Category: Teaching
Subject: Teaching
Sermon: Let Us…
Sermon by Jonathan Hinds
A survey of the book of Hebrews. Jonathan discusses the motivation, confidence, instruction and gratitude of the Christian, as revealed in the text.
Sermon: Heed the Teaching of Jesus
Sermon: Teach Me, O Lord
The 25th Psalm introduces the lesson. Three major points are made:
- Show me your ways (Jesus did!)
- Teach me your paths (Jesus does)
- Lead me in your truth (Jesus does)
Invitation: The Good Doctrine
Invitation delivered by: Josh Cox
The talk is an exposition of 1 Timothy 4:1-11, with an appeal to faithfulness in doctrine.
Invitation: Saved in Childbearing
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Justin supplies an explanation of the text of 1 Timothy 2:11-15, as well as making proper applications regarding the teaching opportunities and responsibilities available to women.
Invitation: How Many Apples in a Seed?
Invitation delivered by: Justin Carrell
Justin uses the song to illustrate the importance of sharing the Word of God with others. Who knows how much fruit will be born in the planting of a single seed?
Audio: Click Here .
From the Preacher’s Pen: Thank Our Teachers
As we begin a new quarter in our Bible classes, and I look at the bulletin boards and classrooms, I am moved to thank all of the teachers for the time and effort they put in to teaching our children the precious word of God.
The work of the teacher is an important work. (This is doubly so, as they are instilling the principles of God and His word into their students). It is a work of great value and responsibility. James said, “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment” (James 3:1). His words are not intended to discourage any man from teaching, but to get him to recognize the grave responsibility that is his.
Please take the time to thank you or your child’s teacher for the great and important work he or she is doing!