Category: Pride

Subject: Pride

Sermon: Remember Shiloh!

Image Jeremiah 7 records God’s call to Israel to remember Shiloh (cf. 1 Samuel 4:10-11) in their misplaced confidence that Jerusalem was safe because of the temple. The idea of virtue by association was wrong then, and it is wrong today!


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Sermon: A Fool for Christ

Image In 2 Corinthians 11 and 12, the apostle Paul refers to himself as a fool. However, he was willing to be considered as such, that he might preach the gospel of Christ.


No Place for Arrogance

It is interesting the many places from which wisdom may be derived. I was trying to solve the Scram-Lets puzzle in a recent edition of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, and came across the following quote:

“When I was a kid, my preacher told me never to look down on someone unless I’m helping them up.”

Wise words, and worthy of examination. Arrogance is a problem for many, and reminders to be humble are always needed.

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Sermon: Characteristics of a Fool

The fool has certain common characteristics he shares with others of his ilk. He denies God’s existence, does not control his base impulses, ignores the dangers of sin, refuses godly counsel because of prideful heart, and never prepares himself for his inevitable death.


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Sermon: Hosea’s Seven

Sermon 3 of 9
Gospel Meeting May 5-10, 2012
Speaker: Chip Foster

The sermon uses the text of Hosea to look at the state of Israel during the time of the prophet, and makes seven applications. Today we can be guilty of the same sins of Hosea’s time: 1) Lack of Knowledge; 2) Pride; 3) Instability; 4) Mixing with the World; 5) Corruption; 6) Backsliding; and 7) Idolatry.


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Sermon: Dangers Facing the Church

This sermon was adapted from an old bedsheet sermon chart created by Steve Hudgins years ago. The sermon was preached in two parts, AM and PM. I combined the two into a single recording of about 83 minutes. The sermon discusses 9 dangers facing the church: Ignorance, Neglectfulness, Worldliness, Boastfulness, Compromise, Materialism, Indifference, Doctrinal Error and Apostasy.


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Sermon: A Little Profit

The sermon uses Paul’s exhortation to godly living in 1 Timothy 4:7-9 as a basis for needed admonitions. Paul contrasted godly living with physical exercise. Things such as physical exercise, money, education and tradition all have a “little profit.” However, they are also subject to abuse. In contrast, godliness is “profitable for all things.”


Powerpoint Slides

Inspiring Prose

A couple of Wednesday nights ago, in our lesson discussing the discipline of meditation, I admitted to the fact that poetry holds little appeal to me. My tastes run to the prosaic, (some may say uncouth).

However, I did note that a well formed paragraph can inspire me, and I thought I would share a few with you. For example, the wonderful expression of our victory in Christ, from the pen of the apostle Paul:

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:37-39).

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Sermon: The Destructive Power of Pride

Pride is sinful. It is destructive to the character of a Christian, and corrosive to his relationship. It is wise to be humble, and folly to be arrogant. This sermon seeks to demonstrate the destructive nature of pride.

Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: The Ephemeral Life

“Life is but a vapor.” The lesson examines James 4:13-17, and makes 3 points: 1) It is arrogant to a assume control of your life; 2) The proper thing to do is place your trust in God. And, 3), It is wrong to waste opportunities to do good.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Mining the Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:1-5


In these verses, the apostle deals with a particular situation involving sin in the congregation. He identifies a man who was guilty of having sexual relations with his father’s wife. The wording here would indicate a stepmother.

However, Paul does not deal with the man himself. In fact, he says that he has already judged in the matter (vs. 3). The man was guilty, and stood condemned before God.

Here Paul is addressing the Corinthians lack of action. He tells them that they should have already removed the man from their midst, and called their refusal to do so an act of pride (cf. vs. 2, 6).

Here Paul reveals the congregational action that is required when an individual is in rebellion to God. By Christ’s authority the congregation is to come together, and mark and banish him as one unworthy of Christian fellowship. Other reasons for this action follow in later verses, but in verse 5 he states one of the most compelling ones, “that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”

Brethren, congregational discipline saves men’s souls.

In The News: A Philandering Tiger

inthenewsJust about everyone knows who Tiger Woods is. He is the most famous golfer, and perhaps the most famous athlete in the world. He has also become one of the most infamous athletes due to being a serial philanderer.

Numerous women have been linked to him. Despite initial denials it was obvious that he had been unfaithful to his wife on numerous occasions with multiple mistresses. When denials proved futile, he finally admitted his infidelity, and has taken a sabbatical from golf to try to save his marriage, and regain the trust of his wife.

Continue reading “In The News: A Philandering Tiger”

The Death of General John Sedgwick

ImageAn eyewitness of account of Union General John Sedgwick’s death on May 9, 1864, told by his chief of staff, describes clearly the danger of overconfidence.

It seems that the previous evening, at one place on the battlefield, several officers had been cut down by sniper fire. The general was warned of the danger by his chief of staff, but in the process of instructing his men walked to that place.

Sniper fire broke out from 1,000 yards away, and bullets whizzed by. Others ducked, but the general admonished them, saying, “What! what! men, dodging this way for single bullets! What will you do when they open fire along the whole line? I am ashamed of you. They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” According to his chief of staff, the admonition was repeated a second time upon another fusillade of bullets, then suddenly the general was hit below his left eye, and quickly died.

Overconfidence can often lead to disaster, and this is true with regard to an individual’s spiritual standing as quickly as any other. As the apostle warned:

“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”
(1 Corinthians 10:12)

Sermon: Worldliness and It’s Cure

In James 4:1-10, James points out that pride leads to worldliness. Therefore, the cure for worldliness is humility.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: I’m the Exception!

Some people, most often in attitude rather than explicitly, exhibit the following attitude:

For some reason, God has released me from my spiritual obligations and responsibilities. I can shirk my duties without fear of punishment. God will not hold me accountable, despite not fulfilling my responsibilities toward him.

This lesson deals with such an ungodly attitude.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .