Category: Preaching

Subject: Preaching

Invitation: Wisdom of Men VS Wisdom of God

Invitation delivered by: Jeremiah Cox

Jeremiah uses the text of 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 to emphasize that our preaching should not be based in or heavy on illustrations, quotes and the wisdom of men. Effective preaching and teaching has its basis in God’s word!


Sermon: Listen to the Preacher

The book of Ecclesiastes shows the wisdom to be found in listening to the preacher. The preacher is the man who studies and discerns God’s word, and has the capability to share that word with others. He is the one who has the answers to the important questions of life.


Sermon: Now that the Meeting is Over, What Next?

Sermon 9 of 9
Gospel Meeting May 5-10, 2012
Speaker: Chip Foster

In this lesson, brother Foster brought the meeting to a close with an encouraging and uplifting exhortation to zeal and steadfastness in applying the preaching we hear to our daily lives.


Powerpoint Slides

From the Preacher’s Pen: Preach the Word!


I recently came across this paragraph, written by Foy L. Smith. I believe it was written in 1963. It clearly states the attitude that gospel preachers should have toward their work. It also asserts the importance of sharing the gospel with others:

Brother, roll up your sleeves and thunder forth that message that rocked the hills and vales around the Jordan long ago — that pierced the hearts and convicted thousands on the day of Pentecost and subsequent days — that vibrated through the hills and valleys of Kentucky and Ohio in the days of the restoration, and that still thrills and influences the hearts of men when it is given its rightful place and emphasis! Preach it because you can do nothing greater. Preach it because you love it. Preach it because you are afraid not to preach it. And preach it exactly as it is written, neither fearing nor favoring men. Preach it every time you go into the pulpit like that time will be your last time. Preach it as “a dying man to dying men”

Foy L. Smith, Firm Foundation Vol. 80, Num. 5

The zeal revealed in the quote is one that is too seldom seen among God’s people. Are we apathetic? Paul said, “So as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel” (Romans 1:15). May we all emulate the great apostle!

Stan signature

From the Preacher’s Pen: The Power of God


The apostle Paul was very enthusiastic about the preaching of the gospel. He wrote to the Romans, “So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:15-16).

In the apostle’s estimation, there was nothing more important than preaching the gospel of Christ. There was no force that could better effect change in the lives of saint and sinner alike. Opportunities to hear God’s word are precious, and should be coveted by each one of us.

We have such an opportunity to hear the gospel preached beginning next Saturday. Brother Chip Foster loves the truth of God, and has set himself to proclaim it in our presence. Opportunities will be available each day from May 5-10 to hear that gospel described by Paul as the “power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.”

You may have other things to do that week, but one thing is sure — there is nothing you can do that week that is more important than what God’s saints will be doing at the West Side building, or more beneficial to you and yours. So, how about it? Will you be there?

Stan signature

Sermon: The Proper Response to Persecution

Acts 4 and 5 reveals the response of the apostles as they suffered persecution at the hand of the Jewish leaders. Rather than stop preaching at the command of the Sanhedrin, they continued to share the gospel, counting themselves fortunate to be found worthy to suffer for His name’s sake. This response should be echoed in Christians today.


Sermon: The Preacher: Wages and Work

The text of 1 Corinthians 9 is used to support the concept of financial support of preaching, and to establish the value of the preacher’s work.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Preaching Amidst Tribulation

The Lesson uses the text of Acts 13 and 14 (esp. 14:8-22, in Paul’s ministry in Lystra) to show how the preaching of the gospel will sometimes result in the salvation of men’s souls, and at the same time will sometimes lead to tribulation and trial. The moral? Preach the word, despite opposition!

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

From the Preacher’s Pen: 22 Years and Counting…


On September 3, 1989 a 27 year old preacher from Odessa, TX preached his first sermon for the West Side congregation in Fort Worth, TX. He had a beautiful young wife, a 4 year old son, and a little girl just two months shy of her 3rd birthday.

Today marks the 22nd anniversary of that first sermon. In the intervening years there have been two more children, a lot of laughter and tears, the appearance of not a few grey hairs… and hopefully the seasoning and maturity of a preacher.

As we begin our 23rd year together, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my love for each of you. I appreciate the confidence you have shown in me, and the stand for truth you have taken through the years. During conflict and tribulation you have consistently shown a willingness to do what is right. You have never chafed at the preaching of God’s word, nor objected to the declaration of the “whole counsel of God” (cf. Acts 20:27). You have been kind to my wife and children, and allowed me to raise them in a stable environment that too few preachers enjoy.

In short, this congregation is in many ways exemplary. That is not to say that we have not had our share of troubles, nor that there is not much improvement that can be made—but in a day where too many have heaped to “themselves teachers, having itching ears” (cf. 2 Timothy 4:3) you are to be commended for your love for truth.

I thank God every day for you, my brethren. I pray I will have many more years and opportunities to share with you my understanding of the treasures of God’s will.

Stan signature

Invitation: How Many Apples in a Seed?

Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell

Justin uses the song to illustrate the importance of sharing the Word of God with others. Who knows how much fruit will be born in the planting of a single seed?

Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Characteristics of Christ’s Gospel

The importance of the gospel in the salvation of man’s souls can not be overstated. The gospel of our Lord is Persuasive, Pervasive (as it impacts all aspects of our lives), Demonstrative (in the lives of faithful Christians), Declarative and Redemptive.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Mining the Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:12-15


Peter intimates that his reason for writing this short epistle was the certainty he would soon die, “knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me” (vs. 14). So, he desired to remind them of certain important things. Things such as the need for maturity and growth, the hope of heaven, the trustworthiness of revelation, the danger of false teachers, and the faithfulness of the Lord’s promise of coming judgment.

These are things his readers already knew, “you know and are established in the present truth” (vs. 12). Yet, three times in this short passage he refers to the importance of reminding them of these truths. He said, 1) He was writing to remind them; 2) He would continue to remind them as long as he lived; and 3) He would ensure they would have a reminder of these things after he died.

This points out an important part of the work of preaching. Preaching is not only done to teach brethren what they do not know about God’s will; it is also done to remind them of what they do know, lest they be guilty of forgetfulness or neglect.

Sermon: Characterizing the Gospel

The sermon discusses the gospel (the foolishness of God), and expresses why, even as simple people, we can trust in our understanding of the meaning of, and the dependability of, His word. (Lesson based from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

In the News: On “Selective Preaching”


Occasionally I receive a bulletin called Preacher Talk written by Cecil May Jr. May is, I believe, the President of Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL, and a long time preacher among the institutional churches. He is a good writer, and wrote the following short article titled, Selective Preaching, in the May 2011 issue.

Continue reading “In the News: On “Selective Preaching””

Sermon: The Serious Work of Preaching

In his second letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul clearly expressed the serious nature of the work of preaching the gospel. He expected Timothy to take the work seriously, and accomplish the will of the Lord.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .