Category: Wisdom
Subject: Wisdom
Sermon: The Weakness and Foolishness of God
The lesson text is from 1 Corinthians 1:18-ff. A proper explanation of the concept of God’s “weakness” and “foolishness” is given, with proper applications.
Mining the Scriptures: James 1:5-8
James here explains that wisdom is obtained through prayer. Therefore, a distinction must be made between mere knowledge, derived through study, and wisdom, which can be expressed as the proper application of that knowledge. The world is full of men and women who have knowledge, and yet lack the perspective and ability to use it properly.
Wisdom is also gained through experience and maturity, but here we are given the promise that a petition to God will be effective in garnering this gift directly from Him.
But, we must act in faith. When we petition God, we are placing our trust in His willingness and ability to grant our petitions. Doubting casts aspersion upon either His integrity or sovereignty. Neither is acceptable to God.
God answers prayer. But, he only answers the prayer that is offered effectively, and by the righteous (cf. James 5:16). Otherwise, “let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the Lord.”
Do you want wisdom? Ask God, without doubting, and you will receive the bounty you desire.
Sermon: The Importance of Wisdom
The lesson uses passages from Proverbs to explain the importance of wisdom. The lesson is especially beneficial to the young.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
Sermon: How Should You Choose Your Friends?
This sermon is directed especially to young people, and indicates that as Christians we must avoid evil companions. It gives Biblical examples of those who chose foolishly (Solomon and Rehoboam), and those who chose wisely (Christ and Paul), and gives suggestions on how to choose good companions.
Sermon Powerpoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
From the Preacher’s Pen: Harmless as Doves
In Matthew 10, our Lord prepared his disciples for their preaching efforts among the Jews by saying, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves” (vs. 16).
To put it simply, Jesus told his disciples to be aware of the ungodliness of men. Men can act as wolves. They can be destructive, mean and scheming. In the next verse, Jesus said, “But beware of men. . .”
We too need to beware of men. We need to know of their ability to hurt us, and their willingness to do so. At the same time, while such wisdom is required of us, it must be emphasized that such actions have no place among God’s people. While we are aware of the potential evil in others, may it be that none of us here at West Side are ever guilty of the same. Instead, we are to be “harmless as doves” toward our brethren.
Sermon: Questioning the Conventional
Jesus Christ was a maverick on earth. He continually questioned the wisdom of men and societal conventions. As his followers, we too will be different from the world in our teaching and perceptions.
Sermon PowerPoint: Click Here .
Sermon Audio: Click Here .
AOTS: Age and Wisdom
AOTS Number 30
If you want to be wise, it will be necessary to grow older. Wisdom is a byproduct of age and experience.
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Podcast: Divine Wisdom
Podcast Number 48
The third chapter of James’ epistle defines divine wisdom, differentiating between it and human wisdom, and establishing the means of obtaining divine wisdom.
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Sermon: Wisdom from Proverbs
Guest speaker Mo Hafley discusses the first chapter of Proverbs, explaining the wisdom that young people should heed to be successful in their life of righteousness.
Sermon Audio: Click Here .