Category: Subject Index
Study Material Categorized by Subject
Sermon: Do You See Yourself?
Felix and Paul are presented as two examples, illustrating the forgetful hearer, and the doer of the work, noted in James 1:21-25.
Sermon: The Christian’s Hope
Speaker: Josh Cox
A short lesson discussing the hope the Christian enjoys of an eternity in heaven.
Sermon: The Law of Sowing and Reaping
The law of sowing and reaping is inviolate, both physically and spiritually. The text of Galatians 6 clearly shows that we will reap what we so. If we sow to the flesh, we will reap corruption. If we sow to the Spirit, we will reap everlasting life.
Faith, Love, Hope (Colossians 1:1-8) [Video 1-2]
Note: The video suffers from an echo emanating from Jeremiah’s microphone. However, the majority of the teaching done in this video is from Stan, so the video is still worth a viewing. We will have the echo fixed in subsequent videos.
Sermon: Healing an Afflicted Woman
The text of Luke 8:43-38 is discussed. As Jesus healed a an afflicted woman, showing His compassion and Deity, and teaching an important lesson about the power of faith.
Sermon: The Benefits of a Moral LIfe
Regardless of the consequences, we must live a moral life. However, God intends for our lives, lived well, to bring us benefits. We are better if we are sober, monogamous, and compliant with authority.
Sermon: The Conversion of Lydia
A discussion of aspects of the conversion of Lydia and her household, as revealed in Acts 16:14-15.
Sermon: Resolving Family Conflicts
A discussion of the Biblical principles that will help to resolve, or even avert conflicts in families.
Sermon: Healing a Paralyzed Man
Lesson 13 in series.
In this lesson on our series of the life of Christ, we note his healing of a paralyzed man in Luke 5. The blessings of friendship, the graciousness of the Lord and the meaning of the phrase “Son of Man” are discussed.