Category: Miracles

Subject: Miracles

Sermon: Raising the Widow’s Son

20 - Raising the Widow's Son

A discussion of Jesus’ miracle in Luke 7:11-17, where he raised from the dead the son of the widow of Nain. Lessons about compassion, and the Lordship of Jesus are applied.


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Sermon: Feeding the 5,000

18 - Feeding the 5000

An examination of a notable miracle that is recorded in every single gospel account.


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Sermon: Fishers of Men

17 - Fishers of Men

The text of Luke 5:1-11 is examined, noting a conversation Jesus had with Simon Peter, and a notable miracle. Peter, Andrew, James & John all became Jesus’ disciples at this time.


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Sermon: Raising Lazarus from the Dead

16 - Raising Lazarus from the Dead

The text of John 11 is examined, noting the wonderful miracle of Jesus’ bringing His friend Lazarus back to life.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Healing an Afflicted Woman

14 - Healing an Afflicted Woman

The text of Luke 8:43-38 is discussed. As Jesus healed a an afflicted woman, showing His compassion and Deity, and teaching an important lesson about the power of faith.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Healing a Paralyzed Man

13 - Healing a Paralyzed Man

Lesson 13 in series.

In this lesson on our series of the life of Christ, we note his healing of a paralyzed man in Luke 5. The blessings of friendship, the graciousness of the Lord and the meaning of the phrase “Son of Man” are discussed.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Stilling the Storm

11 - Stilling the Storm

The 11th lesson in a series of the life of Jesus. This lesson examines the power that Jesus showed over nature, using the text of Luke 8:22-25, where Jesus stilled the storm.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: A Blind Man Healed

Sermon by Armando Vera.

The lesson examines John 9, and applications that can be learned from the healing of the blind man by Jesus.


Sermon: The Testimony about Jesus Christ


In John 5, Jesus showed his enemies that He was God’s son. The testimony came from various sources, such as John the Baptist, the miracles Jesus performed, the Father in Heaven, and Moses and the Prophets. This testimony is true and sure!


Sermon: The Christ Entering Jerusalem

Image The events of John 12 are discussed, with a special emphasis on the part Lazarus’ resurrection played in amassing the great crowd of worshippers as Jesus entered Jerusalem.


Mining the Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:3-7


Paul’s second and final letter to his “son in the faith” Timothy gives evidence of the tender feelings the aging apostle had for the young man. The letter was the last Paul wrote, and was penned shortly before his death.

He noted Timothy’s tears on his behalf, and expressed his desire to see him. It is believed that Paul wrote this letter from prison, perhaps only a few months before he died.

Despite Paul’s circumstances, he expressed joy because of the genuine faith of Timothy. That faith had its genesis in the instruction Timothy received from his mother and grandmother. (This shows the wisdom of Paul’s exhortation for fathers to bring up their children in the “training and admonition of the Lord” – Eph. 6:4).

After this well deserved compliment, Paul encouraged Timothy in the use of the spiritual “gift of God” given him through Paul’s hands. Timothy was not to be timid in utilizing this gift, despite the potential of persecution amply demonstrated by Paul’s own chains.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (vs. 7).

Sermon: The Cessation of Miraculous Gifts

This sermon explains the purpose and time of miraculous gifts, and explains why those things which are “in part” have passed away.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Mining The Scriptures: John 20:30-31



John 20:30-31

Our text immediately follows Jesus’ conversation with Thomas. Thomas expressed his faith upon seeing the ravaged body of Jesus.

His faith was a product of the resurrection miracle. He saw the evidence: the holes made by the nails and the spear wound in the Savior’s side, and exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (vs. 28).

John here states the purpose of miracles, to engender faith.

Jesus is the Anointed of God. He is the Divine, and it is through Him that salvation comes. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16).

The miracles prove Jesus to be who He claimed He was. We do not have a record of all that Jesus did while He lived on earth. What we do have is sufficient. And, we can be assured by the testimony of God, (cf. Hebrews 2:1-4), that belief in the Son will bring us “life in His name.”

Sermon: Paul’s Visit to Ephesus (Acts 19)

The sermon discusses various events surrounding the ministry of Paul in Ephesus, as recorded in Acts 19.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

“My Hour Has Not Yet Come”

In John 2:1-11, the apostle records Jesus’ miracle at the wedding feast in Cana. There are many important things to note regarding this event, where our Lord first “manifested His glory” (cf. vs. 11), but we are here most interested in the words spoken on this occasion. Specifically, we wish to examine Jesus’ words to His mother, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come” (vs. 4).

The remainder of Jesus’ spoken words in the text consist of His instructions to the servants, which led to the miracle itself (cf. vs. 7,8). The words are straightforward, and need no further explanation, so we will focus our comments on His words in verse four.

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