Adult Classes
- Portraits of Discipleship
- The Sunday adult class taught from September 22, 2024 – December 22, 2024 Taught by Justin Carrell, using a workbook authored by Heath Rogers. (Audio and Video)
- Isaiah
- Study finished: 3/17/24 – 9/15/24. Link to Mark Copeland material, PPT prepared for class, video and audio files)
- A Closer Walk with God
- The following material is being taught in the Wednesday evening Bible class of the West Side congregation from December 2023 – February 2024. The curriculum was written by Mark Copeland, and can be downloaded here, or at
- Luke and Acts – A Survey
- This class began on March 5, 2023, and ended March 10, 2024. It covered in survey form the two books Luke wrote to a man named Theophilus. (Materials, Audio and Video)
- The Epistles of John, Jude and Peter
- The following class was conducted between September 2022 and February 2023. The first class, covering 1,2,3 John and one lesson on Jude, was conducted by Tommy Davis. The second quarter, covering Jude, 1,2 Peter, was conducted by Dennis Craig. (Note: Audio only, the video links do not work as Facebook deleted the content).
- Learning How to Study the Bible
- Taught in the June-August 2022 quarter. The material was delivered in the Sunday morning class. You will find the curriculum, links to supplemental materials, and both audio and video presentations of the lessons.
- Revelation
- The following study began on Sunday morning, August 16, 2020, and was completed on Sunday morning, May 15, 2022. (Note: Audio only, the Facebook Video was deleted by Facebook).
- Serving the Lord with Gladness
- The following study utilized Mark Copeland’s Topical Sermon Series, Serving the Lord with Gladness. The class was taught from November 24, 2019 – February 23, 2020. (Audio only).
- The Apostle Paul – His Life and Epistles
- The following massive study began in December of 2013, and ended in November 2019. It consists of a survey of Paul’s life, his character, his oral teachings (recorded in the book of Acts), and his epistles. (Audio only).
- Matthew
- This study started in June of 2018, and was completed in February 2019. It is a survey of the book of Matthew. Stan Cox taught the class, and is the main voice heard on the Class audio.
- A Study of 1 Peter
- The class began on June 7, 2017 and was completed on November 26, 2017. Files include the classbook in both PDF and editable Microsoft Publisher formats, (It is a 20 page booklet); as well as the audio of each class.
- Victory in Jesus
- The following class began on January 6, 2016, and was completed on November 30, 2016. (Audio only).
- Apologetics
- The following study on Apologetics was completed December 30, 2015. This page contains audio of the entire series, together with the documents and powerpoint files used.
- Desirable Characteristics
- The topics for the following study were taken from Kyle Campbell’s Powerpoint presentation on the subject. Kyle’s material can be found at the Loop 287 church’s (Lufkin, TX) website: (Finished August 2014. PDF, Audio only)
- FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
- This class took place from April to October 2012, each Wednesday evening at the West Side congregation. The material was authored by Jeff Smith, and adapted in form for the West Side study. (Audio Only)
- The Other Epistles
- The study covers the epistles that have not been directly attributed to Paul’s pen. It was taught from 2011-2013. The study includes the book of Hebrews (which actually may have been penned by Paul), James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude. (Audio only).
- Disciplines for the Disciple
- This class was taught by Stan Cox at the West Side church on Wednesday nights, beginning June 29, 2011 and ending March 28, 2012. The material for the class was written by Mark Copeland, a Florida evangelist who shares his sermon outlines with others for the purpose of class study and adaptation. The material can be found at his website, Executable Outlines. (Audio only)
- Acts: A New Testament History
- This class consists of a verse study of the book of Acts with a special focus on the book as a historical account of Christianity in the New Testament. Interspersed with the chapter studies are various doctrinal discussions that arise in a study of the book. (Audio, PPT, PDF, 2008)
- 13 Questions
- These are 13 actual questions asked by a Baptist church preacher. His name is David Martin, and he is referred to as the “Pastor” of the Solid Rock Baptist Church, in Bartlett, TN. (Audio Only, 2008)
Ladies’ Classes
- The Wife and Mother God Would Have Me to Be (Anne Stevens) Password
- On May 6, 2023, Anne Steven’s presented her material: The Wife and Mother God would Have Me To Be. Below is a video of the material. The volume allows the discussion to be heard. This has impacted the volume quality. The video contains both the first half and second half of the material Anne presented, and runs over 4 hours in duration.
- How to Study (Ladies’ Class) Password protected
- Class was taught in 2018. (Booklet in PDF and audio)
- Ecclesiastes (Ladies’ Class)
- The book of Ecclesiastes has a great deal to offer the Christian. Wilson Adam’s classbook on the subject does a good job of assisting the student in gleaning the wisdom the Preacher intends his readers to know. This class was the Ladies’ Wednesday morning class for September 2017 – May 2018. (Audio only)
- Being a 1st Century Christian Woman in the 21st Century (password)
- Various lady teachers, 2013-2014 (Audio Only)
- Water in the Plan (Password)
- The following material was presented to the Ladies’ Bible Class from January 4, 2012 to (end date undetermined at this time). It was taught by sister Jean Paulsel, and based upon material written by Bonnie Gary, a member of the Woodmont church of Christ, in Fort Worth, TX. The original title of the material was “Summer at Sea”. (Audio only).
- What Do You Communicate (Password)
- This class uses a book titled: What Do You Communicate? (Author: Sandra Humphrey). Taught by Jean Paulsel Fall of 2012. (Audio only)
- Passages to Ponder
- The following material is based upon curriculum prepared by Mark A. Copeland. It consists of a series of 8 outlines. The study was held in the Ladies’ Bible class which meets on Wednesday mornings. (Finished 11/2011. Audio only.)
Vacation Bible Schools (Adult Class)
- God’s Kings (2013 VBS)
- Teacher’s packet and audio.
- Growing in Grace (2008 VBS)
- This class consists of five lessons taught at West Side from June 23-27, 2008. Stan Cox taught the adult class of the 2008 Vacation Bible School. (PPT and Audio)
- Walking in the Light (2011 VBS)
- The curriculum for the children was written by Tracy Gallman. The material on this page was adapted for the high school class and adult Bible study, and was prepared and taught by Stan Cox. It consists of the handouts for each evening, and the audio of each class.
- Walking with God (2012 VBS)
- PDF’s, PPT’s and Audio of all the lessons.