Category: Trial

Subject: Trial

Mining The Scriptures: James 1:1-4



James 1:1-4

The epistle of James is a general epistle, in the sense that it was written to a broad group rather than a specific individual or church. It was written to the “twelve tribes which are scattered abroad” indicating Jewish Christians throughout the world. Though the introductory paragraph does not specify Jewish Christians, the contents of the letter show that his intended audience is believers in Christ.

James’ letter is eminently practical, and his first admonition in verses 2-4 certainly deserves this designation.

The trials of life are tests, and if we pass the tests, we benefit greatly as a result. When the text says that tribulation produces patience, it acknowledges the fact that we learn as we endure. We grow stronger, we are tempered and we mature. As such, when we come out the other side, it can be said of us that we are “perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

While tribulation is not pleasant, such testing is nevertheless cause for joy. It is because of the spiritual growth we experience. And, even more so because it shows our Lord that we are worthy to join with Him in suffering and future glory.

Sermon: Your Consolation and Salvation

The sermon is based on the text of 2 Corinthians 1:3-6. We may suffer persecution and distress in our lives as Christians, but we are partakers in the suffering of Christ, and as such we have consolation and comfort as a result of our relationship to him. Of course, ultimately that consolation has an eternal application because of our hope of heaven.

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

From the Preacher’s Pen: God is Mighty Kind

ImageI recently came across a poem titled, “God is Mighty Kind”, written by Carl Flynn. The poem states that although we suffer in this life, God is merciful, and grants us bountiful blessings. Note the following verse:

“For every dark and stormy day
A week of days are fair;
However chill the clouds and gray
‘Tis always bright somewhere.

This is something to remember. Especially when we become burdened from time to time with the cares and trials of our lives. No matter how bad it may be at any one time, we all have been wonderfully blessed by our God in heaven. Remember the promise, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).


High Maintenance

Preachers sometimes compare notes about the congregations where they preach. I have noticed a term that several have used, (and I have used myself), to describe some Christians. The term is “high maintenance.”

ImageSome cars are referred to as “high maintenance.” I came across a quote from a man who drove a Fiat. He said it stands for, Fix It All the Time. But, in his mind it was worth the headache to be able to drive a high performance machine. Of course, there are some jalopies that are high maintenance as well. Another word for these cars is “junk”, and they are hardly worth the effort to keep them running.

Some ladies are referred to as “high maintenance,” referring to the amount of attention they demand. They expect constant gifts and attention, and if they don’t get what they want their feelings are hurt or they lose interest. Used in this way, the term is certainly not a compliment. Nor is it normally a complement when a preacher refers to a Christian as “high maintenance.” However, it is not always a negative thing either.

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Sermon: The Christian and War

During time of War, and other tribulations, there are spiritual dangers that face both the individual Christian as well as congregations. The Christian should be aware of these dangers, as well as his responsibility to live a faithful life before God in spite of such trials.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

Sermon: Gethsemane

Christ’s prayer to His father recorded in Matthew 26 reveals a man with pain and sorrow, burdened but willing to suffer the death of the cross for the redemption of mankind.

Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .

Sermon Audio: Click Here .

AOTS: Get Back Up!

AOTS Number 35

Every time that life knocks us down – with trials, tribulations and temptations – we must get back up if we expect to be successful in life.


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Be Strong and of Good Courage

“Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, ‘Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it. 8 And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed’” (Deuteronomy 31:7-8).

Consider the implications of Moses’ words to Joshua. He would take over the rule of the people of God, to lead them into the promised land. There would be many battles, many hardships, and (as it turned out due to the unfaithfulness of the people) many setbacks in his time as the leader of Israel. The words, spoken in front of all the people, were designed not only to bolster Joshua’s courage, but to present him to Israel as God’s chosen leader over them. The path taken would not be easy, but the victory of Israel was assured due to God’s presence. “He is the one who goes before you.”

Continue reading “Be Strong and of Good Courage”

Podcast: Profiting Through Trials


Podcast Number 40

The first chapter of James has practical wisdom for man. The writer indicates that it is profitable to suffer through trial and tribulation. This is so, though it is not enjoyable. Why? Such tribulation develops patience in the believer.

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Podcast: The Testing of Your Faith


Podcast Number 22

Trials and tribulations in life test your faith. However, if you overcome the trial, you become stronger, and prove yourself worthy of the crown of life. (James 1:12).

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God Is Fair!

I recently read the comments of a referee who said that if at the end of the game both sides were angry with him it was probably an indication that he had done a good job. As my kids are athletes, I can attest to the fact that we parents often have a difficult time being unbiased in our assessment of such efforts.

Perception often colors reality. What we believe to be true may not be. The only way to be sure of a matter is by removing the “filters” or biases that may color our perception. This is especially true and important in spiritual matters. For example, some see the inequity and unfairness that exists in the world, and claim that it is as a result of God. “God is unfair!” is the claim, and, (repeated time and again), becomes the common perception of our day.

Continue reading “God Is Fair!”

Podcast: Trials Produce Patience


Podcast Number 18

The Bible reveals (the epistle of James) that trials and tests produce patience in the life of the Christian. We should consider it a reason for rejoicing when we are tested and chastened by God.

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