the greater context of scripture, and concluded that the position is without merit. Jesus said in Matthew 5:32, “But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except for sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery.” The text clearly reveals a single reason for which a man or woman may put away their spouse. To appeal to a passage where divorce is not contextually found in an attempt to explain away the plain import of another passage is, at best, poor hermeneutics, and is a common tactic of those who twist the scriptures to fit their pet theories.

Continue reading “Luke 18 Revisited”

Podcast: Redefining Adultery


Podcast Number 32

The denominational world (and some brethren) seek to redefine and minimize the sin of adultery. In so doing, they exhibit a laxness in their attitude toward this heinous sin.

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Sermon: Divorce

This sermon was preached to the West Side congregation to explain why the elders determined to cease monetary support of brother Bobby Holmes. The elders, together with brother Stan Cox had studied on several occasions with brother Holmes, differed with him regarding his teaching of divorce, and asked brother Cox to address the subject, and explain the events which led to the ending of his support. The sermon is, in part, an examination of brother Holmes’ teaching on the subject.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Redefining Adultery

In a recent edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the religious editor had an article dealing with the methods modern day denominations use to deal with the sin of adultery. The different methods ranged from a withdrawal of fellowship to a complete acceptance and fellowship of this sin.

There are two things I would like you to especially notice about the attitudes towards adultery. First, the laxness of the different religions in dealing with it. Only a few of those surveyed indicated a willingness to withdraw fellowship from an adulterous individual. Most suggested counseling, but few were willing to go that final step. There were a few, but even these were unwilling to mark a man publicly, and withdraw, as commanded in scripture. One Baptist minister stated that it might be necessary to force one to leave because of the disharmony and problems it might cause in a congregation; but the thought of making a man confess the sin of adultery publicly, was, as he put it, “Terrible.” Continue reading “Redefining Adultery”

An Addendum

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
(Article 9 and Final of Series)

The assertion of thiese articles (Later self-published in booklet form) has been that the Lord’s teaching regarding marriage and divorce is straightforward, and easily understood. Simply stated, it is: One man, One woman, for a lifetime. Continue reading “An Addendum”

Fellowship and Controversy

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
(Article 8 of Series)

When error is taught religiously, history shows people to be divided into one of three groups. First, there are those who advocate the error. Second, there are those who combat the error. And, finally, there are those who seek to minimize the differences, thus compromising with the error. Issues in the past 150 years have shown this to be true with the battles over the instrument in worship, and with the institutional issues that troubled brethren in the middle of the last century. Continue reading “Fellowship and Controversy”

Mental Divorce

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
(Article 6 in Series)

To define the “mental divorce” position, we refer to both formal propositions, and a common scenario. First, the proposition, which some who advocate the position have signed:

The scriptures teach that the innocent person (free of fornication) who has been put away without God’s or his/her approval and against whom adultery has been committed may remarry.

Next, the scenario, which establishes the contention in plain language:

When Jack puts away Jill for a reason other than fornication, though he obtains a civil divorce, they are not really divorced. It is called divorce only “accomodatively”. If Jack then remarries another woman, he is guilty of adultery. So, he can now be mentally put away by Jill. This is the real divorce. Now, Jill is free to remarry.

Both the above proposition and the scenario is used by Donnie Rader in his book, Divorce and Remarriage: What Does the Text Say, page 74. Rader states, “Actually this is an effort by some to justify remarriage following an unlawful divorce.”
Rader’s assessment of the position is accurate, and the mental divorce position is not defensible from scripture. Continue reading “Mental Divorce”

Defining and Redefining Adultery

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
(Article 5 of Series)

Sophistry is defined by Webster as “deceptively subtle reasoning or argumentation”. That which is sophistic is “plausible but fallacious”. Another term used for fallacious reasoning or argumentation is specious. Webster defines specious as, “having a false look of truth or genuineness”. Continue reading “Defining and Redefining Adultery”

Are Non-Christians Amenable to Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce and Remarriage?

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
(Article 4 of Series)

There are myriad positions taken regarding who has the right to divorce and remarry. Most of these positions do violence to the rule established in this series, one man, one woman, for a lifetime. It may be an attempt to bring in more “exceptions” in addition to the one specified by Jesus in Matthew 19:9, fornication. It may be speculation regarding what happens after the bond is broken. It may be a blatant denial of plain teaching. One of these positions contends that while the rule is valid, it applies only to those who are Christians. Continue reading “Are Non-Christians Amenable to Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce and Remarriage?”

A Race to the Courthouse

Let None Deal Treacherously
An examination of God’s Law (and the error of men) on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
(Article 7 of Series)

In the January 2001 issue of Watchman Magazine 1, Terence Sheridan and Harry Osborne debated the following proposition under the heading, “Biblical Putting Away.”

The scriptures teach that biblical putting away is synonymous with the civil procedure for divorce in one’s respective society and that the innocent one must secure that civil divorce in order to have a right to remarry.

Sheridan affirmed the proposition, while Osborne denied it. Continue reading “A Race to the Courthouse”