Category: Obedience

Subject: Obedience

In the News: Fun and Happiness

Image David Feherty is a former professional golfer who now hosts a talk show on the Golf Channel, and is known to be an entertaining and funny person. He is also an alcoholic, who used to down Irish whiskey and prescription pain killers in prodigious amounts. His addictions led to serious thoughts of suicide, and his self-destructive behavior continued for many years until he finally got it under control about six years ago.

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Sermon: Priscilla and Aquila

Sermon 8 of 9
Gospel Meeting May 5-10, 2012
Speaker: Chip Foster

Paul’s companions, Priscilla and Aquila, are wonderful examples of what can be accomplished before God if husband and wife work together to serve Him.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: The Goodness and Severity of God

Romans 11:22 affirms that God is both good, and severe, depending upon our standing with Him. The lesson affirms the need for obedience, that we might witness God’s goodness.


Are You Serious About Serving God?


(This article originally appeared as a paid ad in (April 2012) in the newspapers published by Suburban Newspapers, Inc. The papers cover five small communities in the Forth Worth area).

In Ecclesiastes 12:13, a very wise man wrote “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” Such a simple truth, but one that is unfortunately seldom heeded.

Why do you go to church? It seems like for a lot of people, worship is entertainment; and a church’s purpose is to facilitate self-actualization. And that seems to be a bit backwards.

Worship should be (and if it is true worship, it is) an offering to God. The purpose of worship is to please God, not to please ourselves. In order for it to please Him, our worship must be in accord with His will. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

The purpose of the church is to do the Lord’s work in the world. It is a religious institution, dedicated to spiritual work. Members share the gospel with the lost, build one another up through worship and fellowship, and engage in benevolent activities. While entertainment and socializing seem to be the central priority of the church experience in our day and time, that is not what God intended for His people. Paul said that the church of the living God is “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

Our view is not a typical way of looking at worship and service to God. Are you serious about your service to Him? Come visit the West Side church of Christ!

Invitation: God’s Way is Best

Invitation delivered by: Armando Vera

Men constantly believe that their way of looking at things is best. Often it is foolish and destructive. In contrast, if we accept the wisdom of God, we will always be blessed.


Invitation: Striving for Perfection

Invitation delivered by: Joshua Cox

It is true that no one is perfect. We all sin (cf. Romans 3:23). But, the fact that we aren’t perfect does not give us the right to not strive for perfection. Passages such as 1 John 3:6 show us as Christians that we must strive for perfection.


Sermon: Five Great Bible Questions

The sermon, based on a sermon chart by Steve Hudgins, seeks to answer the following questions that appear in the Bible: 1) “Where Art Thou”; 2) “To Whom Shall We Go?”; 3) “Lord What Will You Have Me to Do?”; 4) “What Must I Do to be Saved”; and 5) “What Doth Hinder Me?”

Note: In addition to the audio link, there is a link to a zip file which extracts to a self-contained Prezi presentation. Also, there is a link to a handout that was included in the sermon as a hardcopy reminder of the material.


Prezi Zip File

Sermon Handout

In the News: Last Second Shot!

Image Friday night the Castleberry girl’s basketball team won a game with the most exciting finish you can imagine. They were playing Mineral Wells, and were shorthanded. One of their players had blown an ACL ligament the previous week, and was out for the season. Their best player had a virus, and though she was playing, was struggling physically. None of their shots were falling, and they were down 12 points to start the fourth quarter.

The deficit continued until about halfway through the quarter, and then all of a sudden the shots started falling. The girls knew they had to win to keep their hopes of going to the playoffs alive. They dug down deep, and narrowed the deficit to one point. With 2.6 seconds left, Castleberry had the ball out of bounds. Josh (my son is the coach) drew up a play, and their best player banked home the shot for the win. The stands erupted, the girls (and Josh) went crazy, and everyone cheered.

Continue reading “In the News: Last Second Shot!”

Invitation: Do or Do Not, There is No Try

Invitation delivered by: Joshua Jackson

In our lives as Christians, we either do, or we do not. Too often Christians say that they “tried” to obey, or “tried” to avoid sin. Consider passages such as Matthew 25:34-46, either we will have done God’s will, or not. Our eternal destiny is at stake. Yoda had it right!


Sermon: Stewardship

Three principles are examined in this lesson on Stewardship: 1) All things belong to God; 2) We are to be stewards in what we have and who we are; and, 3) We will be held accountable for our stewardship.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Correcting False Views of Faith and Obedience

Paul’s epistle to the Romans is a much misunderstood book, especially as it relates to the apostle’s teaching on the subject of Justification by Faith. This sermon serves as an explanation of the first three chapters of the book as they relate to the topic.


Invitation: Sincerity is not Enough

Invitation delivered by: Jeremiah Cox

Jeremiah uses the example of Paul, who was sincere even when persecuting Christians, to establish the truth that sincerity is serving God is insufficient. We must also be living in accord with His will.


12 – What Now?

Invitation: Why Do We Have the Invitation?

Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell

Justin discusses why the tradition of offering an invitation at the end of our Wednesday Bible Study is a beneficial one.


Sermon: Doors

The metaphor of a door is used often in scripture. It references opportunity, the need for action, the desire of the Lord, and the way to salvation. The sermon discusses four of these points.


Powerpoint Slides