Category: Subject Index

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Sermon: “He may have the Preeminence”

He may have the preeminence

Colossians 1:13-18 reveals that Jesus Christ is the preeminent one, both in the physical creation, and in His kingdom. He is unique.


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Sermon: Fishers of Men

17 - Fishers of Men

The text of Luke 5:1-11 is examined, noting a conversation Jesus had with Simon Peter, and a notable miracle. Peter, Andrew, James & John all became Jesus’ disciples at this time.


Powerpoint Slides

Sermon: Barnabas – Son of Encouragement

Barnabas - Son of Encouragement

Barnabas stood out as an encourager of his brethren. He had a benevolent nature, a helpful spirit, and a loving nature that helped him to encourage the people of God. We must strive to be as he was!


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: How Lovely is Your Tabernacle!

How Lovely is Your Tabernacle

The lesson analyzes Psalm 84, as the Psalmist praises God, expressing a longing for the opportunity to praise Him in His house. Worship is such a beneficial blessing to God’s people!


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Be Strong!

Be Strong!

The lesson examines Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-7 to be strong! Endure hardship as a soldier, compete honestly as an athlete, and work diligently as a farmer.


Powerpoint PPTX File



“…My tongue shall speak of Your righteousness And of Your praise all the day long” (Psalm 35:28).

This Psalm of David speaks of Jehovah as the deliverer and avenger of the righteous. In verse 10, he writes, “All my bones shall say, ‘Lord, who is like You, Delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, Yes, the poor and the needy from him who plunders him?’” David asked for God to vindicate him against those who sought his harm. Of course, God did just that, and so showed Himself worthy of the praise promised in our text.

We too have reason to speak of God’s righteousness and praise Him all day long. As He did with David, God promises to deliver and avenge us. He must do this because He is a righteous and loving God. For this we are grateful.

“…It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7).

The righteous are promised rest, but God will take “vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (verse 8). We pray that all who read these words are warned, and are among the saints who glorify Him.

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Sermon: Raising Lazarus from the Dead

16 - Raising Lazarus from the Dead

The text of John 11 is examined, noting the wonderful miracle of Jesus’ bringing His friend Lazarus back to life.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Sermon: Participation Matters

Participation Matters

The lesson is designed to encourage work in the local congregation. Both the duties and blessings of participation are discussed.


Powerpoint Slides

6 – Approved Examples

3,000 Souls on Pentecost (Acts 2) [Video 2-1]

Video: Thinking Like God!

Sermon: The Macedonian Call

This sermon discusses the preaching of the Apostle Paul, as recorded in Acts 17. There are many applications to our responsibilities that may be drawn from his example.


Sermon: The Church – God’s Family

The Church – God’s Family

The lesson discusses the various attributes that should be present in the church, which is described as God’s family. They are Love, Selflessness, Unity, Affection, Dependability and Encouragement.


Powerpoint PPTX File

Video: The Constitution, Gambling & God

Sermon: Healing on the Sabbath Day

15 - Healing on the Sabbath Day

Jesus’ questions to the Pharisees in our text reveal two important points. We must always handle the word of truth with honesty, and our appeal to God’s word must never be an excuse to ignore the suffering of men.


Powerpoint Slides