Category: Preaching
Subject: Preaching
Sermon: Attitudes in Acts
Four examples of how inviduals responded to the preaching of the gospel, in the book of Acts.
* Elymas & Sergius Paulus (13)
* Noble Bereans (17)
* Cornelius & his house (10)
* Eunuch from Ethiopia (8)
Invitation: Hold Such Men in Esteem – Invitation
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Philippians 2:25-30 Paul refers to Epaphroditus as a fellow worker, and instructs the church in Philippi to hold him in high esteem.
Sermon: The Importance of Gospel Meetings
In preparation for an upcoming gospel meeting, the lesson is designed to emphasize the importance of every member doing their part in the collective work of evangelism and edification.
Sermon: Stephen’s Defense and Death
In Stephen’s defense, recorded in Acts 7, the preacher convicted his Jewish audience of their sin of rebellion in rejecting the Son of God and His will for man. For this, he was executed. His steadfast faith is a wonderful example for us.
From the Preacher’s Pen: Meeting Attendance
Last week the Old Granbury Road congregation had a gospel meeting, with Harry Osborne doing the preaching. We announced it, and I am thankful that several of our number took advantage of the opportunities to hear the gospel preached by a capable servant.
In fact, we had 21 that attended on Monday, 6 on Tuesday (as reported to me), and 16 on Thursday. That is a pretty good representation, and the support was an encouragement to that fine congregation.
However, the greater benefit was to those of us who attended. The singing was encouraging, the messages edifying, and the association with other Christians a joy.
I know some may tire of my many appeals to attend such efforts, but I feel like the apostle Paul who wrote the Philippians, “I seek the fruit that abounds to your account” (4:17). Paul was referring to their gift to him, but the principle applies here as well. By encouraging and supporting brethren elsewhere, you bear fruit for the Master. God is pleased with your selflessness, and you receive the added strength that worship and study brings. It is a win—win experience, and one I wish that more brethren would pursue regularly.
I know that it takes time, especially if the building is an hour or so away. It takes effort to get the kids ready, or to get those old bones moving. But I promise the effort is worth it. Many opportunities will present themselves in the next few months. So, how about it!
Invitation: The Precious Work of Preaching
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Romans 10:15 Paul describes how precious and important are preachers, and their efforts to save the souls of men. The gospel is the means by which God has chosen to save the world.
The Parable of the Sower
Jesus often taught by parable. A parable is a story told, using simple objects or situations, to illustrate a spiritual principle. Such illustrations can be extremely powerful, and this is certainly the case with his Parable of the Sower. The parable is included in all of the synoptic gospels, (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23; Mark 4:2-9, 13-20; Luke 8:4-15).
The accounts reveal that the disciples were first confused about the meaning of this parable. Fortunately for us, Jesus gave to them and us a clear explanation of his words. Consider the following important points that can be derived from this parable. Citations will be from the account recorded by Luke:
Invitation: Desire to Save Souls
Invitation delivered by: Stan Cox
In Colossians 4:2-6, Paul requested prayers, that he might be able and effective in the preaching of the gospel. He expresses that we need to have the same desire.
Sermon: Spread the Gospel
Sermon by Josh Cox.
The text of Matthew 10, where Jesus commissioned his apostles to spread his gospel is used as a parallel to express our own responsibilities to preach the good news.
Joshua: A Godly and Successful Leader
The book of Joshua contains a wonderful summary of his leadership of Israel. Joshua was a man of great character and loyalty to God. During his service to God and His people, the nation took possession of the land of Canaan, obtaining the inheritance God had promised to Abraham and his descendants.
While each individual is responsible for his own relationship with God, a good leader can exert influence to keep men faithful to the Almighty. Joshua is an example of such a man. As he ascended to the leadership role, God promised him, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (1:9). Of course, that favor was contingent upon his loyalty to the Lord, “Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go” (1:7).
Sermon: This day is a day of good news
The narrative of 2 Kings 7, where the lepers’ felt need to share the good news of God’s victory over Syria is used to express our obligation to share the gospel with the world.
Sermon: Rescue the Perishing
In order to be effective in the work of evangelism, we must diligently equip ourselves through a study of God’s word, and take advantage of every opportunity to share it with others!
Sermon: A Fool for Christ
In 2 Corinthians 11 and 12, the apostle Paul refers to himself as a fool. However, he was willing to be considered as such, that he might preach the gospel of Christ.
Wage the Good Warfare
In the last 100 years, our nation has been involved in numerous wars. The first World War was believed by many to be the “war to end all wars.” Surely mankind learned its lesson from the atrocities and loss of life. Alas, no. The second World War erupted only a few decades after, followed by America’s involvement in the Korean conflict, the Vietnam War, two separate wars with Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and our present undeclared war with Muslim Militants. Other, minor conflicts pepper our nation’s history over the last century.
It seems war is inevitable. Even though many have wearied of the loss of life and economic privation that accompanies warfare, evil men remain resolute in their desire to subdue, conquer, and press their ideologies upon others. This demonstrates a universal truth. Peace is not attained unilaterally. It takes a willingness on the part of all, to be established and maintained.
Sermon: “They had been with Jesus”
The sermon uses the text of Acts 4:5-14, (the example of Peter and John’s preaching) as an example to us. When we are with Jesus (in fellowship with him):
- It will be noticed by others
- Our confidence will be placed in Christ
- We will have boldness