Category: Obedience

Subject: Obedience

Congregational Goals

The new year is upon us, and it is a good time to establish some resolutions and goals for this congregation as we enter the year 2006.

While I know that such resolutions are somewhat arbitrary, given that there is nothing special in the date of January 1st itself, nevertheless it is as good a time as any to evaluate our progress in the work of our Lord, and to encourage in each of us a more zealous effort in the future.

In the past year we have had several long time members move away for retirement or to begin working with other congregations. While we are proud, for example, of the preaching efforts of brother Kris Braddock, his and Courtney’s association with the brethren here is missed, as are all who have left our number and moved to other places.

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The Law of Cause and Effect

We recognize that every effect has a cause. The law applies in physics, and it applies in other areas of life as well.

The law of cause and effect is established in the statement of Paul in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death…” Sin is the cause, death is the effect.

The law of cause and effect is behind Paul’s statement to the Galatians, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (6:7).

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