Category: Worldliness
Subject: Wordliness
Our Nation is a Mess!
Setting aside the different views regarding economic policy, and questions regarding the proper response to terrorism, immigration and climate change — it is obvious to those who hold Christian values that our nation has lost its way. The wise man wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
Politically, for a while now our nation has adopted a two party system for governance. And, for a while now, both parties have advocated policies and practices that are characterized by greed, immorality and inhumanity. This is seen in party platforms, and more egregiously in the personal lives, practices and positions of our national leaders. Even those who give lip service to Christian values are quick to compromise those values when it suits them.
7 Bad Habits of Superficial Christians
How often have you seen articles with titles like the one above shared on Facebook feeds? It is a common tactic, as authors and websites vie for the attention of readers. A catchy title or provocative picture will lead to clicks. Often the article itself has little to offer, but internet traffic leads to advertisers and revenue, so the trend will not soon change. Unfortunately, the trend is prevalent in material offered with the intent of aiding in spiritual growth.
Which leads me to note the first bad habit that leads to a superficial faith. Taking a Facebook mentality into matters of spiritual importance! I confess that I click on such titles myself, because they are attention getting. Too often the article is as much pop psychology as Biblical teaching. The quality of writing on spiritual matters is suffering as authors try to adapt to the short attention spans and novel cravings of a culture unduly influenced by social media. This is sad.
The Patternists: God’s Authority Over Nations
Articles on The Patternists Facebook page constantly emphasize the authority of God, and His word. Most articles are concerned with worship, doctrine and the church established by Jesus Christ.
We also note that God’s authority extends to the nations of men. This will be so until Jesus comes again. Paul spoke of this in his sermon to the Athenians in Acts 17:
“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (vs. 26-27).
God determines the rise and fall of nations, and the extent of their rule. The nations of the world exist to facilitate a search for God and His will for men. When nations impede that search, God’s patience is tested. If repentance does not occur, that patience runs out, bringing God’s judgement on that nation.
God is both aware of and concerned about the state of our nation. How long will he forbear judgment upon us? No one knows, but each day of rebellion is one day nearer to God’s wrath. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
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In the News: Should We Watch? (Deadpool)
There are many moral issues that have cropped up in the news this past week. Some of these concern the politics of our day, but one in particular is certainly appropriate for this space.
Many younger Christians thoroughly enjoy superhero comic books, and lately, the movies that are being adapted from the material. CGI and other sophisticated special effects make for a much more believable Superman and Batman than cinematic treatments of previous decades.
Marvel has been especially successful in bringing superheroes to the big screen. Characters such as Captain America, Iron Man, Spider Man, the Hulk and Thor have captured the imagination of a new generation, and made hundreds of millions of dollars for the Marvel company.
Continue reading “In the News: Should We Watch? (Deadpool)” →
Sermon: The Good Fight of Faith
In order to fight the good fight of faith (cf. 1 Timothy 6:6), we must first identify the enemy, and second utilize all of the help and weapons at our disposal.
From the Preacher’s Pen: Why are the wicked that way?
The Psalmist provided some interesting insight into the motivation of wicked men in Palm 36:1-2:
“An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flatters himself in his own eyes, when he finds out his iniquity and when he hates.”
The wicked man does not fear God. It may be that he is in denial concerning the existence of God. It may be that as judgment will come in the final day, he erroneously thinks he is getting away with his wickedness. It may be he has a false impression concerning his own abilities, or holds to the false perception that God is impotent. Whatever the reason, the fear of God in no way constrains him.
The wicked man flatters himself. He thinks more highly of himself than he ought. It may be that others flatter him as well, building him up to a degree that he begins to believe his “press.”
But, the wicked man is a fool! The wise man of Proverbs wrote, “For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord, but His secret counsel is with the upright. The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the just” (Proverbs 3:32-33).
Don’t be foolishly prideful, and rail against God. Instead, heed His will, and received the blessings that come upon the home of the just.
FB: The Problem with Weeds
Weeds are the bane of anyone who desires a pretty lawn. They are an unsightly blight upon what would otherwise be a unmarred expanse of pretty green. Too, when they proliferate, they choke out the grass.
In Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, he notes that some seed fell among thorns (weeds). He states the thorns “choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful” (Mark 4:19).
Fortunately, Jesus specifies what these things are, three in number (cf. Mark 4:19):
- The cares of this world. Our focus is not to be on food and clothing, but upon the kingdom of God! (cf. Matthew 6:33).
- The deceitfulness of riches. Life is not about money and possessions. Whoever thinks so is like the foolish rich man of Luke 12). “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” (vs. 20).
- The desires for other things. No matter our desire, the lack of contentment is an enemy to those who seek to live for God. “Now godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6).
Pull up the weeds (thorns) in your life, and become fruitful in your service to the Lord!
Click below to…
Sermon: Products of Our Environment
False views on Grace, Abortion & Modesty all serve to illustrate the subtle, corrupting influence of the world upon teaching and morality.
Sermon: Satan’s World
The lesson is concerned with that sphere of influence with Satan as master. John describes this (worldliness) using the terms: 1) Lust of the flesh; 2) Lust of the eyes; 3) Pride of life.
In the News: Abortion Obscenity
By now you may have viewed the two hidden camera videos of representatives of Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of fetal tissue to a supposed bio-medical research firm. It is illegal to sell human fetal tissue, which may lead to legal problems for the organization.
Already, politicians are calling for a full investigation, and there is a call to defund Planned Parenthood, which received about half of its total funding (45%, 540 million dollars) from government grants in the fiscal year ending in June 2013. In 2012, the organization performed a self-reported 327,166 abortions.
Sermon: Jesus Saves Us From Despair
If not for the Lord Jesus Christ, our lives would be miserable. Contemplation of the value of life without God leads only to despair. We rejoice that in Christ we have the hope of heaven!
(Note: the audio was derived from a different source than normal. It is low quality, but very understandable).
In this short article we wish to deal with a presupposition commonly made in our day. It has been stated (in Josh McDowell’s, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict) as anti-supernaturalism.
The bias can be expressed in several ways. The most common is the belief that there is no God. If God does not exist, all that remains is a natural explanation for the existence both of the universe, and life on earth. Another belief is that while there may be a god, this god has no interest or involvement in the affairs of men. His existence is unproven and unprovable, and therefore we are still left with naturalism as an explanation for everything.
In the News: “Sex” and “Gender”
The latest cover for Vanity Fair Magazine has been revealed, and features former Olympic decathlete Bruce Jenner, who now gender identifies as a woman. The caption — “Call Me Caitlyn.”
With surgical advancements, some have determined to change their physical characteristics from male to female, or female to male. With hormonal therapy, augmentation, amputation, reconstruction — it is possible to mask a person’s sexual characteristics, and look like the opposite sex. The first time I became aware of this was way back in 1975 when a man named Richard Raskind had what is referred to as sex reassignment, or sex change surgery. From that point on known as Dr. Renee’ Richards, he petitioned to play in the ladies bracket of the U.S. Open tennis tournament in 1976, and was denied. He sued, and won, and actually played in both singles and doubles in 1977. He played on the women’s tour through 1981.
The Boasts of the Wicked
When discussing the existence of God, a question is inevitably asked, “If God exists, why does he allow evil to prosper?” The answer to the question is a simple one. God has given us the wonderful gift of free will. The unfortunate byproduct of that gift is that some will choose to do evil. The very fact that the ungodly do not “play fair” makes it sometimes seem that they hold the upper hand.
It is unfair, and we desire God’s intervention. When we do not see His hand in what we deem a timely manner, we sometimes ask as the Psalmist, “Why do You stand afar off, O Lord? Why do You hide in times of trouble?” (10:1).
Psalm 10 is actually a wonderful passage to read for answers to this conundrum. Consider the following:
From the Preacher’s Pen: A Proper Perspective Toward Sin
You see many short pithy sayings splashed across Facebook and other internet pages these days — words that are an attempt at wisdom or profundity, sometimes accompanied by a provocative picture to illustrate the point. Many such sentiments are more foolish than wise, more obtuse than profound. Occasionally, though, you come across something pretty good. Like this short, uncredited tidbit:
“I refuse to entertain myself with the things
for which my God went to the cross.”
These words present an attitude of militant loyalty that is sorely lacking among Christians today. We need to understand that entertaining ourselves with sinful things is traitorous action toward God! As James wrote, “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (4:4).
The next time you are tempted to see that sexually provocative movie, read that racy novel, gaze upon that immodestly dressed woman, hang out with those ungodly “friends” from school or work, or purchase that “sexy” outfit, consider how by so doing you are allying yourself against the Almighty! It is neither smart nor safe to provoke a jealous God! “Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, ‘The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously’”? (James 4:5). Well, do you think the Scripture says it in vain? Or not?